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Boom! I was right!

What are the posting landmarks?

Youth Team = 200

Reserves = 500

First Team = 1000

International = 3000

I've been an international for about 3 days I think.

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Well the hand gel was recommended to me by a nurse so....

As for Contac, same nurse told me about it and the stuff really really works, just don't take anything else with it. It sorted me out in a day flat.

The handgel I'd imagine is more to do with stopping the spread - main way of transmission is through touching infected surfaces then touching the face. Shouldn't matter to the sufferer really.

I'll definitely look to sending someone down to Boots tomorrow for Contac though, anything that relieves the symptoms and curtails the cold I'm all for.

I would have some whiskey in my tea Brumerican but I don't drink tea and theres no whiskey in the house (mores the pity).

im a fan of sweating it out. Run until your lungs collapse.

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Why has it gone I had a couple more gems to post

"GEMS"?! "Gems" are those **** awful biscuit sweets that taste like the Lucky Charm Leprechaun did a shit on your tongue. No sir, your skanky fat-ass vag-slip "gems" are behind the disappearance of our beloved thread and are, comcomitantly, the catalyst for our vitriol.

You've totally **** up my masturbatory schedule (and possibly, nay most definitely that of other posters) and quite frankly unless you have an attractive, young female relative whose willing to dish out hand-jobs on your behalf, then no amount of apologising will rebuild the bridges you have burnt with your behaviour.

I just hope you're happy. :(

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Why has it gone I had a couple more gems to post

"GEMS"?! "Gems" are those **** awful biscuit sweets that taste like the Lucky Charm Leprechaun did a shit on your tongue. No sir, your skanky fat-ass vag-slip "gems" are behind the disappearance of our beloved thread and are, comcomitantly, the catalyst for our vitriol.

You've totally **** up my masturbatory schedule (and possibly, nay most definitely that of other posters) and quite frankly unless you have an attractive, young female relative whose willing to dish out hand-jobs on your behalf, then no amount of apologising will rebuild the bridges you have burnt with your behaviour.

I just hope you're happy. :(

Never has a statement of 'This' been more pertinent.

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Let's just say that of the things that piss me off VT-wise, losing the lovely ladies thread is the biggest. You could not have alienated more VTers if you had tried.

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