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I have never queued longer than 10 mins - its not the same for everyone.

BTW Badlands is ace for grinding, a couple of hours there and I made 6-7G in drops alone. In a couple of levels I'll be living there in order to save for my wolf.

EDIT - obviously I wasn't alone, Nays was doing most of the work!

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I know Dan.. we should hook up in Badlands. I was there this morning and the place is crawling with Q's, monsters, money, drops etc.

and allies :twisted: Could actually use some backup there.

And im gonna hit 40 tonight^^^^

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I got to level 16 (that's in a week!) and have 1 gold.

In other news, AOL have blocked this server for mail since some muppet decided to mark everything they received from the villa mailing list yesterday as spam. I can't be bothered to jump through AOL's hoops to fix it, so no-one from an AOL account can receive mails from my services. I am thinking of blocking their web access to my servers too.

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Frustrating night last night. Trying to finish a few q's in Arathi, but Hammerfall was surrounded by a good half a dozen Allies, who kept ganking and corpse camping every time I went out, and no Horde in sight. That utter word removed Deluroc (or whatver his name is) was outside, and at L46, I didn't stand a chance. I've half a mind to buy an ebay L60 Warrior just so I can track that **** down and make his life hell! Grrrrrrr.

On a lighter note, I finished a q where I had to plant a rod in a grave in Southshore. Took me four attempts due to the guards seeing me and finishing me off. On the last go, 3 ally players saw me res in the grave yard, and ran over to finish me off. Unfortunately for them, completing this q makes a L45 Horde elite and several minions appear, who swiftly dispatched my would be assailants! Ah well, at least they didn't have far to go back to their bodies!!

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Money is a real issue for me now... new spells, armor repair, Mount, and paying several gold to get my professions up...

Wouldnt mind winning a lottery of some sort.. maybe getting an epic drop, so i could sell it :wink:

Me and Dan had the most excellent moment last night when we finally got a corpse-camping rogue word removed...wouldnt mind ripping his head off in real life. His name was Evilmist...if you see him **** himover again and again and AGAIN

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Nayson and I ran into a corpse camping cnut Hunter by the name of Demonology. He'd started on Nayson (who was surrounded by mobs at the time and down to about half health) and killed him but he hadnt seen me so I took the rocket polisher down but unfortunately I got killed about 5 secs after by the bunch of mobs.

Then the fun began as he camped on mine and Naysons bodies (he obviously didnt like me killing him) and we couldnt res because at half health we would have no chance against a lvl 54.

Then our Knight in dull bloodstained armour appeared in the shape of a lvl 60 Horde Rogue. We whispered him and he came back and killed the piss out of Demonology - ahhhh revenge.

And I reckon he was a SHA fan. :twisted:

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At my current rate of levelling up I'll probably hit 40 by Sunday. I need therefore, to make 10G per day to but my mount straight away. I therefore need DROPS lots and lots of DROPS. Can we do some instances pleeeeeeeeease?

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Think I'm going to get a bit left behind, as I just can't spend the concerted amount of time on that you need to level quickly. I'm still 30,000 off L38, which probably means 170,000 or something stupid from L40. That said, I've still got 4 or 5 active quests in Hillsbrad at 2-3000 XP each.

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It certainly was! It resisted every single spell I tried, and don't think I did much damage from melee either! Hopefully my totems were of some use though. When windfury kicks in everybody gets two extra hits, and I also dropped a fire resistance totem as well.

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