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How much did you enjoy your childhood?


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I've been listening to this whilst reading this thread. It really adds to the atmosphere  ;)


Bit pretentious Ginks, 



:P  :P  :P  :P  :P

Bet this is you right now -



Edited by 8pints
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Do I win geek status now

No. You claim to have found a solution to an 'Apple' problem which is barely a step up from claiming to have improved a design by Terence Conran. :P
But Apple were cool then not like now where uncool people buy their products ...

Sent via my iPhone

Edited by tonyh29
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I loved mine. 


It was great, played football for the same team from 7-16, went away on family camps with all the players and our families, had talent shows where everyone got involved.


Used to go fishing - but not very often, just often enough for it to be cool.


Used to go caravaning in Cornwall most years, I loved walking in the tin mines and exploring.


Had the best brother in the world who is 6 years older than I, so he helped me along brilliantly :)


Parents weren't poor, but weren't rich either (hence the caravan :lol:) but I always felt like we'd had the best fun.


I loved primary school, I enjoyed high school, I was just where I wanted to be in the social ladder I think.


If I could have done anything differently, it would be put down the controllers and go practice in my football in my field at the back of my house, which we turned into a football pitch with 7-a-side goals with nets and everything.  We made teams and did tactics and all sorts, I was the youngest by about 5 years :lol:


I remember not having any shorts to go out an play in, so I wore boxer shorts, which I thought were the same thing :) 


Also, for my 5th birthday, I had a sand pit, which gave me so much joy - army men vs indians/cowboys (army men always won funnily enough).


I'd do it all again tomorrow if I had the chance - loved every minute of it, very lucky lad :D - thanks mom and dad xxx

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I loved every minute of mine.  Grew up on a council estate on the very very very edge of town which meant two things, loads of kids my age to play with and acres of green fields to play in. We probably had half a dozen places to play football within 500 yards of home, a reservoir with fish in it barely five minutes walk away and a proper woods at the top of the street. Never struggled for friends because there were always people about.  My parents were pretty awesome too, we didn't have much money it really didn't matter. 

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ha ha, lapal! army men vs indians / cowboys!


aw man, I took all my soldiers up my mates house, we built forts either end of the upstairs landing and across the stairs and threw little toy cars at each others soldiers as cannon or bombardment or something. It all got quite heated with more and more ordnance being thrown back and fore. Then, I'm not sure what happened exactly, but it escalated to the point where we were squirting squeezey bottles of paint at each others troops. Awesome hedonistic pure fun. Then you sort of calm down, breath, recalibrate and think the 9 year old equivalent of 'oh fuuuuuurq'. I picked up my troops and made a sharp exit. Happy days.


This later evolved into climbing the local cliffs, placing your action man, climbing back down and then lobbing stones at the opposition action man. Mad bloody dangerous but felt like fun aged 11.

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I have a vague memory of being bathed in the kitchen sink, proper working class. The thing is we had a bath upstairs. Don't know why they used the sink. I'm calling social services.

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I grew up in the suburbs, I don't know if I was necessarily middle class though.


Back then, Lichfield actually used to be a nice city... and then the chavs came. They were merciless.

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Love it how we all grew up poor :)

Wasn't anyone even remotely middle class ?


we were the first family in our street to have the coin meter removed from our tv


kids today wouldn't even know tv's had a box with a coin slot and a crank handle, pah

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Love it how we all grew up poor :)

Wasn't anyone even remotely middle class ?

we were the first family in our street to have the coin meter removed from our tv

I think legally removed would have been more impressive :)

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