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Ive always fancied going into one of the more hardcore guilds.

Our guild basically has the problem that people join us, gear up and **** off. Its not really ever gonna change with the leadership as it is. I dont think we will go to Naxx or AQ40 anytime soon. The guilds that do go there are mighty appealing to me i must admit.

However, in a game of community vs content, id have to take community every time. Im part of the furnature in the Dashers now and leaving that would be too much of a wrench.

But **** hell we should be further in BWL.

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Nice posts Gramme, you seem to know what you're talking about. Re. Repair bills in Naxx, I assume that if youre loaded in tier 2.5, then money is easier to grind? Or that sharding epics from MC/BWL can help the guild finance these repair bills? It just seems a bit ridiculous to me, I have like, 200 gold, and its drastically dropping becuase I pay 10-15 gold every BWL wipe night and I'm not doing any farming to make that back up, your situation must be even worse then that.

Never the less, we are at Vael, and should have a night of wipes on him tonight, I've downed him with a previous guild, its just a matter of the warriors getting the tanking transitions right, to ensure we rogues don't get le aggro and the casters not wiping the raid with BA.

Should be fun anyway :D

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We all had Alliance Alts on Draenor server once (i know some people who have 60s there)

PvE servers are shit though, admit it!

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My mate just informed me his guild downed Vael last night. Second night on Vael and after 7 tries he died. They started running MC in April, and he had green shit gear. Now they have passed us in terms of PvE achievement... bollocks :x

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PvE servers are shit though, admit it!

I'm not really the person to ask about that - I've played on Draenor since I started. I have a level 25 alt on Ravenholdt RP-PVP, but so far I've only actually *seen* two Alliance characters - it's a pretty new/quiet server.

I will PvP from time to time (in battlegrounds), but it's definitely the PvE I enjoy - so Draenor suits me fine.

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Nice posts Gramme, you seem to know what you're talking about. Re. Repair bills in Naxx, I assume that if youre loaded in tier 0.5, then money is easier to grind? Or that sharding epics from MC/BWL can help the guild finance these repair bills? It just seems a bit ridiculous to me, I have like, 200 gold, and its drastically dropping becuase I pay 10-15 gold every BWL wipe night and I'm not doing any farming to make that back up, your situation must be even worse then that.

Never the less, we are at Vael, and should have a night of wipes on him tonight, I've downed him with a previous guild, its just a matter of the warriors getting the tanking transitions right, to ensure we rogues don't get le aggro and the casters not wiping the raid with BA.

Should be fun anyway :D

I guess you meant tier 2? Anyway, my major money-spinner is enchanting. I can pull in 100g a week on that with sporadic advertising - the biggest problem is dealing with idiots who refuse to find out required mats and just pester with stupid questions. I have a few enchants from MC and some from AQ which make nice money - 20g for a button press on +30 healing on gloves is easy. A wipe-free BWL clear is comfortably a 40g profit too.

BWL is good in that you don't really need many consumables - the only potion I can think of that we still use is Limited Invulnerability for the AoE classes at phase 3 on Nefarian. Otherwise it's pretty cheap to farm.

Vaelastrasz is a massive cockblock... once you get him under control it's nice and easy up to Chromaggus. Positioning is the key for Firemaw/Ebonroc/Flamegor, and as long as no-one does anything silly with the aggro on Broodlord he's free epics too.

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PvE servers are shit though, admit it!

I'm not really the person to ask about that - I've played on Draenor since I started. I have a level 25 alt on Ravenholdt RP-PVP, but so far I've only actually *seen* two Alliance characters - it's a pretty new/quiet server.

I will PvP from time to time (in battlegrounds), but it's definitely the PvE I enjoy - so Draenor suits me fine.

Ah, but you will never have a Shadowninja on a PvE server.

Some of the truly great nights on WoW for me have been filled with sporadic world PvP. Which reminds me, i saw some Alliance using the FP at ChillwindCamp the other day. Time to let them know its OURS again i think. :)

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Wow, a cool new poster, welcome mate!

I agree with Nays in that Dashers dont's progress as quick as they should, but the only real way to combat this is to go 'hardcore' and enforce minimum raid attendance, which is totally at odds to what out guild is all about.

My difficulty is that week nights I don't get in till 6.30pm (7.30pm server time) so getting home and jumping straight on the computer for 3 hours solid doesn't go down too well with the other half.

That said, the number of leavers has been the lowest it's been for ages, so if we can avoid it I think we'll start to make real progress in BWL.

