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What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?


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This has been one maddening labor of love for me. This is a remix of a movie that has been near and dear to be since around Third Grade-- the 1993 romantic-comedy-fantasy classic, Groundhog Day! It's comprised entirely-- and I mean entirely out of small bits and pieces of the movie, either re-pitched, slowed down, sped up, and sometimes with a slight touch of auto-tune for good measure (or a lot of auto-tune to re-configure chords in some score samples).

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Intro sucks but the rest is cool

BTW don't ye like Lemmy?

The Poobah album is right up your alley.

Lemmy is ok.

Saw Motorhead a good few years ago, it was fun, but it sounded like they played the same track for an hour and a half.

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