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What's your tipple this evening then?


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Just some Carling in celebration of United's title win. Smile

Did you buy the only can in the offie, simply becasue you had more money than anyone else in the queue? Had a lot of people travelled to the off licence who could have gone to a more local one and could have bought London Pride or Sapporo, but preferred their brew served in "plastic"?

I find Carling leaves a bitter aftertaste - its a poorer product these days as all the money gets put into marketing the product.

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A rather nice cider from Thatcher's called Katy, which presumably is the type of apple. Anyway it's 7.4% and quite refreshing.

One of my faves

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  • 3 weeks later...
You rotten, rotten bastards.

I'm in Saudi Arabia. :evil:

Aye but you're most likely "considerably richer" than us!

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Bavaria Pilsner


Chimay Blue - strong!


Beer Moretti

all present in my fridge :-)

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