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Paul Lambert


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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 



Disagree.  Its the reason McLeish got sacked.  The club were ringing round fans wanting to know why they werent renewing their season tickets.  Lerner would still have kept him on only the fans stopped renewing. 

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 

IMO the fans are turning not turned many still want Lambert to succeed either through thinking he is still a good manager or that regardless of who is in charge we are were any manager could get us. His tactics can be baffling but then so can the results beating the top teams and losing the others. His purchases are exactly the same benteke is countered with a Tonev yet when he has spent decent money we have got good players. Fans get frustrated easily some very easily I for one just want us safe. Then find out where our club is going. If Lambert stays and has money to spend I'll support him but he will be up against it after the last 2 years but until we know the future for our club I will support the manager. If we get new owners and they sack him I won't be too bothered but under the constraints placed by club and the injuries to key players this season I hope he gets given money to have a crack at getting us back to where we belong. If you read some of the tweets and message boards posted about Brendan Rodgers 12 months ago you will see how quickly things can change difference being LFC spent money!!

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.


What has he done at Villa to show he is a decent manager? 


Kept us up (hopefully this year as well :) )  My own personal expectations with the shit players we have is that is an achievement. 


We can argue to the cows come home that Lambert bought them, which I don’t argue, but with no money to replace our good players it was always going to happen. 


He also bought Bentekke, but lets not forget that Delph has done pretty well under him.


Its immaterial really as I believe there is a major shakeup of the club coming and everyone knows about it including himself.  I dont expect him to be here next season.

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.



I'd like to see the figures. There are lies and damned statistics just like the GDP figures. Perhaps Ken Dodd's accountant is involved?

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My thoughts..


Unless we are going to get someone better Id still like Lambert to stay!


(Note - This counts for double if Learner is still in charge)



Well that really narrow's the field down to anyone except Lambert, McLeish and Little Jimmi Crankie?


I know that you are half saying that in jest but this is exactly what Im on about.


Since Lambert has become the villain of the piece we forget that he is actually a decent manager. 


I dont want someone here just because they have a different name.


What has he done at Villa to show he is a decent manager? 


He is a decent manager because we hired him. Exactly the same reasons as we will hire the next one.


At some point this will have to become less about the perception of the manager.

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I think the supporters have supported brilliantly this season. It's the directors' directing, manager managing and the players' playing that has been the let down. And don't get me started on the lords a leaping......

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He is a decent manager because we hired him. Exactly the same reasons as we will hire the next one.


At some point this will have to become less about the perception of the manager.

Strange logic you have there. It is impossible that Aston Villa could hire a poor manager?

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 



Disagree.  Its the reason McLeish got sacked.  The club were ringing round fans wanting to know why they werent renewing their season tickets.  Lerner would still have kept him on only the fans stopped renewing. 


Really, you have the evidence to support that comment?

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.



Why? VR makes some brilliant points. Is it wrong to say supporters can affect games by the quality of support they give? If "Troll" is all you can add to a discussion then I pity you sir. Credit to VR for having the courage to post his message.



When has the support let the team down during Lambert's turgid tenure? For VR to state that we as Villa fans need to get behind and 'support' the team is patronising and insulting to other Villa fans who have put up with more than could be expected under our current blithering idiot of a manager. He is totally posting for effect and I believe the correct description is actually troll as he is looking for the attention!


Good God you have West Ham fans booing when they win? Newcastle fans booing their team in 9th place. They should come and walk in our shoes and put up with the drivel we have for the past 4 years. if the events at VP had happened at another club we would be sitting here laughing at their misfortune and wondering why their fans were putting up with such a shite manager.


Lambert has had more than enough time to show his worth and has fallen woefully short of competent therefore has to go. As fans we has shown the patience of Job!

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 



Disagree.  Its the reason McLeish got sacked.  The club were ringing round fans wanting to know why they werent renewing their season tickets.  Lerner would still have kept him on only the fans stopped renewing. 


