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I have another one so hopefully it will work when I set it up later. Game made me buy the warranty for holding on to the console for a few hours.

I saw that they were planning to take the word "gullible" out of the dictionary next year. Perhaps you could check for me?

Nice. Basically said he wouldn't sell it without.

To be honest after the crap with my broken one and trying in 30 plus shops I couldn't give a shite. Personally I feel it's a bit of a waste but at the same time I believe anybody or drinks or smokes or gambles are the biggest mugs in the world so each to their own I guess :-)

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As a non smoker who doesn't gamble I'm inclined to agree. :)


Launch is always a **** though.  I'm old enough to have been in a position to be able to afford to buy a console on launch day going all the way back to the Saturn and Playstation back in 1995. I've always bought in the fabled "launch window"  (typically the first six months of it's life) and even then it's been kinda dead software wise. I still remember being bored shitless with my PS2, which I bought a few weeks after launch after a couple of months of owning it because there were just no games for it I was interested in.  I'll either buy a PS4 or Xbone (or possibly both) but it will be at a time when I can just walk into a shop and come out with one and a few games I am interested in and not have shitty deals thrust on me like the one you have had to put up with here.  Maybe Titanfall will be the system seller for me. Maybe Metal Gear 5. 

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All I'd say is don't compare it to Forza 4, which was the final in the series on the 360, compare it to Forza 1.





Assume he means because it was the first for xbox 360? If it was i wouldnt even know i dislike racing games.



Yeah spot on, I do understand people being pissed because there are less cars than Forza 4, but on a completely new system things like this are to be expected.



Of course there will be DLC and I'm sure in Forza 6 and so on the base amount of cars will be improved vastly, but at over 30GB it's a hefty amount of content and the gameplay is meant to be really good.


Looking forward to see how the vibrating triggers help.


I don't buy what you're saying at all. The file sizes aren't bigger because devs are all of a sudden working 4 times harder than last gen, it's because more powerful games on more powerful consoles are always going to be bigger. There were games last gen that were around 40GB in size.


They are quite obviously holding cars back, to make more money off people. It's disgusting IMO. Whatever is on the disc or available at release date should always be included when you buy it. I can accept DLC being made after the game, like GTA for example, but they are obviously just trying to whore money out of you. 



It appears they can't even do maths correctly when trying to rip you off, unless they are banking on people buying the largest one without realise it isn't 'value for money'


I'm sure I read that Gran Turismo 6 is doing the same kind of thing too. I just won't buy them.




Going back to this for a second, somebody on NeoGAF has decided to do the maths on how much all of the content in Forza would cost. There is a Google Doc going around with the price of all the cars in the game. (link)


The in game currency exchange works on a sliding scale so you get better prices if you buy more tokens. If you buy tokens at the worst exchange rate (ie, buying lots of small packs of tokens) then according to GAF it would cost $2700 to buy all the cars in the game. If you bought tokens at the best exchange rates (ie, buying the big packs of tokens) then it's "only" about $2200. (link)



There are two cars in the game which cost 10,000 tokens (Ferrari 250 GTO and some Lotus F1 car) so they would require a spend of $139.97 (1x 8000 tokens @$99.99 and 2x 1250 tokens at $19.99) in order to buy.  I make that £86.25 at current US dollar to pound sterling exchange rates. I'd imagine ingame exchange rates are slightly different, but bloody hell, those prices are obscene. You can unlock stuff in game of course but even that has been screwed around with in order to push people towards spending more money.  Also from GAF:




