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Liverpool FC in 2011/12


Will Liverpool finish in the top 4 this season?  

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  1. 1. Will Liverpool finish in the top 4 this season?

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Some fans on RAWK blaming Evra, saying he didn't offer his hand

What colour arm bands for that one I wonder?

Suarez should have been sent off last Monday for kickin out at Scott Parker.

One would think the guy would just get his head down & not court controversy

For once I think Sir Alex has it pretty well spot on. Suarez is trouble, with a capital T!

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How can ANYONE, especially one of our more intelligent and informed forum members see Kenny Dalglish as some kind of "victim" here? His actions have been utterly reprehensible. Why he isn't facing charges for bringing the game in to disrepute is beyond me.

Today could have been the end. Ban served, point taken, shake hands, done. So in some respect yes, Suarez has backed KK(K) in to a corner. But rather than react like most rational human beings and question his own players mentality or at the very LEAST hint that the matter will be dealt with in private, he has made himself look a clown and the circus rolls on.

Suarez could have ended this a long time ago. So could Kenny and Liverpool. Suarez is a horrible word removed, so what does that make the other two parties? If they are a circus, then one of the lions has started eating the people while the ring master and the owners stand by and do nothing, except blame the people themselves and occasionally prod the lion.

Shambles. I hate Liverpool FC and I'm starting to take a strong dislike for the city and it's people.

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With so many ex-Liverpool players in the tv punditry game it will be interesting to see if they try and defend Suarez and Dalglish

Suarez is taking that club down IMO

Garth Crooks hit it on the head perfectly earlier on Final Score

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Effectively that he was dragging the name of an old club with lots of history and tradition through the shit

Liverpool FC were there before Suarez and will be there long after

He was implying Dalglish has handled things dreadfully and that they can't get rid of him soon enough

He also thought the FA would be within their rights to charge him with ungentlemanly conduct

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Dalglish is getting away with murder anyway....2 wins in 9 league games now...Hodgson had a better record when he was sacked.

I thought Hodgson was doing pretty decent at Liverpool before he was sacked.

Everything currently happening at that club is an embarrassment.

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Everything currently happening at that club is an embarrassment.

To quote Armando Iannucci: "There are only two things in the world that give us absolute, total happiness. One is unwrapping a newly bought CD, and the other is seeing other people fail."

And Liverpool most certainly are one epic fail...

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It's not just racism from Suarez IIRC didn't the Kop reduce an Oldham player to tears recently in a cup game?


it's not the handshakes that should go its disrespecting your opponent that should be kicked out.

Any player who refuses to shake a hand of an opponent before the game should be automatically barred from taking part in the game IMO.

A referee would only have to impose this once & the whole matter would be sorted.

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It's not just racism from Suarez IIRC didn't the Kop reduce an Oldham player to tears recently in a cup game?


And who was responsible for creating a atmosphere that made the idiots feal they were in the right to shout racial abuse towards a player?

Yep, it was the ridiculous handling of the FA ban, with the stupid Suarez shirts and the inability to take any responsibility for the player's actions.

**** Liverpool, hope they end the season in 8th place.

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It's not just racism from Suarez IIRC didn't the Kop reduce an Oldham player to tears recently in a cup game?


And who was responsible for creating a atmosphere that made the idiots feal they were in the right to shout racial abuse towards a player?

Yep, it was the ridiculous handling of the FA ban, with the stupid Suarez shirts and the inability to take any responsibility for the player's actions.

**** Liverpool, hope they end the season in 8th place.

**** Liverpool, hope they end next season in 18th place. Disgusting club.

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The FA should throw the book at Liverpool. After all that's happened if nobody at that club sat down with Suarez this week and told him to shake hands and put it behind everyone then they are a disgrace. I personally hope suarez gets roundly booed at every ground he visits from now on, he's a disgrace to English football and its taking the piss!

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Hansen has said on MOTD that Suarez was told and agreed he would shake hands and draw a line under the whole thing

So he must have instinctively decided not to, like a petulant child

The club have to deal with him now or their brand is damaged more

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