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So, record MC (2 hrs 39 mins)

With Xai back to pvp spec, Lierox decided to buff me up again :)



1270 sinister strike, thats a SPAMMABLE button, completely instant :shock:

Check out the attack power, 1000 more then I usually have:


and ofc the dmg meters, kinda hollow with Xai being pvp though:


Then we headed to Sili and killed Lords, afterwards I formed a gank squad and we went around raping alliance for 2 hours :nod:

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Enjoyed running round Sili ganking people Dan, twas like the old days (even if the CH guards appeared to be taking it personally!) And after months of you taking the piss out of my armor, I an now truly say that your shoulders look **** ridiculous! :)

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Enjoyed running round Sili ganking people Dan, twas like the old days (even if the CH guards appeared to be taking it personally!) And after months of you taking the piss out of my armor, I an now truly say that your shoulders look **** ridiculous! :)

WTF? Best looking shoulders in the game! 8)

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The end of that BRD run annoyed the **** out of me.

We called it quits...but no **** actually did and pressed on in denial. There wasn't a chance in hell we could complete it and its **** irritating when people won't just call it quits. I was down to 0% durability off the amount of dying that was incurred just trying to get back to that room we were in (aggroing those bar mobs left us ****). The instance respawned and it was clear we'd have to kill em all but the party seemed to have this unannounce idea that if we just pretend the elite mobs are not there, they won't be a problem.

I'd had enough by then as I think I was just being whored for summoning duty so I left.

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Did you see how I died about 15 seconds into the fight because BigWigs doesn't work?

Yes, oh how I lolled.

Just watched it in high res and 1 minute into the fight 4-5 of you got hit with an incinerate. You dropped like a sack of shit whilst the others who have actually stacked a bit of stamina just ran in for some heals.


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The end of that BRD run annoyed the **** out of me.

We called it quits...but no **** actually did and pressed on in denial. There wasn't a chance in hell we could complete it and its **** irritating when people won't just call it quits. I was down to 0% durability off the amount of dying that was incurred just trying to get back to that room we were in (aggroing those bar mobs left us ****). The instance respawned and it was clear we'd have to kill em all but the party seemed to have this unannounce idea that if we just pretend the elite mobs are not there, they won't be a problem.

I'd had enough by then as I think I was just being whored for summoning duty so I left.

Stick the positve on it though. Bit of XP. Bit of Fire Res. Molten Core attunement done!

I guess beyond Incendius farming runs (which can be very quick if you take the fastest route to him) you dont really have have to go back in there.

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No way did they get to 12% before sons, we've had him on farm for months and 19% is our best attempt, they've never killed him before...

I take that back, if we used the cheat buff , we could wear more dmg gear and get him near dead before the sons.

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No way did they get to 12% before sons, we've had him on farm for months and 19% is our best attempt, they've never killed him before...

I take that back, if we used the cheat buff , we could wear more dmg gear and get him near dead before the sons.

That's the key to it, with the LBRS buff and our full team we'd get them down before the sons arrive.

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If we wanted a record attempt on a pure Ragnaros kill, and buffed all 40 of us with the LBRS thing so we could wear + dmage gear, i dread to think how quickly he would drop.

Less than 2 mins, easily.

I think PDX used flasks and stuff too for their kill.

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More screenies. Ill just use the time from the bad Ebonroc pull to post this:


Check the combat log Dan. Thats the spell vunrablitly mobs for ya.

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Hey guys I finally got this game... I suffer from slow down when theres a lot of characters on my screen. Do you think this is because of my weak laptop (celeron 3.06, 512 ram) or the fact that Im using a wireless connection?

Im on lightbringer- level 6 paladin after a few hours play

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Yeah, you need double that at least, Ive got 2 gig, no lag anywhere at all!

So anyway Dan Mr Selfimportant "so, make it a 100" kindly explain to me the point of using a repair bot before the last attempt of the night when I can go back to Orgri and save myself a few gold?!

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Yeah, you need double that at least, Ive got 2 gig, no lag anywhere at all!

So anyway Dan Mr Selfimportant "so, make it a 100" kindly explain to me the point of using a repair bot before the last attempt of the night when I can go back to Orgri and save myself a few gold?!


How would you save money, repairs cost the same no matter what, the only person who missed out was Shyrah, who had to provide the thing at such a stupid time.

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Hey guys I finally got this game... I suffer from slow down when theres a lot of characters on my screen. Do you think this is because of my weak laptop (celeron 3.06, 512 ram) or the fact that Im using a wireless connection?

Im on lightbringer- level 6 paladin after a few hours play

1] Reroll Horde. Im not just saying that because us lot are Horde, but also cos of your PC. Horde is less laggy as its less populared. Ironforge is the laggiest place in the entire game.

2] Dont be a Paladin. By all accounts they are the most boring to play as and least interactive class on the entire game. 1-59 involves you picking a "seal" and pressing Auto Attack. 60 and engame involves you pressing a spell called Flash of Light about 1000 times an hour. :lol:

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Reroll a Horde character, and join us on Tarren Mill server.... We can help you out, i'll get you into my guild to start so you can meet people and get help............

And we all hate paladins anyway.....

On Tarren mill, look for "Samosa", whisper me and we'llget you into "in nominee mortis", we're at www.inm-guild.org with a forum and a teamspeak server.

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