Really, you have the evidence to support that comment?



Yeah ive got all the call logs made from villa office.  Go through the McLeish thread and you will see this is exactly what happened.

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.



I'd like to see the figures. There are lies and damned statistics just like the GDP figures. Perhaps Ken Dodd's accountant is involved?



He has lost the fans


Only a few weeks back after the Crystal Palace game there was a fans poll in the birmingham mail and 86% wanted him gone


After the drubbing in the Swansea game i can only imagine that figure has now reached 99% with only a select few wanting him to stay


Just because people are renewing their season tickets does not mean they still support the current clown in charge the majority are renewing just because they want to keep supporting the club and are praying that common sense prevails at the end of the season and he is swiftly removed

Edited by AshVilla
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He is a decent manager because we hired him. Exactly the same reasons as we will hire the next one.


At some point this will have to become less about the perception of the manager.

Strange logic you have there. It is impossible that Aston Villa could hire a poor manager?


No, maybe I have explained myself poorly.  I should have separated the points.


He was chosen as he was the outstanding candidate at the time (which will be far better than we will get the chance to hire this time around given the same circumstances).


I think what is flawed is our selection process, and it will be exactly the same next time.

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 



Disagree.  Its the reason McLeish got sacked.  The club were ringing round fans wanting to know why they werent renewing their season tickets.  Lerner would still have kept him on only the fans stopped renewing. 


Really, you have the evidence to support that comment?



Yeah ive got all the call logs made from villa office.  Go through the McLeish thread and you will see this is exactly what happened.


You have all the call logs for every season ticket holder that refused to renew because McLeish was manager. Wow, that is impressive!

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


One good win & things change. Believe me!


The whole Club just need to survive this season & then we can look to seriously assess where we are currently & where we really intend to be longer term & what needs to be done to seriously help Lambo to arrest the decline & achieve his & our ambitions. You can tell by his recent comments that he is pig sick of where our massive Club is currently languishing right now & he knows that this is totally unacceptable. ( Though through no fault of his own IMO I hasten to add.)


Serious lessons have surely been learn't by all those associated with the Club this season & most provocatively of all, it is the fan's, more than anyone, who are currently destabilising Lambert's sincere efforts to arrest the Clubs decline, because of their atrocious & negative attitudes, failure to grasp the true reality of how challenging the Villa Manager's job really is & their failure to recognise that he has been seriously handicapped, especially by injuries to key personnel, but most annoyingly of all it is their puerile action of spitting their dummies out at the worst possible time when the Club desperately need the 12th man to stand up & be counted & show what they are worth.


FFS! Stop moaning! Get behind the team, get behind the Manager & get behind the club 100% & prove that you too are also worthy to be recognised by the Club as being worthy of wearing the claret & blue scarf instead of constantly motivating the opposition by constantly dragging the Club down by creating a totally negative & detrimental atmosphere & slagging off the Manager & the team who are trying their very best to secure our future in the division.


To sum up:


Directors direct. Managers Manage, Players play & Supporters Support.( allegedly)


So, hopefully now my message is clear?


Support, support, support, support.


Don't moan about it - Just do it.

Fans buying season tickets does not mean that they support Lambert, his tactics (or lack of them), his poor purchases or the owner and his gross incompetence. Fans buying season tickets means that they support Aston Villa (the entity).


Fans bought season tickets when we were in the 3rd division. Don't be fooled by such an historic pastime. 



Disagree.  Its the reason McLeish got sacked.  The club were ringing round fans wanting to know why they werent renewing their season tickets.  Lerner would still have kept him on only the fans stopped renewing. 


Really, you have the evidence to support that comment?



Yeah ive got all the call logs made from villa office.  Go through the McLeish thread and you will see this is exactly what happened.


You have all the call logs for every season ticket holder that refused to renew because McLeish was manager. Wow, that is impressive!





Maybe he works for NOTW??

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People, people, people, please quit with this "he's lost the fans nonsense."


