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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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I had Sven as my follower but midway through a Companions quest tonight he left me as one of them joined me. I'm guessing he will be back where I originally found him, yet I doubt he will still have all the gear I gave to him...

If it is Sven then he will probably have taken the managers job at some Championship side with more money than sense. I wouldnt worry about it too much though, in three months he will have slept with the chief executives wife and got the sack with a very generous compensation package. He will be available again by the spring, if you want him that is.


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If you already have BF3 then I'd say get Skyrim. Yes, there are plenty of subtle differences between Battlefield and Call of Duty, but lets face it they are both modern military shooters. Skyrim is completely different and absolutely brilliant.

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My Stattys;

Level 30

Block - 80

One Handed - 65

Light Armour - 68

Lockpicking - 60

Speech - 71*

Smithing - 60

Since I got that sheild from the final Companions quest, plus +15% all skills from the Lovers Stone, Block has been levelling at a scary rate. I did a misc quest in Riften earlier, cleared out a Skooma den in a nearby cave. There was a guy in there using an enchanted greatsword, real heavy hitter. Block was levelling fantastically well, it was kind of a shame to kill him really :$

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Steam achievements are great. You dont actually get any points, but you can see the percentages of people who have completed each achievement. I am pretty sure you get them for the same things as you do on the console versions of the game so click this to see how many people have beat the main quest so far, and what the rarest achievement is at the moment.

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anyone got any gold making tips other than looting the shit out of everything?

I built mine up smithing. Your smithing skills go through the roof and you will eventually get to a position where you can buy all the ingots and leather each blacksmith has, make and improve armor and weapons and then sell it all back at a tidy profit (especially if you get enchanting on the go too).

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chop wood in whiterun and sell it to the landlady in the pub by the market 10 gold per chop (5x2 pieces of wood each time you chop).

build up smithing and go mining for ore (especially gold and silver) then use the forge to make ignots and make leather to product armour and blades to sell.

Sell all the potions you don't really need.

I only use large potions of stamina, health, magika and potions which I can put on my sword to inflict more damage.

Potions are worth a lot of money so as you loot, pick them ALL up. I sold a cure poison potion for about 300 gold last night.

level up on speech too, add perks which enables you to get better prices for things.

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Chatting to Sie last night made me realise how few spells I actually had. I have every Destruction spell I can cast at the moment, a heal and a couple of summons plus some shit like candle light which I never use and Oakskin which I only use in an area of a dungeon where I have died a couple of times in a row. So off I went to the vendor and I bought a couple of bound weapons (which I will probably never use) and the illusion spell muffle which makes me walk silently. The first five or six times I cast it I gained a skill level. Every time I gained a skill level I gained a percentage of a character level. In about half an hour of just walking around and doing quest stuff as I would have been anyway I gained about 25 points in illusion and went from level 21.5 to level 23. Easy XP!




Also in the city of Solitude there is a guy firing arrows at a target. You can take the arrows out of the target and sell them if you want. The game's AI means that NPCs will equip the best item they have in their inventory, so I switched out the guys steel arrows for dwarven arrows a while ago and now I have a decent stockpile (I dont have any points in pick pocketing btw, I just chugged a potion of pickpocketing before I attempted it) and I have just found some glass arrows which do a lot more damage than anything else I have encountered so far in the game, and presumably are worth more too. I have now equipped the guy with them and although he wont switch to them instantly I think the next time I come back to Solitude he will have fired plenty of glass arrows into the target for me to take. :lol:

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I found making jewelery and selling it a far more effective way of making money than weapons and armour. I mined at a place not far from Markarth, which is part of a misc quest you do for a guy just outside of Markarth. Place is FULL of gold, so I took all of that, and then used my considerable stockpile of gems to make a **** load of jewelery. I actually struggled to find enough shopkeepers with enough money take them all off my hands!

Block is up to 90 now, thanks to Red Eagle. It's a really really good misc quest that you get from reading the book 'The Legend of Red Eagle'. Naturally, it ends up with you fighting his corpse, and he is TOUGH. Had me ragdolling all over the room with his shouts, loads of disarms, and he had a wicked 2 handed sword which was enchanted with burning. As well as 3 skeletons, but they went down easy enough. Hard fight, but definately the best I've had thus far.

