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All-Purpose Religion Thread


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That goes for all beliefs, including politics and yes, atheism.

Atheism is not a belief. It's the absence of a belief in any deity. It is the logical negation of a specific belief.


I know what atheism is, but it's still a belief to an extent. Not as thorough as most others, but a belief none the less - a belief in the nonexistence of any deity.

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there may well be something out there. I just think it's frankly ludicrous anything out there would associate itself with the atavistic human-produced horseshit doctrine produced so far.

Or with human beings at all. Why would it give a **** about us?


well exactly. I am an atheist, but that's as far as any concession I'll give to agnosticism. I accept I am not omniscient and cannot know for definite, however on the balance of probabilities, I'm sufficiently content to label myself Atheist.

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That goes for all beliefs, including politics and yes, atheism.

Atheism is not a belief. It's the absence of a belief in any deity. It is the logical negation of a specific belief.


I know what atheism is, but it's still a belief to an extent. Not as thorough as most others, but a belief none the less - a belief in the nonexistence of any deity.


being pedantic a- theism - is literally without belief. absolutely nothing more or less than that. It may form part of a broader philosophical stand point, but it is not a belief. 

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I fail to see how it isn't a belief. Most people in this thread have come to a conclusion and that is that they believe there is no God.


Due to a complete of belief in anything else. By the same token black isn't a colour.


The thing that gets me about religion is that it's all so contradictory.

Which is also what makes it so powerful as a tool of control.



Aye. People are manipulated far too easily.

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I fail to see how it isn't a belief. Most people in this thread have come to a conclusion and that is that they believe there is no God.


Due to a complete of belief in anything else. By the same token black isn't a colour.


It can still be a conscious belief, as shown in this thread.


I would agree though that it's not a belief if we're talking about people that have no knowledge or understanding of the concept of God.

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I fail to see how it isn't a belief. Most people in this thread have come to a conclusion and that is that they believe there is no God.

Due to a complete of belief in anything else. By the same token black isn't a colour.

The thing that gets me about religion is that it's all so contradictory.

Which is also what makes it so powerful as a tool of control.

Aye. People are manipulated far too easily.

That they are and they often pay for it with their life.

It has dawned on me as I've grown old that the powers that control us, in this case religion, are relics of a bygone era. Once upon a time they were it could be argued a necessary evil to apply stability to a lawless society, now they only serve the few rather than the many.

Lets be honest here, who gives a **** if there us a god or not? Just be good to people because you want to be good and the rest will sort itself out.

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Atheism is not a belief. It implies a degree of faith, a suspension of reason or logic or empirical thinking, which is simply not true.


If anything it is anti-belief. I do not believe there is not god. There simply is no god, and that is that. I do not need to make a leap of faith to come to that conclusion.

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I don't believe in God or am I religous, but for some reason hate thinking of myself as an atheist just because I don't believe in something I don't think I should have to belong to a particular group, I prefer to stand alone.


I guess you have to take a leap of faith to certain extent when reading books of science, your kind of taking someone elses word for it unless your carrying out the research yourself.

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Understand that I am not saying everything written in religious scripts bible, qu'ran etc is true. They are of course written by man. But I do think there is a being of some sort out there. Ever had a de ja vu moment, seen an image in your dreams, and then seen that exact same image in real life. Say no more.

Edited by Voinjama
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Understand that I am not saying everything written in religious scripts bible, qu'ran etc is true. They are of course written by man. But I do think there is a being of some sort out there. Ever had a de ja vu moment, seen an image in your dreams, and then seen that exact same image in real life. Say no more.


The brain is incredible. Far more incredible than we'll probably ever be able to grasp. Think about the most powerful computer in the world. A human brain put that together. It's mind-boggling.

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. Ever had a de ja vu moment, seen an image in your dreams, and then seen that exact same image in real life. Say no more.


That might be because you saw the image before your dream without realising it maybe subconsciously and then dreamed about it. This might be a load of mumbo jumbo, but I read in a Carl Jung book the once that he believes that memories can be inherited, so if that were to be the case then you could be seeing what a relative has already seen I know it sounds daft just another suggestion. I think there was an Horizon episode about it, although they didn't mention Jung.

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