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Awww, you know me Julie, I'm just a big pussycat. Wink

I AM seriously considering printing up some atheist pamphlets to hand out to religious doorsteppers, though.

You should have asked them for a copy of the November WT Mike..

"Atheism on the March!

Just think you could stick it up on the window with a big arrow painted on it in Tippex!! together with an expletive..

I think they'd get the message!! :)

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One of the reasons I've never been able to accept that there is no intelligent designer behind our Solar system and the Universe is the uniqueness of the Moon in relation to the Sun from the perspective of the Earth.

It just seems too much of a coincidence to me that the Sun just happens to be 400 times the size of the Moon, whilst at the same time being 400 X the distance.....hence the reason - we can see solar eclipses in all their glory. Any other size or distance would have made this impossible. ..

What about the billions of planets out there with moons that have different distances and positions ? Does this indicate intelligent design ?

Your argument is one of incredulity.

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One of the reasons I've never been able to accept that there is no intelligent designer behind our Solar system and the Universe is the uniqueness of the Moon in relation to the Sun from the perspective of the Earth.

It just seems too much of a coincidence to me that the Sun just happens to be 400 times the size of the Moon, whilst at the same time being 400 X the distance.....hence the reason - we can see solar eclipses in all their glory. Any other size or distance would have made this impossible. ..

What about the billions of planets out there with moons that have different distances and positions ? Does this indicate intelligent design ?

Your argument is one of incredulity.

Not to mention the fact the Moon is moving away from the Earth so the only reason we are able to see total solar eclipses is simply due to the time we are living in. Civilisation in the coming hundreds of years will see an imperfect eclipse as the Moon moves further away.

Another example of how religion is relied upon due to a lack of education.

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Awww, you know me Julie, I'm just a big pussycat. Wink

I AM seriously considering printing up some atheist pamphlets to hand out to religious doorsteppers, though.

You should have asked them for a copy of the November WT Mike..

"Atheism on the March!

Just think you could stick it up on the window with a big arrow painted on it in Tippex!! together with an expletive..

I think they'd get the message!! :)

Not a bad idea. Except that if I took a copy of the WT, I'd probably be marked down as a potential follow-up. I have browsed through WT occasionally in the past, I find it hilarious.

Do they still have those drawings of what heaven is going to be like, with all the lambs skipping around, etc.?

We do have a rather demonic looking gargoyle on our doorstep - we sometimes wonder if it disturbs doorsteppers' fertile imaginations and makes them think we are satanists. That would be good.

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I had a JW at my door not so long ago. nice bloke, I made him a cup of tea. i was disappointed by how little of an opinion he seemed to have. he just seemed to reel off stock answers.

I took a leaflet and let him on his way.

Must be noted I should have been revising, and therefore ANYTHING other than revising was instantly ridiculously appealing to me. I wouldn't have invited him in if that wasn't the case.

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If we think we're the only form of humanoid life in the galaxy, we're deluded ourselves.

In our galaxy we probably are. Other galaxies however, who knows ?

There are billions of galaxies in the night sky and our galaxy is on a collision course with one of them !

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Many years ago, when I was unemployed and bored one time, I invited two evangelist types into the house for a cuppa. Can't remember what gang they belonged to, maybe Mormons. Anyway, why did I do it? Well, they were girls. American girls. REALLY GOOD-LOOKING American girls.

Big mistake. Couldn't get into their pants, couldn't get them off the subject of religion, and had a helluva job getting them out of the house. Boy, were they tiresome.

You live and learn.

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Many years ago, when I was unemployed and bored one time, I invited two evangelist types into the house for a cuppa. Can't remember what gang they belonged to, maybe Mormons. Anyway, why did I do it? Well, they were girls. American girls. REALLY GOOD-LOOKING American girls.

Big mistake. Couldn't get into their pants, couldn't get them off the subject of religion, and had a helluva job getting them out of the house. Boy, were they tiresome.

You live and learn.

One thing I've always wanted to do is when the Jehovah Witnesses come round, just say ask them straight "What type of cult is this? the money making kind or the kind that ends in mass suicide?"

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Oh dear.. so that's where I go wrong then... I should not have an opinion on anything!!

Ooops no wonder one of my neighbours calls me a renegade JW.

