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The snow and ice put my comeback on hold but I got out 3 times the other week and had gradually increased to a 3 1/2 mile run , wasn't particularly fast but having been told to never run again you don't know how great it felt to be out there

off on hol tomorrow but hope in the new Year to get some form of fitness back

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What's the point of running, again?
The point? Being alive, feeling good, taking on challenges and beating them, going for a pint with your mates afterward.

And no, just going for the beer is NOT as good, it really isn't.

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OK, currently I'm doing a fatboy slim competition at work (5 people put in £10 each and whoever loses the most weight, wins), and this has escalated into people talking about training to run a marathon.

Do you think it's possible for someone who doesn't run, is slightly-noticeably overweight, to start training now and be able to run a marathon in October (the Eden marathon in Cornwall to be exact)???? If so, are there any tips from anyone who has done somthing like this before?

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I got persuaded to sign up for the Bath Half Marathon back in September (race is in March). I hadn't run or done any exercise in months (if not years) before that. I started training straight away, very gently, and honestly couldn't manage a slow run for 5 minutes. I'm now doing 10 mile runs and getting better all the time.

So, if you stick to a plan and keep going then yes, you probably can do it. Although, you might want to start with something a bit less ambitious like me and go for a half marathon.

If you do go for it I found "couch to 5k" and the running coach on the lucozade website useful.

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OK, currently I'm doing a fatboy slim competition at work (5 people put in £10 each and whoever loses the most weight, wins), and this has escalated into people talking about training to run a marathon.

Do you think it's possible for someone who doesn't run, is slightly-noticeably overweight, to start training now and be able to run a marathon in October (the Eden marathon in Cornwall to be exact)????

Yes, absolutely - if you really want to do it and are willing to train sensibly. Runners World website and many others will have good schedules.
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Anybody tried the free endomondo app?

I've just downloaded it and looks great. It's a GPS system which tracks your runs, how far you've run, how fast etc, can't wait to give it a try.

I used to be a gym head and was probably 70% weights and 30%, now I've ditched the gym and am going to give proper running a go. It's been about 3-4 months since I've been the gym and I feel like crap, I think I just need something positive to focus on!

Theres no better feeling than feeling good in yourself :)

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smashed my current PB for 3 1/2 miles by over 2 mins on Friday night

still a lots of room for improvement but I'm quite happy with the progress , started playing tennis again as well and can see the results of the improved fitness as I motor around the court :-)

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Had a great weekend running wise, knocked my 5k PB down to 16:16 at the Cannon Hill parkrun:


(I'm the blur in the maroon top)

....and then did a nice slow 25 mile Sunday run today (don't usually go that far but I was dragged along to some clubmate's long run). Don't feel too bad, but then I've been in form since xmas. I expect a lot more over the coming months, leading up to the Nashville marathon in April and hopefully a sub 2:45 time to get me a guaranteed entry to the elite mens pen for the 2012 London Marathon.

On the subject of listening to music whilst running, I've never taken to it myself. I understand some people find it encourages them but I like to be able to hear what is going on around me. Music is a bit of a distraction and I'd find it hard to focus if hard d'n'b was coming out of an ipod whilst I was on a run.

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gutted to find they've moved the Great Edinburgh Run this year. The last 2 years I've done it and it's been over the May Bank Holiday weekend. They've moved it to October this year.

But as a result, i've signed up to do the Great Manchester Run instead. In theory I should be breaking my PB of 58 minutes that i set in Edinburgh last year, as the manchester Course is flatter. However, last year I'd been playing a lot more sport so was considerably fitter than I am now, so it'll take some training.

As mentioned before, I'm in no way a runner, I've just done the 10k twice before for charity. in reality I hate running!

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my brother runs 17min 5K's on the treadmill down the gym .. I always say to him it's not comparable with running outside as in effect the belt is moving and he is just lifting his feet and there is no propulsion as such ... I've seen him on the treadmill and his running style is not a good one and one that would transfer outside very well either IMO

anyone IKT about treadmil v Outside times ?

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Running on a treadmill feels somewhat easier physically because the ground is being pulled underneath your feet and there's no wind resistance. Running outdoor demands more from your body because you're propelling your body forward stride for stride. Many treadmills are padded, making them a good option if you're overweight or are injury-prone (especially with knee issues) and want to decrease the impact. You can better simulate outdoor running by setting your treadmill at 1% incline.

Personally I wouldn't know, never managed to run on a treadmill, and have no real desire to do so.

EDIT: And living in West Yorkshire as I do, running on the flat is the exception rather than the norm (unless I go for a running track or canal towpath). As far as I'm concerned, proper training requires hills - preferably including some fairly severe ones. No pain, no gain.

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