After learning a bit more about how Forza 5 works, I must say, they definitely have made some changes that are, without a doubt, designed to encourage people to buy cars with real money to the detriment of the game experience. 
Seems like earning potential and car prices haven't changed. That's the good news. 
But these few things all combine to make a pretty big and noticeable difference:
- No cars unlocked as you level. There is no logical, game-enhancing reason this was taken out. Its something that most everyone enjoyed. Some tweaks could have been to the 'progression' of cars you unlocked, but certainly no one wanted the whole system taken out. 
- Manufacturer affinity is gone. This was something that also could have used some tweaking, but was otherwise a very good idea. Before, you could basically get free upgrades quite quickly. That could have used changing. It was definitely too quick. But again, people liked the system and it didn't warrant taking out. The fact that you can use tokens to buy upgrades now makes it blatantly obvious what the intentions were here. 
- Free Play no longer allows you to drive any car in the game. Before, while some cars were quite expensive, it didn't stop people from the enjoyment of driving them if they wanted to. You just wouldn't own the car, couldn't customize it or race it in career. This was a fantastic compromise, as you could test drive anything you wanted and even if you couldn't afford an expensive car you really liked, you could still get to experience it out on-track. With that gone, it really pushes at the car collector types to pay real money. 
- No buying/selling paints/setups/vinyls. You can still make some money off of this, but there will clearly not be any sort of ecosystem built around this like before. No reason for this to have happened. People *loved* the way it was. 
- Buying cars and upgrades, the game definitely treats 'car tokens' as an equally viable way of bartering. Every step of the way, prices are given in credits and tokens, with equal font size and all, even going as far as having a little pop-up menu to 'confirm' whether you're going to buy with credits or tokens. 
It all amounts to a blatant attempt at encouraging people to spend more money. All at the detriment of the game from several important angles. 
So I was wrong here guys for defending this. I didn't realize it was going to be that bad. Its definitely not like previous Forza's at all and is totally shameful. 
Edited by The_Rev
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I am a previous early adopter on consoles too. I remember spending shed loads importing an N64 from Japan. These days I don't play so much but still like to mess with new tech. The reason I actually went after the one was all from watching an IGN demo of xbox fitness, it looks fantastic. I saw the insanity workout and I do lots of training for triathlon so was interested in how hard it will actually be.

So far all I have played is Ryse which is pretty but basically a slow Dynasty Warriors. Everything else seems to have a huge patch and my internet isn't particularly fast so left it over night to download.

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Same with Ultimate Team on FIFA.  Ronaldo currently trades at 2m coins.  To buy those coins online (which is against EA rules, you're supposed to buy packs and trade) he'd cost you £180 - and there's only one seller who is that "cheap" in terms of coin purchase.


Some of the Legends (Gullit in particular) are trading at around 4m coins.  I played against a guy who had Zlatan, Messi, Ronaldo and other megastars.  He'd also played over 1000 games online since September.  That's a lot of dedication right there.

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I hate that stuff.


I can understand that sort of in game purchasing on games for smart phones that are free or like £0.69

Same with stuff you'd get on PSN or XBLA, that cost peanuts.


In that case it's still irritating (to me personally), but you've paid little or nothign for the game so fair enough.


But if you're shelling out £40-50 on a game, then you should rightly expect to be able to enjoy that game in full without spending anything else.

Ok, maybe some bonus content or real peripheral content could be extra. But for stuff that is pretty fundamental in getting the most out of the game, it's bullshit.


And the worst thing is, people lap it up. How much money do you reckon FUT has made EA? Shit loads I'll bet. And it shows. With the recent FIFA games I get the distinct impression that FUT is their top priority.

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It's probably a shared account. I remember years ago on PGR2 there was some guy at top of the leaderboards who looked like he was playing 12-15 hours a day.  I'd like to think it was a bunch of students or something with just one Xbox. 

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Fut was ok when it first began, you could get even the best players for  few hundred k, the problem was ea quickly realised that making them much rarer and offering to sell packs for real money and now its just awful for prices and stuff. I usually just play offline until i get a few squads i like and then go online. Can't understand people who spend literally hundreds on a game that cost them 40 quid.

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Fut was ok when it first began, you could get even the best players for  few hundred k, the problem was ea quickly realised that making them much rarer and offering to sell packs for real money and now its just awful for prices and stuff. I usually just play offline until i get a few squads i like and then go online. Can't understand people who spend literally hundreds on a game that cost them 40 quid.

It's genius by EA though. I can't believe that people actually pay for it. 

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Well yes, they makes 100's of millions of fut every year. But its ruined what was a pretty good idea for a game mode.

I quite like it still. It's nice when you come up against someone who has obviously paid for a really decent team. Then you absolutely batter them with a free team, give them the "sssshhhh" celebration when scoring. Something quite satisfying about it.

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