To try and reduce the number of misc quests I have, I decided to select all of them in my list to place markers for all - it makes it a bit easier to identify what I'm close to at any one time on the map, as I found myself going from town to town for 1 quest, when I could have been doing stuff on the journey to complete something else.

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Been investigating a legend of something or other to do with some legendary mage, which has sent me on a 2 dungeon quests so far and would have sent me to a third if the place wasn't locked, which have been good fun.

Daedric arrows ftw btw ;).

I'll make notes of stats later, I suspect I'm stupidly unbalanced but it's working out for me largely.

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Illusion is an incredibly powerful and underrated magic school in this game and a massive amount of fun. I've found it to be absolutely ideal for my assassin type character so far, in situations when detected by multiple mobs, you can crowd control unlimited amount of enemies to help you, fight against each other and basically just massacre an entire room in seconds. It's particularly satisfying to calm an enemy that has detected you, which then gives you the time you need to sneak/dance behind him and get that one hit kill -throat slit and the awesome animation. Definitely recommend trying out this route :)

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I think Patrick is sound. If I were to accuse anyone at GB of being irritatingly dismissive it'd be Jeff. He's incredibly switched on for the most part but sometimes, that guy can be a real killjoy when he's looking at a game he isn't already interested in. And every time he calls out Dark Souls for "sounding terrible" on the podcast despite his refusal to try it, I want to slap him.

Just to pick this up again from a while back, I have to admit to chuckling and then thinking 'And thats just part of why he's a clearing in the woods' with Patrick's little 'apology' for shamelessly doing something he was employed at GB, from what I can remember, to rid the site of, thats ended up making him look stupid. The 'MGS5! OPMUK this month exclusive!' story that he simply hoovered up and regurgitated like the sites that are derided like Kotaku would do, when he's games journalist extraordinaire. It's backfired - turns out OPM had been bending the truth to get sales and hype for the mag, and he's been caught with his pants down by just reposting it with no fact checking.

But rather than take it on the chin and admit it's his fault for just swallowing it, he just has a bit of a hissy fit and dig at the mag he pinched the story from. He's blamed them for him being a dick. Sure, OPM shouldn't be doing that... but he's employed to make the sites standing for journalism and as a news source improve, the previous incumbent being derided for doing exactly what he's done, it's his fault he got lazy.

Sorry for the OT... Skyrim's still class.

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At it's worst, which most of it is, it is just that (to take an example from GB, Navarro on games news is solely press release sarc). It is possible to have good games journalism though - a copy of EDGE can prove that.

Klepek seems to have decided that good games journalism is putting out articles on things I'm sure only he's got because no-one else in the industry really cares, occasional 'news-opinion/reaction' pieces which usually have some antagonistic or overreactive element, and the odd straight news piece, all written in this incredibly hackneyed faux intellectual upstanding voice. His script actually annoys me to read, it's supposed to be more professional than the others but it's got no soul at all, it's the same style everyone who thinks they need this formal almost academic tone develops when they need to write something to impress. Gaming journalism doesn't necessarily need to be so dryly written to be taken seriously.

That he's also a dick just puts the tinhat on my dislike of him. Watching the MGS HD collection QL, **** me... he comes out with some pearlers. 'This game shouldn't exist'. Call yourself an upstanding journalist, that's playground level mate.

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Somebody cleverer than me once said that games journalism is merely adding sarcasm to press releases. They were right, weren't they?

only if you want to write games reviews for FHM.

I like to read about improved textures, how realistic it is, what the sound is like, how the audio works, how realistic are the movements of characters.

is the storyline any good?

how does it compare to other games?

essentially games reviews like all reviews only worth their weight if you are a similar person to the reviewer.

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Rev's quote is rather more about games journalism from the point of view of news. Reviews are a different thing, although they have their own issues. A review that just laid out the facts, while informative, would not be a good read.

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Rev's quote is rather more about games journalism from the point of view of news. Reviews are a different thing, although they have their own issues. A review that just laid out the facts, while informative, would not be a good read.

but is the point of a review not to give your opinion as well, otherwise it's just a synopsis with a bit of technical info in there as well.

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