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yesterday i thought I'd replace my running shoes as it was long over due .... I've always had Asics running shoes for as long as I can remember , went into the shops yesterday and came out with a pair of Brooks instead

I'd never heard of them before but the man in the shop recommended them so I tried them along with the Asics and a couple of other ..... man they are just soooooo comfortable ... I even knocked 17 sec of my PB today , which of course is all down to the shoe :D

check them out in your local sweatshop if you can , imo they have just that little bit more cushioning than the other brands I've tried ..but without making you bounce like a kangaroo when you run ..first proper run in them today and it was just such a noticeable difference , my knees aren't aching now i'm back at my desk like they would always do previously

I have a pair of Brooks that I bought earlier this year and they cost me a fortune but when out and about running they didnt do so well, so now I use them for trips to gym etc. They are very well padded but I found that this encourages bad habits with running technique. I now use these for running http://www.wiggle.co.uk/saucony-type-a6-shoes-aw14 and there isnt too much to them, but its much easier to run of the front or middle of the foot which encourages better form. I was originally concerned with running longer distances in them but done a few Halves and my IM Marathon in them with no issues. I have even bought another pair for when my current ones die a death. I'm not too sure how good they are going to be off-road in the winter, so I may have to go back to my gore-tex Nikes.

I'm a heel toe runner always have been despite efforts to change ... (Probably the main cause of the injury problems I had tbh) ...

I ran for a club and my coaches always reckoned I was running faster than my body and technique was capable of , I was just a stubborn bugger with good fitness who hated losing !!!

But it might be why I like the brooks ... My brother had a try of mine in the gym earlier and couldn't get on with them , he is currently running faster than me and didn't like the feel compared to his asics

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Come back when it's 42 ;-)

Makes we wonder what RICO's is given he can run a 75 minute half marathon
Probably closer to 60. It doesn't actually have a massive bearing on general fitness, it's more an indication of the volume of blood that can be pumped at once so people like larger long distance runners and cyclists will have the lower heart rates. A 75 mins HM runner doesn't necessarily need a huge heart.
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75kg, ~49bpm, 93min HM. It was 42 when I first made the transition from fat sedentary person to runner. It's crept back up now I'm faster but running shorter distances.


That's interesting as I didnt realise that was the correlation for heart rate. I always remember MMA Fighter Michael Bisping talking about that he was uber fit because his HR was 32 or something similar.


I actually did a Vo2 max test a couple of weeks back on a Watt bike, only problem is the "Storer" ramp test is really for beginners and the fact I can generate good power for short periods made it look like I had Top athlete level Vo2 which clearly I do not. When we did other calculations it sat in the "good" level which is more what I expected for my current fitness.

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PB for what distance? And what time was it? You tend to find you get PBs at this time of year because of the temperature drop, but well done anyway :-)



broke the 25 min barrier and came in at 24 min 55 secs

sadly i used to run this in around the 18 min mark  12 years ago , so It's a long long way to go .. but previously this year it was taking me 30 mins  and quite often I had to abort due to discomfort in my knees so I'm making good progress


I'm realistic enough to know I'll never get back to the old days , but for a sporty person like myself it's just a relief that my latest comeback seems to have legs to it

Edited by tonyh29
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If your south of 50 then I think getting down to fast times is very possible, around 50 I think it would be more difficult (not impossible).


Im hoping to be back on the 5K PB hunt in a month or so, my PB was set in April and I seem to be running as fast in training but a bit of a heavier weight which is always good. Im going to see where I am at parkrun this weekend, I would hope I would get an 18 even if it is a high one. Im doing the Great South Run weekend after next so would be nice to be in shape to get a PB there (I ran 1:08ish in Feb) although the vast numbers of people might put a bullet in doing my best. My main target race for the rest of the year is an Offroad duathlon 10k/18k/5k which I think is going to be a pretty tough 2 hours+ of racing.

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Me! Orange wave. Lost a bit of fitness recently so hoping for about 1.36. Won't be too disappointed with anything under 1.40 though as I've got to step it up for London next April.

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Got a mate who ran a half marathon in 1:48 on his first attempt and he only runs occasionally, probably could hit 1:30 or lower if he really went for it but its hard to be that dedicated.


Not even close to running a half marathon personally.

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Did a 24:30 today so another 20 odd secs improvement ... Still had loads left in the tank at the end so should break 24 next week

That's about 90 secs taken off my 2014 PB in one week ....I'm beginning to think I was just slacking before , it can't all be down to a new pair of shoes can it !!!

Maybe I'll target 22 mins for the end of the year and then see if I can kick on in 2015

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