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My next 2 weeks at work is a bastard. Have to get up 4am servertime, or 3am uk time, so i dunno how raid active i will be.

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And Xhonus is apparantly off until sunday, so i doubt we will have any proper Vael tries. I guess we would wipe anyway, so any practise at all is good, but still..

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For Mr Guest (i know you still read this thread)

True, from time to time i like to have a look to see how you're all getting on. Problem is that most of the time I haven't got the faintest **** clue what you're all talking about. I think things have moved on considerably since I hung up Destiny.

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People still play WoW?


Hundreds of hours of grind to play badly broken PVP?

Whatever floats your boat I guess, but I thought everyone had moved on from this, I did 18 months ago.

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If you moved 18 months ago, you've missed lots of new content, new faster servers, and the joy of playing with Villa fans!

I'm presently taking a break for a couple of months, but I am probably comming back within a fortnight. Theres much more running round the bank roof to be done!

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PB, I've killed stuff that wasn't around when you left and I'm still a n00b.

I moved on to Guild Wars 18 months ago with all the rest of the PVP crowd (who are currently preparing to jump ship again onto Fury next year), didnt think there was anyone left on WoW but the PVE mob.

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If you left 18 months ago, i very much doubt you had a lvl 60 char even :P

Well, it want quite 18 months ago (last May Guild Wars was released) and yes, I had a lvl 60 character, couldnt really play PVP without one, which was one of the major problems that PVP players had with the game and was why everyone I knew jumped ship at that time after what turned out to be something of a misleading Guild wars BETA event where everyone was UAX.

While Guild wars went some way to solving this by creating skill and item unlocks through PVP and ridiculously easy PVE farming, its still too much grind for guys who just want to play high end competitive gaming, and Fury promises to solve these issues. We will see.

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Hello... Long time lurker, first time poster.

Since I have nothing further to add to the conjecture, speculation and fretting over the takeover/manager etc, I thought I'd introduce myself in the WoW thread... :winkold:

I play an undead mage on Draenor - this is my profile. As you can see, our guild is pretty full-on - we're going for our 5th Naxxramas boss tonight. Not sure if anyone else on here has done much in Naxx yet, but it's been an amazing experience so far. Deeply, deeply expensive... but lots of fun - one of the nights we spent learning (wiping to!) Faerlina, I reckon the guild spent about 3500g on repairs and potions etc. So it's very sweet when these new bosses go down.

I've just read over the last few pages and it seems that Vaelastrasz is causing problems to some of you... perhaps I can help?

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Bah you are hardcore! We are le noobs compared ;)

But seriously 5th boss in naxx? That must be among the best in the world? Do you play like 8 hours a day?

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Tbh all you need to know about wow PB regarding PvP.....

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084)

Program: E:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe

Exception: 0xC0000005 (FACE_MELTING) at 001B:00650E16

The instruction at "PvP" referenced memory at "Shadow Priest".

The memory could not be "read".

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Bah you are hardcore! We are le noobs compared ;)

But seriously 5th boss in naxx? That must be among the best in the world? Do you play like 8 hours a day?

Sometimes I do! But then I have the luxury of 'working' at my computer at home.

And we're not that hardcore - just very well organised by our guild master. I kinda think we're punching a bit above our weight in Naxxramas - we've not yet finished AQ40 (still got Ouro, Viscidus and C'Thun to take down), but we're not doing too badly. We're the second guild on our server - the first is obviously an Alliance 'easy mode' guild - but we're catching up with them extremely quickly.

I think the top guilds in the world have done 12 bosses in Naxxramas and are currently getting battered by the Four Horsemen. The jump between 4 bosses down and 12 down is massive, so we're nowhere near as good as them (yet!).

To give those on Vael something to aim for... we cleared all of BWL last week - from the controller at Razorgore to Nefarian dead - in just under three hours. And we got the same old loot we always do... :roll:

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Well pass me Ebony flamed gloves plx. Anyway, our biggest problem with bwl, is a having 40 people online together over a long period of time.

Guess you dont have that problem, but our guild has like 160 accounts and each time we raid, new people are online...

AND STILL we cant fill up bwl raids :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Well pass me Ebony flamed gloves plx. Anyway, our biggest problem with bwl, is a having 40 people online together over a long period of time.

Guess you dont have that problem, but our guild has like 160 accounts and each time we raid, new people are online.

I think part of the problem may be that you have too many people to keep happy. Given that you'll pick up a finite amount of loot in any given week, to make real progress you have to ensure that the loot goes to a concentrated (i.e. 40-60) group of people. To a certain extent you have to be ruthless - it saves having to waste time explaining encounters repeatedly, and stops key items going to those who don't turn up regularly enough to benefit the raid group.

- Tank loot should be concentrated on 3-4 people regardless of DKP or whatever.

- Guild numbers should be trimmed down to regular raid attendees.

- Raiding hours should be set (e.g. 6pm to 11pm or whatever) so that those attending know what is expected of them when they join the group.

I'm guessing these things are not news, but they're worth emphasising. I've seen guilds get too bloated and implode under the weight of unhappy people, or lose momentum by being undergeared for the encounters they tackle. It shouldn't happen though.

I think we have 140 characters in our guild, but at least half of those are alts. We have a raiding 'hardcore' of about 45-50 and another 15-20 who fill in the gaps when we need them.

With respect to your BWL raids being short of numbers... do you fill up for MC? I'm guessing some people don't like wiping/paying repair bills. Perhaps altering your DKP rules would help? More points for attending BWL, or only allowing BWL loot to those with over x% attendance? Might help to focus a few minds... :winkold:

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Tbh. we are having 2-3 if not 4 tanks who get most of the phat loot. We have even lost a fair few good geared tanks.

And we have been trying to set up an A-team raid squad, but the real problem is that so few show up. We have a shitload of accounts and still we always have 30-38 people in bwl. By magic we manage to get 40 people after a few seconds in Molten Core :roll: , but we never do in bwl.

So even with massive amounts of accounts we have so many people who dont really care for PvE progress. Its sad but true.

Do we even know how many of our accounts who are inactive?

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I've brought my mighty blue gear to BWL twice and the second time we killed Razorgore :-D

Now while I don't mind wiping as we learn in BWL, I get pissed off playing MC to get better gear when it's a raid full of people who are only playing for gear.

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