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Barry Bannan


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To be fair Bannan was playing very well then McLeish just sat him and continued to keep him off the pitch. Albrighton and Clarke were sitting on the bench not doing much then out of no where McLeish started playing them consistently. Clueless coaching.

Do you see what happens day in day out on the training pitch? No.

Also the player we would have to drop to play Bannan in his best position would be Ireland, and that would be ridiculous.

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Do you see what happens day in day out on the training pitch? No.

Do you?

Can't argue with the logic that Ireland should start before Bannan at the minute but that doesn't mean that Barry should be happy about it. He's a quality player and he wants to play. Plus he did very little wrong when he did play so he has every right to feel a little aggrieved.

I was happy to see that Twitter comment yesterday. He was just being honest; it was a shit game and he had to suffer through it like the rest of us.

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But you can't say that. He's never, ever, been given a decent run in the team to show what he can do. All he ever gets is 15-20 minute cameos, normally when we're already losing.

He started against Manure and was awful. He played half the game against Arsenal and didn't do much from memory.

And the reason he went out of the team in the first place was his own bleeding fault by crashing the car...before that he'd started 5-6 games in a row.

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I do like Bannan as I think he has a lot of talent I just have my doubts about him ever making it into our first team. I would have those doubts whether it McLeish or someone else as manager. He had a great opportunity and pissed it against the wall with the drink driving! For me he tries the Hollywood ball too much. People will say they don't come off because the other players aren't on the same wavelength, if that is the case you would think he would play simple balls more often than the Hollywood pass. Yes I do remember his pass for Albrightons goal last season it was beautiful!

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He needs to keep it simple yes. He does often go for a hollywood pass and leaves everyone thinking WTF? But he's a clever player and I emphasise again his set pieces, corners in particular are REALLY good better than anyone else's in the team. Sadly we have a manager who probably thinks he isn't big enough to play in the Premier League or doesn't track back or some other negative dull and depressing shyte.

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He has the potential to be a great player for us as does albrighton but all too often they try that extra thing which results in their downfall.

All great young players do that though. Its a question of the really good ones realising that and manning up

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See if this sounds familiar:

Reviled for his off-field antics and gaining plenty of detractors for "going missing" (even though that happens to other creative midfielders - such as Merson, Ireland) and being light-weight but full of talent, guile and technically gifted. So comfortable on the ball, able to effortlessly link defense to attack and even put a few away his best games come when paired with a solid defensive midfielder who can do his tackling for him.

"Consistency" and "waste of talent" are some the by-words of choice when describing him, yet he bled Claret and Blue and gave 100% every game.

Yes, I present to you the one and only Mr Lee Hendrie....

.... though Bannan fits the description pretty darn well don't you think?

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Sorry but Hendrie was better than Bannan is. Hendrie is sold short by lots of the Villa faithful and he loved the club! Bannan will never do anywhere near as much for Villa as Hendrie did!

I can't predict the future so I won't guess where Bannan will end up. As for talent, Bannan has plenty just as Hendrie did.

Whether Hendrie was better than Bannan at his age is up for debate - but I'd probably agree.

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Bannan has looked good in a couple of games at senior level, looked brilliant at reserves and youth level. But in no way has he even reached the heights of Hendrie’s talent. Hendrie from time to time could be brilliant, sadly he wasted that and didn’t work at it. What they both really have in common is inconsistency.

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Hendrie more Than held his own in the Villa team and in my opinion it was a better side back then. Bannan can't even get into the side consistently. Of course I can't predict the future either, just give opinion haha!

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