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Women are mental. I've been away for a few months and my relationship kind of broke down during that time due to the distance. She knows how I feel about her and do want to make it work now I'm back in Brum. I've been to see her twice since Friday and its been nice like it used to be. But shes told me she isn't sure anymore and wants to talk about it. So I agreed to go over later to see her and shes just text me saying she isn't sure if she wants me to go over. FFS.

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Spent most of the night philophising over numerous beers...

Looks like too many beers to me... :winkold:

I'm surprised I did that well! ;)

Reaching the end of Movember, we've all chopped the beards, A shame I was quite attached, but now I've got a ludicrous horseshoe mustache I'm told is the style, with small soul patch too. Only has to last for 2 days thankfully but I get to look like a prat on both...

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why is it that if i go into any bookies anywhere in Britain, there's always a Chinese bloke in there ?

Not the same one i hasten to add

he he.

Hiro? :winkold:

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'Study' day today and i've 3 long assignments to get done for tomorow, yet i'm pissing away my time on facebook.

Ah, the perils of modern life.

Deactivate your FB account for a bit. It's working for me.

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why is it that if i go into any bookies anywhere in Britain, there's always a Chinese bloke in there ?

Not the same one i hasten to add

Gambling, Casinos, and Chinese

by Samuel Chong

On a trip to a casino in Las Vegas to witness the problems of gambling addiction first-hand, I easily made a disturbing observation: the majority of customers were Asian Americans, among them, most of them are Chinese. Moreover, the casinos seemed to especially cater to the population with Chinese bilingual dealers and other Asian targeted perks, and treated them nicely and with respect.

This is not only a typical scenario in Las Vegas, but also in casinos around the world where there is a Chinese population. Although gambling is illegal in mainland China, many mainlanders find ways to gamble and to visit casinos either by traveling abroad to Macau or Las Vegas, or by gambling in private places or setting up underground gambling houses.

Why is gambling so popular among Chinese?

First, gambling is considered an acceptable form of social activity. Playing gambling games in friends or relatives' houses are socially acceptable and are welcomed in Chinese societies. The smell of money makes Chinese people interested in playing these socially (but not legally) acceptable activities. While engaging in these activities, Chinese people can make friends, engage in business transactions, sign deals, and form stronger bonds (hopefully) with players of the games. (Yes, one or more of the players has to make a sacrifice)

Second, Chinese visit casinos for financial reasons. For forty years under the rulings of the Communist Party, Chinese mainlanders could not find enough opportunities to make money by engaging in activities that Americans enjoy. However, the inner urge of becoming more financially stable is deeply rooted in Chinese people's thousand-year history. Gambling in casinos provides a "possible" way for these people to get rich quickly. Gamblers need little connections (which is required to do business in China), and experience little red tapes. Thus, they find ways to go to casinos.

Third, boredom is another major cause for the popularity of gambling among Chinese. In modern China, there is a number of Chinese (majority of them are in Southern part of China), whom after the opening up of the market economy, became extremely rich. However, the wives of these people's social activities are limited. Thus, they turned their hobbies into gambling. It is not uncommon to see many Chinese middle aged women to visit each others' houses to play Ma Jiang, a popular gambling game in China.

Fourth, visiting casinos might help stressed business people or government officials to escape life's worries and difficulties. Some might think that successful business people would not find time to visit casinos. Unfortunately, not true for the Chinese. A survey concludes that more than 90% of Chinese visitors to the United States make Las Vegas an ultimate stop for them. Most of them have gambled frequently in Macau and Southeast Asia. According to a private research, when asked to why they gamble, these successful Chinese business people or government officials (whose names are kept confidential) replied, "It's relaxing. When I gamble, I don't worry about anything else".

Last, gambling is, for Chinese as well as for others, a form of activity that creates excitement and challenge. For games like Blackjack, there is always the possibility that you could outsmart the casinos. Therefore, if no other challenges are present, playing these games in casinos becomes a natural alternative.

Recently, Chinese people have begun to play casino games online. For sites like "Golden Palace", having a Chinese version of their website is becoming the trend. However, in mainland China, the government has been cracking down online gambling sites.

