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Falkland Islands


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Pearl Harbor.

And yes, I DID know.


One Internet to the Moonman!

As I said over in the Cheer You Up thread, I've already got it; it was delivered last night.

But you can all use it whenever you like.

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As for the accusation of moving nuclear weapons into the region, does he think people don't know what 'intercontinental ballistic missile' means?

I'm sure he does, hence his complaint. You see, Britain's nuclear deterrant is maintained by Trident. A submarine based weapons delievery system.

We have never had ICBMs - our weapons delievery system has always been sea based since Polaris

Maybe I'm being a bit stupid and missing your point mate, but Trident is an ICBM. The rest of my post was illustrating that stationing an SSBN (missile sub carrying ICBMs) into the South Atlantic no more affected our ability to thwack Argentina than putting the same sub under the Arctic or off Skegness, by virtue of its intercontinental reach.

Yes we can nuke the Argies from anywhere on the globe using the subs, but sending one of our subs to the region is more about a little reminder about the Belgrano rather then a threat of smearing BA off the map.

That reminder is delivered by the SSN hunter killer sub in the region, his claim was that we'd moved a Vanguard class SSBN into the South Atlantic.

What is laughable is the idea that Argentina - or any foreign intelligence service for that matter - would know the current whereabouts of our nuclear deterrent.

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Has anybody read what Sean Penn, spokesman of the Film Actors Guild has had to say on this?

He needs reminding that nobody should go the full retard.


I see the joke has been done before I posted. I am now off to the UN to complain how ownership of these jokes belongs to me.

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I don't think the nation could handle a war, the diamond jubilee, The Olympics and the next series of Big Brother all running simultaneously

So run BB in the Falklands, during a war. "T'day's task, is minefield clearance under fi-ya. The hoosemates are looking nervous.."

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I don't think the nation could handle a war, the diamond jubilee, The Olympics and the next series of Big Brother all running simultaneously

So run BB in the Falklands, during a war. "T'day's task, is minefield clearance under fi-ya. The hoosemates are looking nervous.."

Prince Willy's out there ATM, isn't he?

Time for a Jubilee special "I'm a Prince, Get Me Out Of Here".

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Has anybody read what Sean Penn, spokesman of the Film Actors Guild has had to say on this?

He needs reminding that nobody should go the full retard.

This is a general point and not just specific to your appalling post:

There's a difference between satire and draping its already aired cloak over one's comment as if it were some kind of shield.

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Has anybody read what Sean Penn, spokesman of the Film Actors Guild has had to say on this?

He needs reminding that nobody should go the full retard.

This is a general point and not just specific to your appalling post:

There's a difference between satire and draping its already aired cloak over one's comment as if it were some kind of shield.


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The rest of my post was illustrating that stationing an SSBN (missile sub carrying ICBMs) into the South Atlantic no more affected our ability to thwack Argentina than putting the same sub under the Arctic or off Skegness, by virtue of its intercontinental reach.

Under the arctic? Is that a good idea with half a mile of polar ice cap above it?!

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The rest of my post was illustrating that stationing an SSBN (missile sub carrying ICBMs) into the South Atlantic no more affected our ability to thwack Argentina than putting the same sub under the Arctic or off Skegness, by virtue of its intercontinental reach.

Under the arctic? Is that a good idea with half a mile of polar ice cap above it?!

The ice caps have all melted and there is only enough left for one large gin and tonic ....must be true I read it on a website somewhere

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The rest of my post was illustrating that stationing an SSBN (missile sub carrying ICBMs) into the South Atlantic no more affected our ability to thwack Argentina than putting the same sub under the Arctic or off Skegness, by virtue of its intercontinental reach.

Under the arctic? Is that a good idea with half a mile of polar ice cap above it?!

SSBN's can and do practice firing in the Arctic by breaking up to the surface through the ice cap. Not saying they could do that through half a mile of ice though!

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Don't know where it's going to kick off but there's certainly been an lot of activity up here on the Army artillery ranges,

and alot of Jets flying low....which is usually a sign somethings about to kick off.

A couple of weeks ago there was one huge explosion, which shoock the entire area. We're used to tank shells and allsorts but this was REALLY loud. It sounded like an entire munitions factory exploding. I have 3 foot walls & the whole building shook as did most people I've spoken to in Appleby & all the villages surrounding. I honestly was frightened to go outside afterwards expecting to see the smoke billowing from an aircraft that had crashed nearby or something.

