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City are turning into the next Real Madrid. Hope they fail as bad as Madrid have done in recent times. Still want them to finish above Manure scum though.


My unabated and long term loathing for Man Ure transcends my new found hate for Man City.


Moutinho was linked to Everton in the past if i recall corrcectly. Good player.

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João Moutinho (Sporting CP), can sign with FC Porto until 2014 :|

Moutinho to Porto for 11M€ + Nuno André Coelho (CB), official.

Can't imagine Sporting fans are too happy about this...(infact I know one, they're not...) :|

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João Moutinho (Sporting CP), can sign with FC Porto until 2014 :|

Moutinho to Porto for 11M€ + Nuno André Coelho (CB), official.

Can't imagine Sporting fans are too happy about this...(infact I know one, they're not...) :|

In Portugal, is 50-50. Some are happy because theres a rumour that Moutinho was informing the portuguese media of some news (problems with players etc), and they are only unhappy with the value of the transfer (really low and to a rival).

And Izmailov may be the next one to move to Porto.

José Sosa, Huntelaar, Simão Sabrosa and Leto may sign (not all of them) with Benfica.

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Yes he wants a season 'better' than the one where they finished 9th in the Primera. I don't blame him. Yes I know they won the Europa.

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Winning the Europa League was a fluke though really, and Forlan must know that. Didn't they draw and lose more games than they actually won on the route to winning that trophy?

I would have thought a chance to play in the Champions League again would have been tempting, but perhaps he remembers his form in the Premiership. I suppose he hasn't got anything to prove to anyone. He's played for arguably the biggest club in the world with Man Utd, and at 31 he's almost single handedly got Uruguay into the World Cup Semi Finals. If he's enjoying his football at Athletico and his life in Spain, there is no reason to change that, I suppose.

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About Moutinho, I bet the Everton fans can breathe a sigh of relief now. They've been chasing him for ages and I don't know why. The Everton fans I know keep on praying every summer that he doesn't sign. Extremely average player.

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I would have thought a chance to play in the Champions League again would have been tempting, but perhaps he remembers his form in the Premiership.

I think a move to a big 4 (or 3) team would appeal to him. I also think he might want to wait until Spurs are actually in the Champions League. At the moment, they are 2 potentially tricky qualifying games away from being out altogether.

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why transfer Atletico for Spurs. Atletico is a much bigger club, better fan base, he gets good money and plays in Europe every year.

Atletico have more chance of playing Champion League regularly than Spurs as i feel this is only a 1 time thing for them

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I'll never post on here again if Forlan joins Spurs. He has far too much class for them. A player who is world class, someone who is out of their league. As I have said in another thread, Cavani is their level right now and he wants to stay in Italy.

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