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I really need to get to exhalted in ZG soon. Im about 40% of the way there now.

I just want the shoulder enchant. I doubt ill get any more loot out of there, though i do question a lot of the looting decisions in there big time. Bag of whammies would be nice, as would the trinket, and also as would another "tier 2 only" enchant on my tier 1 legs (though they are starting to drift onto tier 1 items in recent runs.)

Then im done with the place. Shame really, its probably my favourite area on the entire game.

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I'm just behind you in rep by the sound of it Nays, and I've got most of the stuff I want. Need the exalted necklace and the charm, but think getting all the bits of edge of madness will be a nightmare, especially as there doesn't seem to be any priority for the bits. I got Wusholay's Mane, but still need the other three bits, but they just let anybody roll, whether they're going for the set bonus or not.

That wand decision tonight was ridiculous, it shouldn't even have been a close call, it was Sam's all the way.

As our new member Gramme said, loot decisions can really help guild PvE progress a lot, and at the moment the Dashers are **** it up quite often. Take MC yesterday, two BoE Earthfury belts dropped early on, and could have been given out after any number of bosses with the boss loot. Instead the loot master logs and takes them with him. The shammies had decided who'd get them, me for a 3 piece bonus and someone else for a 5 set bonus. That really could have been the difference between wiping on Raggy at 1% and taking him down. For a start my 3 piece bonus is extending the range of my totems by 5 yards, meaning much needed FR reaches further, meaning I can stand further back, take less damage, heal more etc.

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What a great night! Razorgore "on farm" and now Vael too.

Razorgore phase two is a piece of piss with everybody alive isn't it? The key to the whole thing is keeping the hunters up, Scoobs is ace, but the other two kept dying until the successful attempt.

Anyway I worked out I've got over 300 +healing now, which can reach 700 with the ZG charm!

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Then to Onyxia, in > kill > out in what, 20 mins? I was on 99% durability when i came out.

Warrior, Druid (!) helms and the Caster cape dropped out of interest.

And now Shadowninja at the XR. Just duelled him, hammered him in the duel (im thinking the main reason is down to massive gear imbalance in my favour) and when he was in 1hp my little imp decided to finish him off.

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Big congrats on Vael - it's such a massive relief when he goes down. There might be another couple of frustrating nights with him still to come - the BA is a bitch - but you're on a nice loot streak now.

Did you take a look at the suppression rooms yet? It's a pretty daunting sight the first time you arrive there. One alcove at a time, drink whenever you can, don't hang around to enjoy the scenery!

We had some drama in Naxxramas on Wednesday night. We one-shotted Anub'Rekhan, Faerlina and went on to Razuvious. We absolutely destroyed him on our first try, but within three seconds of him hitting the floor, the entire raid got disconnected from server. When we logged back in his corpse had vanished - no loot, no gold, nothing. Our guild leader filed a ticket but heard nothing back, despite staying up 'til 4am.

Fast forward to last night... we took down our first 'world dragon' (Emeriss) then resumed in Naxx. We (miraculously!) one-shotted Noth - no-one could quite believe it - and set about looting. At this point a GM paged our guild leader regarding the events of the previous evening. In a shocking display of quality customer service, the GM informed us that he'd checked the records and found that the details of our ticket were correct. He then proceeded to dish out the missing loot to the relevant parties. So now we have 3 tanks in 3/9 tier 3 and are starting to cast lustful glances at Patchwerk.

The Patchwerk fight should be fun, I think. He has 4 million hit points and you *must* kill him in 7 minutes or he enrages and destroys everyone. If you assume that the raid has 15 healers and 3 tanks, you have (obviously) 22 damage dealers to take him down... which works out as an average of about 450 DPS each for the duration of the fight. That's some scary-ass maths, I reckon. Oh, and he hits warriors with 'Hateful Strike' for 6500-9500 a time.

Still no joy with Heigan though - but his time is up on Monday.

And I'm rambling now... :oops:

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Well i have had 7 hours of sleep through 2 days with 19 hours of work. The fact that i bothered helping out with razor **** me over. Was destroyed at work today.

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The Patchwerk fight should be fun, I think. He has 4 million hit points and you *must* kill him in 7 minutes or he enrages and destroys everyone.

Aimed Shot is only a three second cast, isnt it?

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Gonna save up dkp for blackwing mantle, circlet of the mindflayer, a cloak. And hope im getting blessed with the barbie robe off Kurinaxx soon!

Anyway, thats my plan :P

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You better start saving good for that Mantle mate. I think Nix has over 1000 DKP on you and the very same item at the top of his wishlist ;P

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Yeah i might not get the first drop or the second. But we have razor pretty much on farm now, so i think it will drop quite a lot.

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What a great night! Razorgore "on farm" and now Vael too.

Razorgore phase two is a piece of piss with everybody alive isn't it? The key to the whole thing is keeping the hunters up, Scoobs is ace, but the other two kept dying until the successful attempt.

Tried getting this message across in the healing and ra channel last night. But if we just have constant shields on the hunters, and whatever happens keep them up.. its piss easy.

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