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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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11 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

You mean the one that was rejected and then renegotiated to act on the concerns raised by the rejection. Then, a referendum carried out following a manifesto pledge by the winning party in a general election to hold one, and accepted with a 67% / 33% majority.

Yep, that's what 'amendments and back to the polls' meant.


For something that's often wheeled out as an example of the EU's disregard for democracy, it strikes me as pretty darn democratic.

Is this bit actually directed at me or my post or just a wider point you are making?

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3 hours ago, Davkaus said:

They almost certainly weren't paired, but it's worth pointing out that even if they had voted against it, it'd have passed, but by a single vote rather than 3.

That's more than can be said for the Labour 'rebels'. And by rebels, I mean something that won't get through the swear filter.

Also, it sounds like an eff up in two parts. Labour were kidding on they were going to absatian, but didn't te;ll the Dems, and then by 8 O'clock when they decided to vote against, there wasn't time to get he two LD bods back from wherever they'd gone. I think Labour and the LDs need to talk more to co-ordinate stuff. My impression is that much of Labour would rather die than co-operate with the LDs.

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A referendum requires legislation and preparation to bring about. That doesn't happen quickly. It's quite possible there's not enough time to have a new referendum before the Article 50 deadline, as a number have pointed out.

Forget referendums, they're a terrible idea. Pray some MPs grow some bollocks, or they discover their salary and position is safe pushing for Remain. Otherwise, Rees-Mogg and a bunch of swivel eyed morons in the populace are going to be very happy in March.

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On a more spiteful note, I know there'll be hardcore Brexiteers reading this thread chuckling to themselves over Remoaners getting into a tizzy, aren't they all so silly.

I hope they all suffer.

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16 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

Is this bit actually directed at me or my post or just a wider point you are making?

The latter -  at the type of numpty that says things like "oh, they'll just make us keep voting until we get the decision they want".

Edit - Apologies if you thought the tone was accusatory, just thought it was worth adding the context around the 08/09 referendums.

Edited by ml1dch
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1 minute ago, ml1dch said:

The latter -  at the type of numpty that says things like "oh, they'll just make us keep voting until we get the decision they want".

All good, me being all hypersensitive again then :) Nothing to see here then we'll carry on with the job at hand - Dystopian Nightmare A or Dystopian Nightmare B? Discuss....

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The Vote Leave criminality should be a complete scandal, but it won't be.

The entire thing is rotten.

But the law is stupid so breaking the electoral rules will result in er... **** all.

And it'll be tracked as political machinations to undermine the result (despite the cheating that got that result, shush) and carefully forgotten.

Despite the fact it involves rather a lot of senior government faces too.

And the media is all rolled up in it too.

To go back a few years. BIAD. 

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I dunno what you're all worried about, we'll get a deal, they'll get to the deadline and push it through, how much can there be really?


And in fairness Japan's deal would almost certainly be less wide reaching than the one we need.

'kin hell the stupidity of it all.

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Parliament votes against a measure to ensure proposed trade deals are subject to publication before ratification.

Just... Why the **** would you vote against that? Unless you're on the take. Or so feeble your superior (and maybe you in the future) is on the take and you love that party line.

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4 minutes ago, snowychap said:

Vote on NC18 on the Trade Bill is expected to be close.

Apparently, the Tory whips have been circling the potential rebels in the hopes of picking off one or two of the weakest.

The whip could be in John O'Groats and would only need to cough to get Soubry to slide into line.

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4 minutes ago, snowychap said:

301 - 307.

Gov victory by 6 votes. Down to Hoey et al.? Perhaps Cable & Fallon had other places to be again?

Those gays simply won't chastise themselves you know.

Of course Hoey and co will be there too. They may as well cackle as they vote.

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I'm not sure if I've got this right, but am I correct in thinking these two votes have basically given the 'Brexiteers' what they want, but what they want will be outright rejected by the EU when we try and negotiate it with them? 

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4 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

I'm not sure if I've got this right, but am I correct in thinking these two votes have basically given the 'Brexiteers' what they want, but what they want will be outright rejected by the EU when we try and negotiate it with them? 

Seems that way.

No deal here we go.

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