The official MOD explanation was a sonic boom from an aircraft breaking the sound barrier caused the massive noise.......which everyone has just laughed at TBH.

Followed by very loud shelling - far louder than normal.

We've all heard jets breaking the sound barrier previously and this was nothing like, unless it's a new type of aircraft.

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Has anybody read what Sean Penn, spokesman of the Film Actors Guild has had to say on this?

He needs reminding that nobody should go the full retard.

This is a general point and not just specific to your appalling post:

There's a difference between satire and draping its already aired cloak over one's comment as if it were some kind of shield.

Say what now?

I was ad-libbing Team America, and was about the 100th person to do so it would seem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't know where it's going to kick off but there's certainly been an lot of activity up here on the Army artillery ranges,

and alot of Jets flying low....which is usually a sign somethings about to kick off.

A couple of weeks ago there was one huge explosion, which shoock the entire area. We're used to tank shells and allsorts but this was REALLY loud. It sounded like an entire munitions factory exploding. I have 3 foot walls & the whole building shook as did most people I've spoken to in Appleby & all the villages surrounding. I honestly was frightened to go outside afterwards expecting to see the smoke billowing from an aircraft that had crashed nearby or something.

The official MOD explanation was a sonic boom from an aircraft breaking the sound barrier caused the massive noise.......which everyone has just laughed at TBH.

Followed by very loud shelling - far louder than normal.

We've all heard jets breaking the sound barrier previously and this was nothing like, unless it's a new type of aircraft.

Alien invasion, fo sho.
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  • 5 weeks later...

He has nothing but hatred for the UK.

think he was on "this week" the other week saying we should give the Falklands back as they weren't ours .. to steal an overused phrase

an odious man

He was a cheerleader for Saddam Hussein personally (1994 "Sir, I salute your courage, strength and indefatigability"), loves Hamas, the Taliban, is massively anti-semitic and is one of the staunchest supporters of the regime that murders and tortures their own in Iran.

He sent a letter to all Mosques trumpeting his abstention from alcohol and banging on about Pakistan, Kashmir, Iraq, Iran and his gobbing off in the US Senate hearing.

GG pushed an utterly sectarian agenda so is it really surprising to anyone that he mobilised the block Muslim vote in Bradford to support him instead of Labour?

EDIT: Does this mean he has to give up his paid job as the resident hater of the west on Iran's Press TV? I'd have thought it was unethical to take money from both the Iranian Government as their propagandist, and the UK Treasury for being an MP?

There seems to be an attempt to present Galloway as the main defender of Saddam, based on his ridiculous kowtowing and the daft words he used.

Robert Fisk has pointed out how Chirac, Rumsfeld and Haughey, for example, were similarly up his arse. But of course the greater crime is the way our government and others looked the other way when Saddam was butchering his own people. It was useful to play Iraq off against other countries for our gain, no matter how many Kurds and dissident Iraqis were slowly tortured to death in Saddam's prisons, or shot in their own homes, or gassed.

The way our establishment tries to criticise Galloway for his support of Saddam is not only the most barefaced hypocrisy imaginable, it is also morally repugnant.

Galloway has many faults. But if criticism on the grounds of supporting a butchering tyrant is in order, then there's a great many people who are far more culpable than him; some of them even have the gall to criticise him while glossing over their own complicity.

Yes people forget that the east has lots of Oil. There are no doubts that Galloiway made a few mistakes as did Tony Blair With Gidaffi. A ot of the west did this for political reasons. Dont forget the worst thing ever done was selling them weapons for mass profit. Theres no way I agree with any of this.

What he said about the Falkands was absolutely correct its redicoulous that we fought over island thousands away - with a poplulation no bigger than neverstowy. Imagine if Argentina tried to take the Isle of Man. Do you realize virtually the only Country in the world that thinks we should keep the Falklands are ourselves....! Argentina Brazil and virtually all the other Latino countries think we should not to have. Not to mention European countries, China ect. If any of those countries decided to put not to trade with us it would be a disaster for the economy.

I dont agree with everything he says but he is a very astute politician for sure. It will be good to see him in Parliament - after all we do live in a democracy where he was voted in.

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