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I remember on Phunnay pics I posted a picture about someone on a kids FB account in an Apple store :lol: that guy posted what I would put on a hacked facebook account :)

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On another note, where are Mike and Levi? I am fearing for Mike's safety after the apocalyptic post a few days back. I hope he's not decided to end it all on the fact he doesn't know Ant n Dec from Anton Du Beq (?)

I'm sure Levi is plugging himself into some sort of life source socket for the next generation.

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It's a bit much to hate cricket. I mean, by all means ignore it but hate it, why?

Another point, whilst Britain and Europe freezes, i'm enjoying the balmy temperatures of Istanbul.

It's 4th of December and I'm in my shorts and t-shirt.

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I'm here. I don't hate cricket as such, it's just... meh.

I DO hate the VT main forum though. "Dark days" and all that. Fuxsake, dark days was the third division - and even that had its moments. Dark days was Ellis.

I've had a few days off work, hence not on VT so much. :lol:

Yesterday was mainly spent on a lovely walk through the snow. To a good pub. :thumb:

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