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First touch control is doing my head in a bit... some people just control the ball and turn with ease, when I try it just bounces all over the place. Is there a button to press which helps you control it easier?

I've had no problems with it so far, if you hit it with power then don't try and sprint with it instantly, just stand still and let your player control it.

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First touch control is doing my head in a bit... some people just control the ball and turn with ease, when I try it just bounces all over the place. Is there a button to press which helps you control it easier?

I've had no problems with it so far, if you hit it with power then don't try and sprint with it instantly, just stand still and let your player control it.

I must just just be holding the sprint button too much!

The other major problem i'm having is tackling... people are just walking through my defense. Whenever I seem to go forward the opposition get really close and put a foot in before i can do much. But it seems when i'm defending I get close and they just turn round me. Someone just literally walked through my whole defense and i have no idea how to stop it.

Need a defending tutorial i think .

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So you can only use and level your Virtual Pro online now huh? That's a bit shitty, I was quite looking forward to using my Pro in my Career and get him nicely levelled up for when me and my Clubs friends play online. Kind of lame that EA.

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My way of defending is to hold RB and let the CPU defender move towards the opponent with the ball, and with the other player I control I will try to anticipate where the pass will go, and intercept. If it's a one on one situation then I hold L2 and jockey with the opponent until he makes his move, 9 times out of 10 I will win the battle.

I used to be shit at defending on Fifa and relied on my attacking play but tactical defending has been a revelation.

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You have 2 pros now I think, one for online and one for offline. I think it's to try and stop hackers maxing out their pros. I don't think you can use it in a online friendly though, which is a bit annoying as it was fun using them against friends.

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