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The Tabard is for sale in all major cities.

In Orgrimmar, its just over the rope bridge from the flight tower, Undercity and Thunder Bluff, youd have to ask when you are there.

The 25 kills in a week thing is a Wednesday-Wednesday cycle. IE, between maintainance loops. Say if you killed 25 alliance tonight, you would get your scout status next time after maintaince.

Just join Warsong Gulch. Its a 10 on 10 capture the flag battle, and easy to get your kills in. Its great fun too. If you form a group of 3 or 4, you shouldnt have to queue too long. Just go to the portal in Orgrimmar when you log in, and join the queue. You can then quest as normal, and will be asked if you want to be teleported into the Battle Ground when its your turn.

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Its 10 on 10, so you would be added to a bigger group.

sometimes the queues last ages though. So you might just want to join, then go out questing until you get summoned.

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How many HK's do you need to have gain a rank, as I don't have one at the moment.

It just so happens that i got exactly 25 last week, so I'm off to get my tabard. The joys of hanging around Ganklethorn....

BTW I'm coming on now Riss.

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Chairman Miow with Limited training is almost up to speed now and is much better now I've got rid of the daft Cower spell (a spell that makes his opponent attack me - wtf is that about), hes upto lvl 30 already and I doubt it'll take me more than an hour to get him up to 31-32 if tonight is anything to go by

Next off goldielocks is going down to the woods to nab himself a bear to play tanks are us

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Chairman Miow with Limited training is almost up to speed now and is much better now I've got rid of the daft Cower spell (a spell that makes his opponent attack me - wtf is that about), hes upto lvl 30 already and I doubt it'll take me more than an hour to get him up to 31-32 if tonight is anything to go by

Next off goldielocks is going down to the woods to nab himself a bear to play tanks are us

Thats a good thing.

It means that Chairman Meow can give out shitloads of damage. Thats his job. Take it of autocast, and just get him to use it when he is hurt.

But if you have a warrior with you, or dont mind tanking yourself, the Cower spell will make your damage output in a fight increase.

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Stupid **** Deathwing bastard server. 250ish queues all nigth, ie about 10-15 minutes wait to get on. Talking to Nayson in Orgri, when I crash and have to queue again. Get back on, and itcrashes immediately again. Another **** queue. I reckon Blizzard need a migration from Deathwing, it's getting beyond a joke.

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I've never waited more than 15 minutes, but that's still too long, especially with the better than average chance of my computer crashing when I'm in Orgri.

Next migration I reckon we should do one!

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I've never waited more than 15 minutes, but that's still too long, especially with the better than average chance of my computer crashing when I'm in Orgri.

Next migration I reckon we should do one!

I agree totally, its getting silly lately so migration would be a very good idea. If I see a queue now I just go over to Draenor server and play with the Alt until its not so busy.

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Im not migrating.

I know far too many people on the server now. It would really suck being on a different one where you dont know anybody. Full servers are better anyway. Auction House has more customers. More level 60's for the big 40 man instance runs at the end of the game. More Ally to fight (and actually, the Alliance-Horde ratio isnt too bad on this server. Others are a lot more weighted in the Alliance favour because they are full of 14 year old kids who thing they are plying Lord of the Rings, which the Alliance side basically is..) I can take a 10 minute queue for that. If i fire the game up and there is a queue, ill just alt-tab out while the game is on the queue screen, and do something else for a few minutes.

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I don't mind waiting to get on so much Nays, it's more the fact that I always seem to crash in Orgri, then have to queue up again. I'm no expert, but it'd be good if there was a way if the game could check if you'd been on in the last five minutes say, and you then wouldn't have to queue if you looged off or crashed.

Anyway, moan over.

Anyone on during the day, if you're in the AH could you keep a look out for a decent bluey 1H axe for me. I've got a decent mace, the deadwood sledge, but orcs get axe specialization as a talent. Something like the steelclaw reaver or sickle axe would be good. If you see one could you buy it, and I'll pay you back.

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