No he hasn't.


I bought my season ticket yesterday & so have many other Villa fans too to date.


I'd like to see the figures. There are lies and damned statistics just like the GDP figures. Perhaps Ken Dodd's accountant is involved?


He has lost the fans


Only a few weeks back after the Crystal Palace game there was a fans poll in the birmingham mail and 86% wanted him gone


After the drubbing in the Swansea game i can only imagine that figure has now reached 99% with only a select few wanting him to stay


Just because people are renewing their season tickets does not mean they still support the current clown in charge the majority are renewing just because they want to keep supporting the club and are praying that common sense prevails at the end of the season and he is swiftly removed

You can never put a figure on it as fans with negative opinion tend to shout louder than those with positive ones. All that matters Saturday is that the fans support the club 100% then once safety is assured let's see where we are heading! As for the % ratings if we win 5 nil that'll change dramatically. I'm also sure if Lambert stays and signs some big names it'd change but that's the roller coaster of being a fan!!

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He is a decent manager because we hired him. Exactly the same reasons as we will hire the next one.


At some point this will have to become less about the perception of the manager.

Strange logic you have there. It is impossible that Aston Villa could hire a poor manager?

No, maybe I have explained myself poorly.  I should have separated the points.


He was chosen as he was the outstanding candidate at the time (which will be far better than we will get the chance to hire this time around given the same circumstances).


I think what is flawed is our selection process, and it will be exactly the same next time.

I fail to see what was wrong with the selection process. Lambert was hired because:

- He did a remarkable job at Norwich

- He was a young manager

- He was known to play attacking football

- He was thought to be capable of working on a budget

I can't blame the board for the fact he has proven to be a fraud really. Their mistake is that they didn't sack him as soon as this became apparent.

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I fail to see what was wrong with the selection process. Lambert was hired because:

- He did a remarkable job at Norwich

- He was a young manager

- He was known to play attacking football

- He was thought to be capable of working on a budget

I can't blame the board for the fact he has proven to be a fraud really. Their mistake is that they didn't sack him as soon as this became apparent.



I agree with this.  He seemed like a good appointment at the time.  The fact he's turned out to be shiter than a shite in a shite factory isn't "hindsight" it's seeing how he's done after 2 years and rightly concluding "that's shite".

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When has the support let the team down during Lambert's turgid tenure?


I firmly believe we have some of the best supporters in the land, but we are not faultless by any means. For example, some of the unnecessary abuse dished out to our players in the last few months has been nothing short of disgusting. Additionally, we are talking about young players who are still developing. This behaviour is the antithesis of support. It is unforgivable and makes the atmosphere volatile for everybody associated with this great club. It is not acceptable. 


The real question now is how can Villa supporters help the team? There is no time to dwell on the past and play the blame game. Get behind Lambert and the boys for the remaining games. 


For VR to state that we as Villa fans need to get behind and 'support' the team is patronising and insulting to other Villa fans who have put up with more than could be expected under our current blithering idiot of a manager


What is the alternative? Go to the Hull game and lay into the people playing for us. That makes logical sense. Supporters are at games to support their team, it is as simple as that. We need "support" on Saturday, no excuses.


He is totally posting for effect and I believe the correct description is actually troll as he is looking for the attention!


He is having some fun. I have no doubts VR believes in what he posts but gets too carried away with himself. Labelling people with different opinions as "trolls" or "attention seekers" is a weak argument. 


Good God you have West Ham fans booing when they win? Newcastle fans booing their team in 9th place. They should come and walk in our shoes and put up with the drivel we have for the past 4 years. if the events at VP had happened at another club we would be sitting here laughing at their misfortune and wondering why their fans were putting up with such a shite manager.


I understand the anger over the last four years but it still does not excuse poor support. We are so much better.


Lambert has had more than enough time to show his worth and has fallen woefully short of competent therefore has to go. As fans we has shown the patience of Job!


It is not about Lambert. It is about Aston Villa staying in the league.

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