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Holy shit... We killed Noth again this evening (picked up the tier 3 mage belt - hurrah!) then tried to move on to Heigan The Unclean.

He lives at the other end of a tunnel containing Trash Mobs From Hell... maggots, bats and 'Plague Beasts' - poison-spitting, charging, screeching, ass-kicking pack-hunting 61 elite muh-fuhs - on a 30-second respawn from when you kill them. We tried a variety of techniques... pet-kiting, AoEing, getting-nekkid-and-sprinting etc etc. We made it to the boss room once, had a crack at him and got to 86%. Not too bad for a first try.

Since you can't rezz in his room, you need to 'run the gauntlet' all over again to make another try. But I think we've cracked the trash now, and may well have another go tomorrow. The boss doesn't have much health, but the encounter is a bit like playing Frogger on acid while trying to do mad crazy DPS.

More news from the front-line as and when... :winkold:

(Unless you want me to avoid spoilers, that is...)

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2 x Ragnaros wipes when he submerged for a second time with less than 10,000 hp.

Thats like a couple of crits, a combat res, a mana potion or something.

So frustrating.

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Second attempt I got a combat res, on 20% life, a fireball hit me within 2 seconds. I know for a fact I'd have taken 10k life off him were it not for the fireball, why is the last 1% always the longest?

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First attempt, I got hit into lava right at the start. Shack yelling for someone to combat res me, no-one did. I think I'd have done 10k damage :-/

Second time I had mana right until the end (learning how to manage it now). I think he only threw me once - probably because I didn't stand near hobo!

THought we did really well last night. Three priests and four mages for most of it.

And ofc, I got two more bits of arcanist :wink: and now have 181 FR (buffed) without gimping myself!

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First attempt, I got hit into lava right at the start. Shack yelling for someone to combat res me, no-one did. I think I'd have done 10k damage :-/

Second time I had mana right until the end (learning how to manage it now). I think he only threw me once - probably because I didn't stand near hobo!

THought we did really well last night. Three priests and four mages for most of it.

And ofc, I got two more bits of arcanist :wink: and now have 181 FR (buffed) without gimping myself!

Congrats on the new bits of Arcanist - how many pieces do you have now?

Have you guys killed Ragnaros before? What's your strategy for dealing with the Sons? Kinda interested to hear since everyone seems to do it differently.

A 1% wipe is horrible though - we had our fair share of those on Vaelastrasz before we finally killed him... with a warlock DoT and 1 person still alive! :twisted:

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First attempt, I got hit into lava right at the start. Shack yelling for someone to combat res me, no-one did. I think I'd have done 10k damage :-/

Second time I had mana right until the end (learning how to manage it now). I think he only threw me once - probably because I didn't stand near hobo!

THought we did really well last night. Three priests and four mages for most of it.

And ofc, I got two more bits of arcanist :wink: and now have 181 FR (buffed) without gimping myself!

Congrats on the new bits of Arcanist - how many pieces do you have now?

3/8. I had none on Sunday :-)

Have you guys killed Ragnaros before? What's your strategy for dealing with the Sons? Kinda interested to hear since everyone seems to do it differently.

I believe the guild down him regularaly, but I've not been there for one yet. We were on target for our fastest clearance last night.

For the sons I think we just run to the rocks when they spawn and dps whichever has the hunter's mark.

A 1% wipe is horrible though - we had our fair share of those on Vaelastrasz before we finally killed him... with a warlock DoT and 1 person still alive! :twisted:

But two in a row?

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We have Ragnaros on farm, we've just found it difficult since we tried him without the FR buff from LBRS. we lacked priests yesterday too. If Trl had come we probably would have downed him.

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Yesterday was pretty much a gearing run for a few members. It certainly was nowhere near our 'strongest' (ie best geared) group of raiders, but on the whole i think it was successful.

1% wipe (and he had less than 10k health both times) is just **** unlucky.

As for the Sons? Well, its melee stuff isnt it? AOE Mana burn **** hurts. I generally Banish one, lifetap like **** to get a mana pool back and bandage, then throw in a few pot shots from maximum range. My contribution in the sons is minimal, but i think im a lot stronger in phase 3 for it.

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When we've got our strongest 40 out, we totally own Raggy, even without the LBRS buff. Last time he went down in double quick time. Yesterday we seemed to have a few fairly poorly equipped players and it really does make all the difference. Plus on the second go I got an unlucky blast into the lava which meant my DPS group didn't get their heals.

And I STILL need some decent boots, it's starting to concern me now!

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