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Gabby Agbonlahor


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As i've alluded to above arguing who is the better player is going to be influenced by biase. Its who the England manager wants in his team and his selections have been justified by qualifying for the World Cup.



Just because we qualified (in a group we were strong favourites in anyway) doesn't mean he can't be criticised for some of his selections.


I'm not saying he shouldn't be criticised. I'm saying ultimately by qualifying he has proven his player selection to be correct.

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Agree with the sentiments above and Gabby probably should have been given a run out when there were injuries but generally speaking i don't think he's consistently better than Ricky Lambert, Sturridge, Welbeck or indeed anywhere near Rooney so where could you fit him into the squad going to the World Cup?

You could bring him in as more of a utility player also covering wide positions but i can't see that happening now either with the arrival of Townsend.

I really don't think theres any prejudice against our club from present or past England international managers its really just that there are better players available to choose from and the present England manager has proven his choice has been right with World Cup qualification.

Defoe and Carroll have both been called up relatively recently and neither of them are better than Gabby. 

And you say that his choice has been "proven right" but that doesn't mean the England manager shouldn't strive for more improvement. I have no idea how Cleverley for example gets called up over Delph.

By stating 'that doesn't mean the England manager shouldn't strive for more improvement' you are stating that Gabby is better than Defoe and Carroll and Delph is better than Cleverley?

If that is so it really doesn't matter that i disagree with you on that. What matters is that the England manager disagree's with you and you'll excuse me if i prefer his opinion to yours.

On that basis, why should we take any notice of your opinion on Lambert's decisions? After all, unless you can prove you're better qualified (hindsight doesn't count ;) ), you'll excuse many of us if we prefer his opinion to yours.


Which you do anyway and I'm fine with that.

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How does that work? So because they qualified, selecting Welbeck over Gabby was the correct decision? That is silly, and also implies there is no room for improvement.

It doesn't imply no room for improvement. All it implies is that he got his selection policy right though the qualifying campaign.


If Lambert wins the league are you then going to imply that he chose the wrong players.

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Gabby plays best when it reallllly matters, and i'm not sure as playing for England really does matter that much to him. That's the problem, I suspect he's had his card marked by the FA ever since his long series of squad pull outs.

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As i've alluded to above arguing who is the better player is going to be influenced by biase. Its who the England manager wants in his team and his selections have been justified by qualifying for the World Cup.



Just because we qualified (in a group we were strong favourites in anyway) doesn't mean he can't be criticised for some of his selections.


I'm not saying he shouldn't be criticised. I'm saying ultimately by qualifying he has proven his player selection to be correct.



Doesn't mean he couldn't have done a lot better. It was highly unlikely that we'd fail to qualify.

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How does that work? So because they qualified, selecting Welbeck over Gabby was the correct decision? That is silly, and also implies there is no room for improvement.

It doesn't imply no room for improvement. All it implies is that he got his selection policy right though the qualifying campaign.


If Lambert wins the league are you then going to imply that he chose the wrong players.



His selection could have been better is all I'm saying. Gabby over Welbeck, and Delph over Cleverley would have been improvements, and I'm sure England would have still qualified.

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I'd of called up Gabby when we had all those strikers out but I wouldn't of called him up just as he hadn't been playing. I still think there's some weird selections in the England squad from time to time. I'd like to see more variety, Lambert has done really well and deserves his place. They should drop the players they always pick when fit even though they don't play, guys like Milner, Young (ironically former Villa players) and give players who actually play week in week out some opportunities, especially in friendlies.


They really need to start looking at the future of the midfield what with Lampard, Gerrard & Carrick in the twilight of their careers.


Wilshere is a given even if I dislike his attitude, he's very talented. Guys like Cleverly, Westwood, Barkley, Henderson, Delph we should be looking at to try and work as the future and stick together. There's people I'm missing I'm sure but we've got a lot of old guys and they really should move on after this World Cup or at least there should be fewer of them.

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