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Pieface, if you still want a PS4 then I suggest selling your pre-order on eBay, they're already going for £550 and it's still a month until release. You could use the profit you make to buy an overpriced PS4. I'm sure I saw that there's more PS4s built than people anticipated.


Or you could just sell it now, make profit, then buy the XBO when it's fixed and maybe even cheaper.

Good idea! I can't believe they're going for £550+ on Ebay! That's crazy!!! 


I know, I was just about to cancel my pre-order as I was going to decide which one to get at the last minute, then I saw how much profit I could get out of it.


I could do with a decent BF teammate to blow up shit with too ;)


Also, you get the money straight away via Paypal, so you won't be short of any money when you've bought the console, you're effectively being paid £100+ to post someone's Xbox for them :lol:

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The problem for me though is that I do actually want the Xbox One to be quite good. I've always liked the Xbox's and I've never really been a fan of Sony products which is why I cancelled the pre-order even though I knew it was the better console. But from all the reports coming out recently, the xbox is going to be a bit of a shambles at launch. Same goes for the PS4 too (if you believe the reports), apparently both Xbox Live and the PSNetwork are both a mess due to both implementing a DRM based network, and now they've both had to rectify it. Which would also explain titles being pushed back and certain features being stripped away from launch titles. Could be an interesting launch for both parties. 

Edited by PieFacE
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Albert Panello came out and said that the problems with Xbox live aren't half as bad as people are making out. He said a few bugs being worked out, but nothing major. I'm pretty sure both OS's will work perfect with only a small amount of bugs.





As for all the other stuff blowing up over the weekend, I will make one small comment: There is a really bizarre phenomenon going on right now where the frenzy for news, drama, and behind-the-scenes dealings is clouding logic and reason. There is nothing going on behind the scenes nearly as interesting as everyone would like to believe. We are a month away from launch, and people are working hard to finalize the last of the bugs. There are still a lot things left to be done. We’re crunching and I’m sure Sony’s crunching too.


I know people are excited. I’m sorry but things are nowhere near as dire or dramatic or exciting as everyone would like to believe. That’s why I’m not commenting on every single random rumor that comes along, because everything I see is so drastically overblown vs. reality.

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CoD Ghosts is at 1080p on PS4 and 720p on X1.


I wonder if there really is a bottleneck somewhere. That's two games in a row where they can't really match it.

Has that just been announced? Link?


I saw the rumours about a week ago.

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There's a pretty marked difference between 720p and 1080p. It's not an expert sort of thing.


I don't think it'll matter too much in the end, but there is a difference and the fact that it's happened on more than one game is interesting.

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People have been saying since the specs were announced that PS4 was more powerful. It has a better GPU and better RAM.  The gap might close as time goes by because you really can't read too much into launch titles (they weren't even developed for final versions of the hardware) but yes, more good press for the PS4 over the Xbone could see Sony build up a huge lead in first year sales. 

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wow, I have no words. 720 on ghosts? Like really? I am stunned. What a joke, like you couldn`t make that up. If you told me that 3 months ago I would have lost money. Will probably be 1080p in future releases but how bad are those devs anyway. 

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wow, I have no words. 720 on ghosts? Like really? I am stunned. What a joke, like you couldn`t make that up. If you told me that 3 months ago I would have lost money. Will probably be 1080p in future releases but how bad are those devs anyway. 

to be fair they're just porting on less than optimized gear

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Yes, but there should be a quality standard, they have barely made adjustments worth the cost, it`s still a modded Modern warfare from 2007. I know some people don`t give a damn but it`s very frustrating when big games like that still do it and get away with it. It sends a bad message and other will follow(or already have is better). And with mobile games getting more popular and cheaper, it`s a little bit worrying. Throw in micro transactions, dlc and so forth, I do wonder what it will be in 10 years, or heck even 20 years.  I love games, always have but I don`t like the way it is going. 

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Tomorrow is the big day for me, trading in my 360 console, games and accessories.

Not long to go fellas!

How much did you get for it all?

£190 something, for GTA V, Boxed 360, a few old games and an extra pad. Still got FIFA to get £40 for too.

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Tomorrow is the big day for me, trading in my 360 console, games and accessories.

Not long to go fellas!

How much did you get for it all?

£190 something, for GTA V, Boxed 360, a few old games and an extra pad. Still got FIFA to get £40 for too.


That's good going! 

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