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One thing to bear in mind with skittle vodka is to remove that left over bits of skittle before you serve it. You get left with a little... pellet really, that is absolutely tooth breakingly hard.

A friend of mine made Maltesers vodka. Foul.

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Skittle vodka is very tasty (I think you remove the green ones first or you end up with a browny colour).

Alternatively (and even better), there is Fisherman's Friend vodka. One and a half packs of the original flavour dumped into a 750ml bottle of Smirnoff red label (with a little vodka removed to make room) and once they're dissolved, voila, you have a mint drink that you can genuinely drink straight. The sweets take that nasty edge off it. It's quite dangerous actually, because it's so bloody tasty.

But Fisherman's Friends don't taste of mint, they taste of... dunno. Iodine?

I was going to say dog shit! Ive never tried dog shit, but i have tried Fisherman's Friends, and i would imagine the 2 taste very similar.

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Skittle vodka is very tasty (I think you remove the green ones first or you end up with a browny colour).

Alternatively (and even better), there is Fisherman's Friend vodka. One and a half packs of the original flavour dumped into a 750ml bottle of Smirnoff red label (with a little vodka removed to make room) and once they're dissolved, voila, you have a mint drink that you can genuinely drink straight. The sweets take that nasty edge off it. It's quite dangerous actually, because it's so bloody tasty.

If you like mint booze, try and get hold of some Minttu. A mate at uni spent some time in Svalbard in our finla year and brought some of that stuff back with him. I hate mint so to me it tasted like the devils boiled piss, but everyone else liked it.

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Skittle vodka is very tasty (I think you remove the green ones first or you end up with a browny colour).

Alternatively (and even better), there is Fisherman's Friend vodka. One and a half packs of the original flavour dumped into a 750ml bottle of Smirnoff red label (with a little vodka removed to make room) and once they're dissolved, voila, you have a mint drink that you can genuinely drink straight. The sweets take that nasty edge off it. It's quite dangerous actually, because it's so bloody tasty.

But Fisherman's Friends don't taste of mint, they taste of... dunno. Iodine?
Technically menthol eucalyptus but it's minty enough to be minty :)
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Some of the Islay malts (Laphroaig, Lagavulin, etc.) have a hint of iodine/Fisherman's Friend about them.

Then again, I'm talking about proper booze, not these strange sweetie-based things you lot are concocting.

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Many's an idle mind created some of the best cocktails Mr. Mooney :)
Oh, fair enough. It's just that my idea of a cocktail is booze + booze + booze + some token mixer - not rubbing alcohol and a packet of Jelly Tots. :lol:
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i don't like all this faffing about with alcohol, drink it straight or not at all!

Why would you bother with spirits at all.

Just drink pure Ethanol or not at all!

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Wow now hold on eine minuten. We're only talking about the mixing of silly stuff. If we're talking proper drink that's worth drinking neat then you'll get no argument here. A proper whiskey for example, would never be soiled by anything, not even an ice cube.

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Wonder if Eames has heard about his job yet?

Decision deferred until tomorrow. I am unspeakably angry. :oink:

HR are rocket polishing, clearings in the words removed.

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Its all about M and M's

I prefer the peanut ones i dont care if they give me discomfort when i use the lavatory

You been to the store in Leicester Square. So many M&Ms there on 4 floors!!! immense

And yet they don't stock

Peanut Butter



Peanut Butter and strawberry Jam


Flavours that I scoffed my way through on my last trip to the states

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on drink, ive got a cocktail evening saturday night

my friends got married, the hen do was a cocktail making course somewhere and they've ahd a few nights doing it since, the lads got pissed

my gf went and told me some of them, i think we tried to make a sambucca sit on top of a double baileys 3 times before the stag decided he couldnt take any more!

any ideas? its going to be a complete mess

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