For us, we strongly discourage casino related gambling. Should visitors feel the urge, they may wish to play slots machines free on the Internet. This may keep you away from real casinos, and certainly, it will keep you away from losing money.

Note: We are strongly against any forms of gambling, as it has caused many misfortunes in Chinese families.


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Gambling should be banned outright IMO.
About as practicable as banning smoking or drinking, unfortunately.

I do think internet gambling is going to create some big problems though.

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Gambling should be banned outright IMO.

For what reason?


Gambling isn't an inherently bad thing, it's unfortunate that some people a) do it stupidly, and B) get addicted. But many many people don't.

I play poker once a week, have a rare small flutter on the footy, and play itboxs in pubs, never get anywhere near addicted, and I'm aware I'm more likely to lose than win. With the poker I play because it's a past time of mine, with the football I've found it makes a days/evenings play more interesting, especially if it's not involving Villa, and the itboxes just provide some entertainment when you;ve got some coins and a pint in.

Would you ban all of those activities?

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Gambling should be banned outright IMO.

For what reason?

It leads to too many problems. I know gambling addicts and tell them that wasting all their rent money and being kicked out of home is just good fun.

It takes peoples money and gives it to people with no value to society.

But its impractical to ban tbh, its to deeply seeded in our society with gentle gambling such as horse racing showing a different light on gambling.

You can give all sorts of circumstantial evidence to suggest gambling is harmless fun but in my own opinion it should just be banned outright and people should spend their hard earned money on something useful, rather than giving it to some crooks in the hope of getting a bit more back.

Internet Gambling will be a huge problem in the next decade i predict.

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It leads to too many problems. I know gambling addicts and tell them that wasting all their rent money and being kicked out of home is just good fun.

It takes peoples money and gives it to people with no value to society.

You can give all sorts of circumstantial evidence to suggest gambling is harmless fun but in my own opinion it should just be banned outright and people should spend their hard earned money on something useful, rather than giving it to some crooks in the hope of getting a bit more back.

A few points to make here. Firstly I don't think it's really your place, regardless of how good your intentions, to tell people that their money should be spent on something more useful. I'd argue that almost all of our money goes to people with no value to society.

Sure, there's lots of circumstantial evidence that gambling is harmless fun, because for lots of people, it is. I quite like to stick a fiver on the result/first scorer when I go down to the Villa. I wouldn't be particularly saddened if I couldn't do that, but there are many people who actually have some self-control, gambling doesn't lead you to piss away your money and life, serious psychological problems do.

Ultimately, if you ban gambling, there's a huge range of other things that need to be banned. Booze, cigarettes, pay per view porn, online gaming, hell, I'm sure there are examples of people ruining their life spending too much time on internet forums.

Gambling problems are a symptom, not a cause. Take away one thing for people to piss their life away on, and they'll find something else. It doesn't address the core issue; that of what is actually driving people to reckless gambling, so it seems to me that it punishes some, and doesn't really help anyone.

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Gambling problems are a symptom, not a cause. Take away one thing for people to piss their life away on, and they'll find something else. It doesn't address the core issue; that of what is actually driving people to reckless gambling, so it seems to me that it punishes some, and doesn't really help anyone.

I do agree with this and to be fair my focus is really on protecting people from themselves as they can easily be **** over by all sorts of bastards in the gambling world.

My points really regard Casinos more than anything, they really are horrible things that can ruin peoples financial security in no time at all.

Small bookies do provide a good amount to local economies, but to what expense?

I also think it's unfair to compare Gambling to Smoking/Drinking. Smoking and Drinking are long term (generally, although i know people that have become alcoholics and died from it in no time at all) issues and when one comes addicted they can be helped (if they choose too) and the damage done can be repaired. However with Gambling it effects someones finances, and they can become bankrupt in no time. Its a far more dangerous problem especially in this society. They are seperate problems IMO and shouldnt be compared.

Whilst i understand it can be harmless fun with your mates, it can just lead to too many problems for it to be justified in my opinion.

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