The funniest story I have of being on the Ministry was a bloke coming to the door in his birthday suit. As with most things I found the whole episode hysterically funny - but when the lass I was with came out with "Bit cold isn't it" I was beside myself.

The bloke just looked down, started laughing and closed the door...

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One thing I've always wanted to do is when the Jehovah Witnesses come round, just say ask them straight "What type of cult is this? the money making kind or the kind that ends in mass suicide?"

Haha I think being blunt would be brilliant with Jehovahs. Although my housemate at Uni took that approach with a charity worker.

Something to the effect of "I actually couldn't care about your charity".

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One thing I've always wanted to do is when the Jehovah Witnesses come round, just say ask them straight "What type of cult is this? the money making kind or the kind that ends in mass suicide?"

Haha I think being blunt would be brilliant with Jehovahs. Although my housemate at Uni took that approach with a charity worker.

Something to the effect of "I actually couldn't care about your charity".

I remember one time at school we had a drama lesson and me and my friends just sat there doing nothing as none of us liked drama, and the teacher came over and asked us why we weren't doing anything and I was just blunt and said "because it's boring" which was a bit of a surprise to her as I was the type of kid who just kept quiet and did what they were told.

I was everyones hero that day :oops:

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One thing I've always wanted to do is when the Jehovah Witnesses come round, just say ask them straight "What type of cult is this? the money making kind or the kind that ends in mass suicide?"

I think I'd answer that with a question....Why would you class us as a Cult?

In the Bible. Jesus was accused of being a drunkard, a glutton, a Sabbath breaker, a false witness, a blasphemer of God, and a messenger of Satan. He was also accused of being subversive. It was no different to the 1st Century Christians...The principal men of the Jews in Rome accurately described the situation of Jesus’ followers when they acknowledged: “For truly as regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.”—Acts 28:22.

Cults normally follow a human leader live as part of a secret society and normally keep apart from normal people. That is not the way with JWs...we live and work with people, we help our neighbours, our children attend normal schools usually. The standard for what is orthodox, however, should be God’s Word, and Jehovah’s Witnesses strictly adhere to the Bible. Their worship is a way of life, not a ritual devotion. They neither follow a human nor isolate themselves from the rest of society. They live and work in the midst of other people.

What the Evidence Shows

A government official of the city of St. Petersburg, Russia, explained: “Jehovah’s Witnesses were presented to us as some kind of underground sect sitting in the darkness and slaughtering children and killing themselves.” However, the people of Russia have recently become better acquainted with the true nature of the Witnesses. After working with Jehovah’s Witnesses in connection with an international convention, the same official observed: “Now I see normal, smiling people, even better than many people I know. They are peaceful and calm, and they love one another very much.” He added: “I really do not understand why people tell such lies about them.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not hold ritualistic meetings, nor is their worship cloaked in secrecy. Non-Witness author Julia Mitchell Corbett notes: “When they meet, usually more than once a week, in Kingdom Halls (their meeting sites are not called churches), most of their time is spent in Bible study and discussion.” Their meeting places are clearly marked with a sign. The meetings are open, and the general public is invited to attend. Unannounced guests are more than welcome.

The “Witnesses have earned the reputation of being honest, courteous, and industrious,” adds Corbett in her book Religion in America. Many who are not Witnesses readily acknowledge that there is nothing freakish or bizarre about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their conduct does not clash with what is accepted as normal social behavior. The New Encyclopædia Britannica accurately states that the Witnesses “insist upon a high moral code in personal conduct.”

The director of news and special projects for a television station in the United States wrote to Jehovah’s Witnesses in response to a biased report about the Witnesses on the TV news show 60 Minutes. He said: “If more people lived the way your faith does, this nation wouldn’t be in the shape it is in. I am one newsman who knows that your organization is founded on love and a strong faith in the Creator. I want you to know that not all News people are as biased.”

A homosexual journalist produced a very unbiased documentary about JWs called Knocking because he was bought up as a JW and he loved his Mum!

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Cut my lip and broke my thumb. Struggling to eat cause it kills and well thumb is just painful.

**** hell....I would have bet good money that you'd batter TheUnderstudy.

Seems I was wrong :-)

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