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Yep, if I were you I'd respec resto now and get some practice in, and start gearing up that way. You're a lot more use in most 20 and 40 man raids you'll find. I'm currently 0/5/46 after spending most of my shammy life as an elemental 30/0/21, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. It's not a great grinding or PvP spec, as damage output is obviously greatly reduced, but you can easily heal a five man raid, and will be in demand for all raids, and much loved in your guild.

Thanks for the advice Risso - much appreciated.

I'm still a little unwilling to respec just yet - I love my 31/20/0 build.

When taking down Golemagg, I was in a group with 3 rogues and 1 hunter. Needless to say my improved AOG totem talent was appreciated, along with the somewhat poorer (compared to other shammies) but sufficient heals.

That bonus would be lost in a resto build - as would all my DPS, making my semi-regular BG forays useless.

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Not if you do WSG.

Shamies are an awesome support class there.

Earthbinds, Heals, Shocks, Flag Carries. Being successful in the game isnt just about big crits.

Anyway: clickme

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Do you have an rpgoutfitter account (or similar) so we can see what gear you have?

Hmm, thought I'd posted my profile before, but here goes again!

The only remaining weakness is my sword/offhand combo - we've killed Nefarian every week since the beginning of May and still not had the Staff Of The Shadow Flame drop for us.

I have the most DKP in the guild at the minute, so can basically grab whatever takes my fancy - which will likely be the Brimstone Staff or Wraith Blade depending on how we get on with Maexxna and Loatheb.

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Hmmm, news from the inside.

Looks like the DKP system is going to be changing. Not sure what to yet, but there are enough people who want something to reflect the guild as it is today rather than the one that was designed when people were first venturing into Molten Core for the first time.

Cores are coming out of the guildbank too. Now that the Tanks are done the Rogues are next in line by the looks of it. Fancy a Molten Helm Dan?

Ive gotta sit and think about which cloth wearing squishies need what after you guys get your stuff..


Looking at Flarecore stuff: [Legs] [Chest] [shoulders] [Hands]

How good are the Legs and Chest pieces for Warlocks?

****, those Legs are insane. Who needs +intellect when you have that much stamina and damage?

Reading around for resistance buffs too i wondered if there were equivilant mobs which did the LBRS buff but for other schools of magic than fire:


The following mobs can provide useful buffs to your group or raid when Mind Controlled:

* Scarshield Spellbinder (Blackrock Spire) Fire Resistance buff that gives up to +83 resistance for 60 minutes.

* Scarlet Medic (Felstone Field in Western Plaguelands) Arcane Resistance buff that gives +70 to +82 resistance for 60 minutes.

* Crimson Initiates (Stratholme) Shadow Resistance buff which decreases shadow damage taken by 87.

* Twilight Emissaries (Blackrock Depths) Fury of Ragnaros buff that gives +25 magical damage for 30 minutes.

* Vile Tutor (Eastern Plaguelands) Dark Whispers buff that gives +35 shadow spell damage for 10 minutes.

Some spellcaster mobs can provide with powerful AoE spells when Mind Controlled. A few examples:

* Whelp Handlers in Scholomance (Cone of Cold, Blast Wave)

* Bloodaxe Evokers in Blackrock Spire (Flamecrack, Fire Nova)

* Various warlock type mobs can cast Shadow Bolt Volley.

The Shadow Res buff doesnt really exist in the same way. -87 decrease in shadow damage isnt the same as +87 shadow resistance. And they are too far away to make it worth it.

But that Vile Tutor buff is interesting. They are at Corins Crossing in the Premier League. Might be worth giving yourself one when you are next there Tarj.

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Fancy a Molten Helm Dan?

I've put in a request. Luckily us rogues now have an officer in our ranks, who is finally getting things moving with regards gearing us up with craftables. I feel with my BWL attendance (100%) I have grounds to claim one :nod:

EDIT The new Kralnor? Probably fake, but I lol'd.

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^^Nice screenie.

Great raid tonight, I can see us hitting Chromaggus on sunday, as the next 2 Drakes are easier.

Amazing considering 2 weeks ago we were wiping on Razorgore all night long.

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