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Oh and I'm in the trog and gareth camp on this (in case you hadn't guessed)

Why not go an post some vaginas in the rogues gallery, go the whole hog.

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Why has it gone I had a couple more gems to post

"GEMS"?! "Gems" are those **** awful biscuit sweets that taste like the Lucky Charm Leprechaun did a shit on your tongue. No sir, your skanky fat-ass vag-slip "gems" are behind the disappearance of our beloved thread and are, comcomitantly, the catalyst for our vitriol.

You've totally **** up my masturbatory schedule (and possibly, nay most definitely that of other posters) and quite frankly unless you have an attractive, young female relative whose willing to dish out hand-jobs on your behalf, then no amount of apologising will rebuild the bridges you have burnt with your behaviour.

I just hope you're happy. :(

Never has a statement of 'This' been more pertinent.

I'm inclined to think this aswell.

How are you still here is my question? Linking to a porn video which was mostly dick and then posting vadge? See what more you can get away with... I recommend sending PMs to all the mods calling them words removed.

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(n) ergot (a plant disease caused by the ergot fungus)

(n) ergot, Claviceps purpurea (a fungus that infects various cereal plants forming compact black masses of branching filaments that replace many grains of the plant; source of medicinally important alkaloids and of lysergic acid)


(adv) ergo ((used as a sentence connector) therefore or consequently)

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28 days to get my laptop back or else I get it replaced, or given vouchers for the value when I bought it. Which was 400 notes. That expires next Thursday. Hopefully I get it back, as I have lots of shows etc on it. >_>

Sent an email to the Chief Executive as Currys were trying to fob me off. Got a reply and phonecall from some woman stating they had 28 days to fix it, after that I could write it off. I wouldn't mind a brand new laptop. :D Might even throw in a few quid in the January sales and get an even better one.

That Sony Vaio looks good.

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As for Contac, same nurse told me about it and the stuff really really works, just don't take anything else with it. It sorted me out in a day flat.

I've taken 2 tablets of this now, and it's brilliant. And weird.

It stops the symptoms of the cold largely, particularly those centred on your nose, which is great. You stop sneezing and stop needing quite so many tissues and feel a bit less bunged up.

But in my case at least, I still feel/felt like I had a cold in myself and it also had that medicinal thing where you feel a bit out of it. Which without the symptoms is really weird feeling. While I was at work I was a curious mix of out of it because I was ill and out of it because of the pills. 'Dazed and confused'.

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