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I know nothing about cameras, take disastorous pictures and will probably never improve.. However, was in an art gallery last week and saw the work of Thomas Weinberger and thought it was stunning.

He takes industrial pictures over a day and night and then mixes them to get great lighting effects. Anyone else ever seen him?

His site


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What would you consider a very good price? I don't shoot Nikon so wouldn't know if I was giving you a good steer or not should I see one unless I have an idea of what constitutes very good.

£200 or less ;) The best I can find is 204 which in fairness is pretty decent considering some places charge almost 300, average being around 260 I think.

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i use a Canon EOS300d as it's taken one hell of a battering over the years

It's a good camera at a reasonable price in that if it's stolen or damaged I'm not going to cry as much than if i were to loose a couple of grands worth of camera ...anyway on my travels I usually take shots of landmarks , famous buildings etc ..usually I can get by with my 18-55mm lense but I was wondering about also getting a wide angle lense so I can get a bit more in without having to walk back and risk people walking in front of the shot

see examples below



also would a wide angle lense do panoramic views ....would i get a lot more into a shot like this ,for example ?


I was thinking of the Canon EF 35mm f/2 ..again price is quite reasonable and it will get battered about so I don't want to spend thousands on it


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If you can't get in all you want on the 18mm end of your kit lens, the 35mm f2 isn't going to help! You need something wider than 18mm, such as the Sigma 10-20mm which i plumped for recently, and has been used by a few on here. (£289 from warehouse express)

Havn't been on here much recently as i've been pretty busy, but some great shots. Keep up the good work guys. (and gals... where's Cat gone?)

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Thanks for the info ..ordered the Sigma lense

It won't win any awards but i love this photo ,my son Harvey ,modelling his latest Villa kit , pity about the shadow behind him but I'll get there one day


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nowt wrong with shadow, it adds depth, more annoying for me would be the dark bit of the wall over your sons shoulder

Can easily be photoshopped out though (same goes for the shadow) too Tony

Its a niceshot though, theres a real sparkle in the laqds eye

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some i took today at Shoreham Airshow

I'm quite pleased with some of them , but can't help but think the air shots need something to give that impression of speed

the sun shining brightly today seemed to hinder getting some good photo's ... guess I need something for my lense to get around this ?

Anyway ..here they are scaled down (they look a lot better on the originals), any tips gratefully received







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Nice shots tony

howwas the bright sunshine hindering you? reflections? shutter speed to fast?

If it was the shutter speed being too fast (ie you wanted to slow it down for that impression of speed) then a Neutral Density filter is what you are looking for, they come in various strengths and depending on how much you want to slow it down depends on the strength you need

Alternatively, you can reduce reflections (and some glare) (and slow the shutter speed down at the same time, plus enhance the colors in your shots) with a circular polarizer

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how was the bright sunshine hindering you? reflections? shutter speed to fast?

the lancaster colour was ok but the hurricane and spitfire just appeared black , as did a lot of the airborn shots i took.. i brought the colours out a wee bit in photoshop , but i think it makes the lancaster look a bit too bright ..the B17 i had to touch up a bit as well to give it some colour ..the acrobatic shots are untouched .... I noticed a lot of people had a sort of extended cover around their lense , does that help prevent glare ?

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how was the bright sunshine hindering you? reflections? shutter speed to fast?

.... I noticed a lot of people had a sort of extended cover around their lense , does that help prevent glare ?

If you are talking about a lens hood then yes it would, if it is one of the better designed ones. However, a hood doesn't make the subject any darker. It only prevents unwanted light from entering from the sides. Some lens hood are crap and are barely more than cosmetic in most circumstances.

Lens with hood


Same lens without


Is that what you are referring to? If so they are designed to prevent glare/flare and most decent lenses have them when new. They are often broken, though, so second hand lenses don't always have them. Also, by and large, the cheaper (and therefore more "consumer-grade") the lens the crappier and less effective the hood tends to be.

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