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What was your time Si? Or were you running as a team? :)

Well done guys. Runners World website for next races coming up.

PBs set up to be beaten. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Join a club.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to it this week sweetness.

Looking into buying a Garmin watch, now that first race is done and I've sstill got the hunger for it I want to try and get optimum training regime on the go.

I've got the money to spend on said watch, but is the 405 really worth 2ton?

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Back to it this week sweetness.

Looking into buying a Garmin watch, now that first race is done and I've sstill got the hunger for it I want to try and get optimum training regime on the go.

I've got the money to spend on said watch, but is the 405 really worth 2ton?

Being a tight-fisted git, I'd probably say no. But I know a lot of runners who swear by them. If you have the dosh and you're a gadget geek, go for it - lots of groovy features on there.
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Hmmmm, £190 is a lot of money for what is essentially not a fashion watch..... ugh I hate having money.
Ah, now y'see, I would have said £190 would be a ridiculous price if it was a fashion watch. :)

But as it isn't, the price seems more reasonable. I like a good gadget, but I hate fashion.

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Haha, an interesting conflict in opinion Mooney.

First run since Fradley today, 7k in 43minutes, feel absolutely superb right now but was panting like a beast when we first finished, jeeeeeesus a week off sitting on my arse eating cream cakes didn't prepare me like I hoped.

I did note during my week off (and a couple of weeks during snow time) that everything slowly started going to pot, losing things, getting angry at nothing, not sleeping well, shit performance at work et al. I feel at rest again now, proper relaxed, ready for a busy day tomorrow and looking forward to a good couple of weekends. The psychological benefits I've found to be be the equal of the physical benefits, if not more. It's strange man.

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Change of plan on the Garmin, can't spend 200 quid when I've got a GPS tracker on my phone, so gonna just get a HRM.

Which brands are the ones to go for? I've read good things about the Polar F6 which is up on Amazon for just over £50, anyone got any experience of it/them?

Ta muchly,


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Was out on training ride this morning - 40 damp miles with cape on to try to shed some weight - and rode past a place called Catton Park. This is between Tamworth and Burton on Trent and a nice area - very rural.

They have signs up advertising the Catton Park 10K on May 1st I think; just wondered if you blokes were interested or whether you all knew about it anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Ran the great Edinburgh RUn on Sunday for the second time. Despite my pledges on this very thread to take up running, I didn't, and this was my first long distance run (10k) since last year when I did the same run.

However, after a season of playing 90 minutes of football every week, it has certainly helped my fitness. This year I REALLY enjoyed the run. I ran the whole way without even thinking of stopping and beat my time from last year by 5 and a half minutes (did it in 58 minutes this year).

And in truth I could have beaten it by more. I had a lot left in the tank when I finished and if I could run it again I think i could have kicked on for the last 2k at least and still finished strongly. Whereas I actually saved it all for the last 1k out of trepidation that if I pushed too soon I'd end up knackered too soon and have to stop which I was determined not to do.

So, a very enjoyable run, I'll return next year. However, I now have an agonising injury.

Didn't feel anything during or straight after the run, and as I said I felt like I could have run another few k without much bother. But Sunday night I started to get a dull ache on the outside of my foot, below the ankle. Yesterday it got worse and today it is excruciating. I can barely walk. The pain now goes form the area I described along the outside/bottom of the foot, and its beginning to hurt my ankle too, but that may be due to compensation when I'm walking.

May have to go get it checket out, only suggestions I can find on the net are a stress fracture of the fifth metatarsal or an inflammation of the tendon in that area.

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So the pressure got too much, my family run, my boyfriend runs... Now I run!

I went to Nottingham and had a Gait analysis done (The Sweatshop, I cannot recommend them enough) I have to be honest it was kinda daunting - I've never run before. I didn't really know how to run. It's different for girls, I haven't played football since I was young, or run track and field. Simply a complete running novice.

Anyway, Pete in the sweatshop was fantastic, helped me out with the treadmill, had me run for him and looked at my feet, I need a cushioned sports shoe and he helped me find a pair of New Balance ladies running shoes!

Went out for my first run with Trim yesterday (obviously had to purchase an amazing sports bra too - thanks to the girls in the Wonderbra outlet in Gloucester Quays for the fitting and help) with my new running gear on as well and did just over a mile - half jogging, half walking. I didn't think being overweight and so very unfit that I'd manage even a few hundred yards, so I'm quite chuffed.

Out running tomorrow on my own and again with Trim on Friday. I'm lucky to have a canal path behind my house with constant lamp posts, so I can walk 1, jog 1 and track my improvement as I start to run 2 then 3 and stop the walking gradually, etc. I also downloaded the Couch to 5k iPhone app which seems pretty good and I am tracking my weight (starting weight, very scary!) and will keep a blog. Exciting times.

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Good stuff Laura, welcome to the cult!

But I wouldn't worry too much about tracking your weight, it may even temporarily go up! It's all about fitness, but checking too frequently can be pointless. You'll know you're improving just by the way you feel - just ask yer feller, he knows. And since he never seems to post on here these days, please pass on this nag; RUNNING CLUB!!!!!

Well done to Stevo, too - start working on that PB.

My injury moans are documented on another thread. :(

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I'm not a real weight watcher, never have before - and had no idea of my weight when I checked yesterday (& had the fright of my life.) So I won't be watching it and getting down beat, I'd just like to keep track. When my clothes feel looser & I run further and easier, is when I will be feeling good. (Got to get my moneys worth on these shoes!)

RE: A running club, I told him so yesterday - I get the feeling him & Si would get a lot out of a club. Maybe when I move down there, we'll all join together :)

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I was going to start again to give myself some respite between revision sessions but my back has got excruitiatingly bad over the last few days so much that I have to see the doctor today. Bloody nightmare.

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I'm out with a suspected hernia at the moment, just waiting for an ultrasound scan appointment to confirm it. Had one (hernia) a few years ago and they aren't the most pleasant things and I'm in varying amounts of pain and discomfort during the day at the moment. But I have to say the worse thing will be missing 6 weeks or so of running. Gutted. :cry:

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