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Lads- sorry I havent created a horde guy yet- Im still on a trial and cant get on your server till sat when I go to a full account.

Anyways my paladin is now level 10 and with my new laptop (1.66 2048 ram) its running fine. I have a question which is quite paladin specific... I keep on seeing advice to get seal of command with my first skill point but it seems i Cant get it till Im level 20. Am I doing something wrong?

Im looking forward to upgrading as my brother is sending me loads of stuff and money! ( hes got 2 lvl 60s and is currently has a 29 "twink").

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I'm a resto shammy, and as such my DPS is pretty shit these days. Compared to the average pally though, I'm a fully equipped Apache attack helicopter! Don't do it, you'll spend your life hoping you get away from the nasty horde before your shield runs out!

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Nobody cares about DPS? Ask a rogue, mage or hunter. :winkold:

Went farming for the eye of shadow in WS last night with a warrior alt. Had to heal, buff and DPS to get through. The extra DPS made all the difference.

As for buffs - there's a totem for every situation:

Need purging for poison? Or Disease? Or fear? Or Sleep? Done.

Need more agil? Done.

Need more DPS? Done - in 1 of 3 ways (windfury, Strength, Firetongue)

Need damage reduction? Done?

Need threat reduction? Done.

Need more mana? Or health? Done.

Need to absorb that spell? Done.

Need Fire, Frost or Nature resistance? Done.

And you can change any one at any time.

Absolute shite? Only if you group with a shaman that doesn't bother dropping them.

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Compared to what a Paladin can do, your buffs suck!

No argument there. Paladins = easy mode.

But our buffs aren't absolute shite. There are things totems can do that PussyBubble's buffs cant.

Example? Magmadar's fear, Gehennas' shadow bolts, Venoxis' poison.

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Who needs a Tremor Totem when you have Fear Ward?

Loladins can remove poison. They have a spell called Cleanse which removes 1 Disease, 1 Poison and 1 magical effect.

We have a sister guild who are Alliance. They killed Chromaggus more quickly than we did. We struggled with getting the dispelling down. When one Paladin can spam a button that removes 80% of the cureable debuffs that Chromaggus can throw out, having people turning into a great big dragons isnt even an issue. Far better than a totem with removes 1 effect on the casting Shaman and four other people!

Grounding Totem? PvP thing. One nuke being absorbed in a group of 40 people ever 15 (?) seconds? Healing can cover it.

Why Blizz made all the good totems Air totems, why they didnt introduce something alongside the "greater blessing" system that Paladins have (ie, one that buffs 40 people, not 5) why they didnt give something alongside Blessing of Kings (best buff in the game, surely?) is beyond me. But the new classes for TBC? In my humble opinion, thats more to give the Horde Paladins than to give the Alliance Shamen and redress the population imbalance between Alliance and Horde. Elf Paladin? 12 year olds now have a reason to come to Orgrimmar...

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I like being a paladin--- Its good for soloing. It seems good to learn the game because I can dish out damage and heal myself. I understand that a lot of people dont like them at higher levels but its good for me so far.

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