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Does anyone else get that thing where you see these nice looking women in the movies, all clothed, no nudey scenes or anything and you're actively thinking "God, I'd love to see her in the nuddy".


But when you actually see them you just think "Meh, it's good and all, but they're just normal looking women".


It's like my brain thinks something incredible is going to be under their clothes, but every time you see a nude celeb, I just feel slightly empty (not in a ballsack kind of way).


I think I like the anticipation more than the actual main course.



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Probably because these are real photos, as opposed to super enhanced, airbrushed with perfect lighting photos.


Nah it's not even that Stevo.


I just think my head builds things up to an incredibly high level of detail, which inevitably, reality never quite reaches.


I've looked at them and I've all thought "Wow, these are gorgeous women", but I'd never stroke one off unless I saw inside one of their arseholes (:lol:)


I think hardcore porn has damaged me.

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Yup, porn dun it. In films attractive women are all about the anticipation, even a full nude sex scene still manages to be titillating and that makes them seem even more unapproachable. Seeing a a photo of her lady stuff just kills the illusion because it makes her available.

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Yeah I know what you mean.


I had this conversation with my mates a while back. I said a picture of a woman in a bikini or underwear is sexier than a nude photo a lot of the time.


All about the anticipation.

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Also, Jen Lawrence has come out this morning (well, her publicist has) (sorry donnie), saying they'll take legal action against whoever is doing this.


Whilst I'd probably think & feel the same (probably a bit shamed and embarrassed) (sorry donnie), the internet has those pictures now, there's no way they'll ever rid it of them.


I'd be tempted to say, if it were me, yep, it happened, this time next week no one will care, hope the people who fapped to it had a good'un.


Who knew women had tits and pussies, and men had cock and balls?


Jen would come out on top, and keep her (very cool) (sorry donnie) image in tact.

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They're not particularly dirty photos of JLaw either.


Yeah she's nude, but she's not doing anything particularly crass.


Could be worse for her. But I remember seeing a program about glamour models and this girl was getting advice about her career. She said she'd do topless and the agent was telling her that that's a big decision, and once you go topless, a lot of the (pervy) mystery around you disappears and people lose interest, so it's better to not to do topless shoots. Same could be said (although on a different scale) about hollywood stars I suppose.

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Also, Jen Lawrence has come out this morning (well, her publicist has) (sorry donnie), saying they'll take legal action against whoever is doing this.


Whilst I'd probably think & feel the same (probably a bit shamed and embarrassed) (sorry donnie), the internet has those pictures now, there's no way they'll ever rid it of them.


I'd be tempted to say, if it were me, yep, it happened, this time next week no one will care, hope the people who fapped to it had a good'un.


Who knew women had tits and pussies, and men had cock and balls?


Jen would come out on top, and keep her (very cool) (sorry donnie) image in tact.



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They're not particularly dirty photos of JLaw either.


Yeah she's nude, but she's not doing anything particularly crass.


Could be worse for her. But I remember seeing a program about glamour models and this girl was getting advice about her career. She said she'd do topless and the agent was telling her that that's a big decision, and once you go topless, a lot of the (pervy) mystery around you disappears and people lose interest, so it's better to not to do topless shoots. Same could be said (although on a different scale) about hollywood stars I suppose.


That's what that brunette girl with big boobs from nuts did (can't remember her name for the life of me) (sorry donnie).


She held off and held off, then when she finally did it she got a load of money. 


Teasing is something of an art if would seem. :D

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Lapal didn't need telling really, he's just trying to appear as though he didn't buy nuts every week for three years waiting for her to finally whip em out.




I've bought Nuts once.


That one time was in an airport.


What happens at airports?  They check your hand luggage.


What did they find in my hand luggage?  Nuts


Why was is bad?  It's basically soft porn? yeah, but what was the big picture on the front of that particular Nuts magazine?


It wasn't "How to blow up planes and the top 10 air crash disasters was it?





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I got roasted by the security desk about it.


I said "I bought it in the shop, in the departures lounge!"


Then music started playing, I wrapped my arm around the security guy and we both started laughing.  Then the credits rolled and I realised I was in a freeze frame at the end of a sitcom.

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Why if you are that famous would you leave stuff like that on your phone.



Apparently the Kate Upton stuff was gotten from a hack on her boyfriend, Justin Verlander. Verlander being a guy, probably wanted to keep them. Though on another forum I read there's a video of him with another girl doing the deed on there, so looks like that relationship is over.

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