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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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espically the portsmouth part

Portsmouth aren't a PLC & it's not a takeover, it's more like a cash injection that might eventually become a takeover in the future.

Jon didn't say it was a takeover, he stated a major investment and has been mis-quoted.

I know he knows the difference as we discussed it on Tuesday when I posted about it on about page 10 of this thread too....

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Silent_Bob - that's a sobbering thought, as if January wasn't a sober enough time as it is!

I have a nagging thought at the back of my mind that you could be right...

i could take new owners who don't 'splash' the cash (as Chelsea), as long as they want to take villa on and upwards and invest more than the current regime. I want new owners who are in it for the long term and for Villa's best interests. I hope they prove to be just that

If it was so that the Comers were interested because they did see Aston Villa FC as a club with potential to become successfull and that what was they were after, the deal would have been dony by now, imo.

Instead they spend months examining the books of Aston Villa PLC to see what kind of profits they could make.

I want change if it is for the better. Not change for change itself. And I'm starting to question if the Comers are the right people after all. What do we really know about them?

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ive read in various qoutes that the comers were originally intrested in the land villa own, doug valued it at £20million, but the comers then found out it was in a shit area of brum and couldnt really develop it.

i still want the takeover to go through.

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If it was so that the Comers were interested because they did see Aston Villa FC as a club with potential to become successfull and that what was they were after, the deal would have been dony by now, imo.

So, three seperate bids that have been made have all failed (or looked like failing) due to lack of progress - whether it be refusual of the company to be allowed to look at the books, or anything else.

If I want to buy a car, and the salesman keeps evading my questions and putting off things to complete the deal, how exactely does that make me the bad guy?

It doesn't, and neither does it the Comers.

I'd be suprised if this land stuff doesn't turn out to be rubbish - Doug lied about the cost of the land significantly - as most people could have predicted.

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The Comers set up AVIL to carry out this takeover. Is it true that Ellis has responded by setting up his own company to thwart this called EVIL , Ellis Villa Interference Limited ?

EDITED for inacurracies

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I'd heard that the Comers have actually pulled out because they thought they were buying Leeds and Ellis said, "At least we aren't Leeds".

Or is it because Ellis wouldn't sell them the patent and copywirght to his bicycle kick?

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ive read in various qoutes that the comers were originally intrested in the land villa own, doug valued it at £20million, but the comers then found out it was in a shit area of brum and couldnt really develop it.

i still want the takeover to go through.

It still has a a value, even if it's less than £20m

I want the takeover to go through as well.

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...If I want to buy a car, and the salesman keeps evading my questions and putting off things to complete the deal, how exactely does that make me the bad guy?

It doesn't, and neither does it the Comers.

I'd be suprised if this land stuff doesn't turn out to be rubbish - Doug lied about the cost of the land significantly - as most people could have predicted.

All that is very true. Equally, though, to follow the Car sales analogy, how mnay punters go into a showroom "expressing an interest" and how many actually buy a car - it isn't all down to the salesman each time.

I'm not in the habit of defending Ellis, normally, and I'm not going to start here. But WE DON"T KNOW what is or isn't going on.

All of our posts are pure supposition.

I've said all along that I'm sceptical, that the alleged price is too high and I'd be surprised if a deal happens on the terms reported.

Again, just guessing, if say, an approach is made talking about 5.80 a share, (which IMO is too high) and then it turns out after closer examination that the original 5.80 suggestion is too high, then none of that is Ellis' fault.

There's a huge bundle of evidence with which to condemn Ellis, and JC did a grand article on the front page putting a lot of it forward, but I'm unsure that w know yet enough about this alleged takeover thing to blame Ellis on anything more than instinct (though that may well turn out to be a good call)

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If the stock market hasnt closed dealing with Aston Villa shares down then there´s no buy out close...

I even suggest that they´ve got announcement from the parties that any take over talk is way of mark.

The stock market must have information from a company that has shares in the market that is telling the situation. Otherwise Aston Villa can be shut down from the stock market...

As long as there is no reaction from either the stock market, Aston Villa FC and The Comer Group...I would really say that this is not going to happen. It is a strange situation whereas the take over talks has been dragging on too long if there was any substantial interest from The Comer Group. I dont think that they´ve put in a bid for Ellis to consider yet...and the reason why lies only with The Comer Group. However...I do have my own theory that The Comer Group is really not too impressed with Villas financial state....or books.

I think that Villa has been handled like shit when it comes to business and therefore Villa doesnt held as high value as Mr Ellis want them to.

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I think that Villa has been handled like shit when it comes to business and therefore Villa doesnt held as high value as Mr Ellis want them to.

I agree. Treat a product like shit for 23 years and then expect people to fork out millions for it.

Ellis is a senile clearing in the woods.

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