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She's a quality milf. What's up with calling your daughter Nigel(la).
I was amazed when my missus told me that "Nigella" is a flower. I'd always assmed that wanky Nigel Lawson had made it up so he could name her after himself. It just sounded stupid to me - a bloke's name with an "a" slapped on the end.

I stood corrected.

In other news, for the first time in years I'm thinking of staying up late to watch the Superbowl (dunno why, just a whim). What (UK) time is it likely to finish? And which team should I "support"?

Of course I may not bother in the end as I have work tomorrow.

GreenBay Mike, The Steelers have a rapist at Quarterback and their fans are more obnoxious than ManUre's !!!

It will go on well into the silly hours of Monday morning by the way.

Liverpool is the much more apt Steelers comparison, IMO.

Packers are proper traditional like. Fan-owned, from the smallest city by far in the NFL (though they de facto represent most of Wisconsin except for a few suburbs of Chicago and Minneapolis), etc. I guess Blackburn is sort of the standard comparison.

(As for the Villa comparison, the Bears or the Cardinals are probably it: they're the only surviving founding members of the American Professional Football Association which evolved into the NFL (the Packers joined a year later)... Bears probably have more of the early dominance and more recent mediocrity angle; the Cardinals have been fairly consistently crap for most of the past century)

I bow down to your author-a-teye !!

Pittsburgh fans , in my experience, share that same arrogant trait that manyoo fans are born with. There are loads of them on facebook claiming that winning the game tonight is inevitable which reeks of Yanitieditus rather than the more humbled scousers of late.

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I've always identified the Cowboys with Manyoo levels of arrogance... from the "Let's all laugh at the Cowboys' misfortunes" thread:

You know why [there's still plenty of hatred for Dallas] ? Because they're the motherfucking Cowboys. You don't get to dominate a decade with an unlikable team of criminals, monopolize the Thanksgiving day game, have a prickly, senile drunk of an owner who should be a cartoon character, draft and promote a pretty-boy semi-celebrity as your quarterback, build a billion-dollar stadium in the middle of a recession as a monument to a legendary status to which only you subscribe, put a hole in the roof because you're convinced God likes your team, call yourself America's Team, have bandwagon fans around the country, and just generally be insufferable clearings in the woods who genuinely believe you're some kind of institution that's bigger than the game, and not have the nation dance in the streets when you're piddling around in your own mediocrity.

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I do not feel good at all. :x

Is that because we didn't meet? And now you may have missed your chance forever?

I did on the other hand stand and sit very close to Lombardo. I'm guessing it was Lombardo. He was a giant and seemed vaguely familiar and was around the airport after our flight landed and was with one male accomplice, possibly his friend.. I had to try to imagine what the person I saw would look like blurry and I'd say it was almost definitely him.

We stood outside a bathroom/wudu together. Then waited for the airport shuffle together. Then got onto the same carriage together. And sat across from each other (together).

No introductions were made and I refused all attempts at eye contact.

Yes, not meeting you completely ruined the game. :( I was waiting with a bag of MnMs as well.

That and the fact despite spending very little, I got very drunk and my leg really really hurts.

Soooooo, nothing was thrown, no pictures were taken, and no love connection was made. WOW! I mean talk about your let downs.

Aaaw no bromantic cuddling? :cry:

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What a boring day

Scum game = shit

Chelski v Liverplop = shit

Top Gear = shit

Just hoping the supebowl isnt shit, also, looking forward to the transformers 3 trailer at halftime more than anything. Geek!

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youtube the volkswagon: the force advert, i think its for the superbowl although its been on there a few days, tis brilliant

(VW is splitting off the North America and Chinese market Passat from the Euro-market Passat starting this year: thus the big promotional push kicking off with the Super Bowl)

US/CN Passat dimensions: 2800 mm wb x 4870 mm l x 1830 mm w

EU Passat dimensions: 2700 mm wb x 4770 mm l x 1820 mm w

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I do not feel good at all. :x

Is that because we didn't meet? And now you may have missed your chance forever?

I did on the other hand stand and sit very close to Lombardo. I'm guessing it was Lombardo. He was a giant and seemed vaguely familiar and was around the airport after our flight landed and was with one male accomplice, possibly his friend.. I had to try to imagine what the person I saw would look like blurry and I'd say it was almost definitely him.

We stood outside a bathroom/wudu together. Then waited for the airport shuffle together. Then got onto the same carriage together. And sat across from each other (together).

No introductions were made and I refused all attempts at eye contact.

Yes, not meeting you completely ruined the game. :( I was waiting with a bag of MnMs as well.

That and the fact despite spending very little, I got very drunk and my leg really really hurts.

Soooooo, nothing was thrown, no pictures were taken, and no love connection was made. WOW! I mean talk about your let downs.

Aaaw no bromantic cuddling? :cry:

I barely watched the match at all looking for any sign of a green hoody, but no joy. I think Liverpool is my next game, so fingers crossed...

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