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So the latest from a Microsoft exec is that the console will install updates automatically - including at any time you may be in the middle of a game :/

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If i wasnt going to buy an xbox anyway that alone probably wouldn't sway me but yea thats a pretty cool little feature, i see xbox beign an entertainment machine whereas ps4 being a purely gaming thing? Or is that just completely wrong?

I think that's incredibly correct. 


Microsoft want the Xbox to be a one-box solution to your living room. (hence the name, Xbox One). 

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That may be their intention, but no matter what else it does, it's always going to be viewed as a games console by their customers, and it's enthusiastic gamers who will promote it as an all-round multimedia product to non-gamers, so Microsoft should probably have been a bit careful not to take a shit right on top of their core audience.


Fortunately for them, all they had to say was "we're not really sorry, but due to public outcry we'll probably not treat you with contempt anymore, unless we think we can get away with it" and most people seem to have forgotten about it, so it could have been worse.

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That may be their intention, but no matter what else it does, it's always going to be viewed as a games console by their customers, and it's enthusiastic gamers who will promote it as an all-round multimedia product to non-gamers, so Microsoft should probably have been a bit careful not to take a shit right on top of their core audience.


Fortunately for them, all they had to say was "we're not really sorry, but due to public outcry we'll probably not treat you with contempt anymore, unless we think we can get away with it" and most people seem to have forgotten about it, so it could have been worse.

But was what they tried to do really that different from Steam though? Everyone loves Steam. 


If they had have changed their "connect to the internet every 24hours" (which was completely retarded) to "connect to the internet every 24 hours otherwise you can't take advantage of the family sharing feature" would it have really been that bad? 

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Everyone loves Steam because you can pick up AAA games that are only a year or two old for significantly less than a tenner, as well as excellent games for just a couple of quid, every few months. If they tried that shit while games cost as much as even cheap console games do, the platform would never have caught on. Steam's DRM is tolerated, nothing more.


More importantly, the second hand market was never really significant for PC, Steam hasn't changed the status quo in that respect. Microsoft tried to force the entire industry to change, to the detriment of the consumer.

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Everyone loves Steam because you can pick up AAA games that are only a year or two old for significantly less than a tenner, as well as excellent games for just a couple of quid, every few months. If they tried that shit while games cost as much as even cheap console games do, the platform would never have caught on. Steam's DRM is tolerated, nothing more.


More importantly, the second hand market was never really significant for PC, Steam hasn't changed the status quo in that respect. Microsoft tried to force the entire industry to change, to the detriment of the consumer.


All extremely valid points. You're right too. 

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Things like that Xbox Fitness thing allow me to persuade the other half that she will want/need to use the Xbox One, meaning it isn't entirely mine and she should put in towards it, meaning that I can buy a new surround sound system.


Thank you Microsoft.

Edited by samjp26
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Things like that Xbox Fitness thing allow me to persuade the other half that she will want/need to use the Xbox One, meaning it isn't entirely mine and she should put in towards it, meaning that I can buy a new surround sound system.

Thank you Microsoft.

She can also have reason to kick you off it to go on it herself 'it's not just yours it's mine too!'

I have this problem with my car

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Interesting report of a hands-off demo for XBONE's Dashboard/TV/Kinect features - for the UK, this is. Good in that it reports both the good and bad impressions given.


the Kinect voice commands still don’t seem to work properly. And although we were in a deathly quiet demo room Kinect failed to pick up orders such as ‘Xbox goto TV’ something like the 25 per cent of the time. Which is a problem, because when we brought Microsoft up on this they admitted they were aiming for a 5 per cent fail rate at most.


The perfectly believable excuse was that that this was still a beta version of the interface and that new updates were coming in literally by the day. Still, we can only report what we saw, especially as there also seemed to be problems with Skype access.


It took so long to get a connection the demonstrators almost gave up, but when they did get it working (chatting to someone stuck in the basement) the video quality clearly wasn’t the 1080p resolution they’d been promising, but instead looked like a blurry YouTube clip.


This was blamed on the Xbox One using a wi-fi connection rather than broadband, the software being beta, and on it not being ‘Kinect-to-Kinect’, implying the guy downstairs was only using a PC webcam.


To placate us they mentioned a special deal for anyone signing up to Skype in the first six months, where they’d get 100 free minutes to use (Skype is free between Xbox Ones but costs money to call people on other devices). They also promised that the four-person group mode would still be available, but didn’t demo it.


They did show the UK version of the One Guide though, but it was much simplified from the version demoed for America and not obviously more useful than the set-up box’s own guide. Although it did try to integrate app information along with live TV, with Microsoft adamant it would improve and become more useful over time.


Instead of the big headline features it was instead the quieter but more useful options which impressed us. The video uploader was very slow when ‘rendering’ a clip to upload but it definitely seemed to work, as the demo guy shouted out ‘Xbox record’ as he played a few minutes of Forza Motorsport 5.


We also very much liked the way that different apps could be viewed at the same time, via a sort of split screen effect. Different apps could be ‘snapped’ or ‘unsnapped’ to the primary one, allowing you to watch a movie and browse for trivia on Internet Explorer. Or play a game and chat to someone via Skype at the same time.


With these features promised from day one it will genuinely change the way you play games, and it opens up clear daylight between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in terms of features.The PlayStation 4 doesn’t support any TV features out of the box (and PlayTV is not compatible), although it will have downloadable video apps similar to the above.


In fact it’s interesting that multimedia is now one of the few areas where the approaches of the two consoles are radically different. At GamesCon the PlayStation 4′s big dashboard trick was watching someone playing a multiplayer game and then instantly jumping into join them, which is something the Xbox One doesn’t even attempt to do.


Which means it’s not a case of one being better or worse than the other, but of offering different features that will appeal to different types of people. Assuming it all works of course…




Also confirmation of the apps and stuff that will work from between launch and 'spring 2014'


Demand 5


EuroSport is a nice addition!

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Good video on the UI. Looks decent.


I quite liked the PS4's way of watching someone play then jumping straight in with them. I thought Xbox would have tried to copy that feature to be honest.

Edited by PieFacE
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The Skype X1 to X1 is pretty nifty. I can see my extended family using that to communicate overseas.


Though, I have to say, it's still really creepy how that camera follows you around. I've liked the Snap features they've shown previously but I can understand why there have been resolution problems given the amount of other things the X1 has to do at the same time. I've never been a big believer in voice commands. That's sort of like how everyone was hyped up for Siri and now I don't know anyone that actually uses it.


All in all, some nifty ideas, but I'll probably hold off on buying it for a while because I think their focus really isn't on games. In the end, it's a question of whether their end users will want the X1 to use Skype and watch TV instead of all their other devices and until they can phase out those other devices for TV, Skype, etc. etc. I think it's a big gamble.


Also, it's Microsoft, so by default, they're bound to do something stupid.

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Seems as though they have ruled out the XBONE ever being backwards compatible in anyway, the reason for which appears to be that, quite simply, they don't think it'd work properly. Wonder what this means for Gaikai on PS4? If it comes in and works wonderfully, then...well, actually, could they get anymore redfaced?

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