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Everything posted by hogso

  1. There's no reference to the 23/24 season that I can see, so I think you're right. I gave up my season ticket some years ago, so find having a membership instead a good option.
  2. I can see Horizon working, Days Gone maybe...but beyond that...Heavy Rain perhaps?
  3. This had HBO's biggest ever increase in viewership for a second episode (up 22% from episode 1), the third episode was referred to as on of the best of the series by critics who saw them all ahead of it being on TV, and episode 4 doesn't have the distraction of football playoffs (or something idfk). Hopefully that viewer count will continue to grow, as that's what it's all about ultimately if we ever want to see a series 2 (and beyond?). I also can't recommend the accompanying podcast series on the HBO Max YouTube channel enough. It features the two show creators and Troy Baker hosts (the original Joel, as well as about a billion other roles in games and anime). Future show spoilers I guess?? Anyway, the podcast is really good, gives the listener a really good idea of what they were going for, and some little bits of plot which may be missed. No game spoilers in it, BTW.
  4. Liked the idea of a swarm, wonder if that's something they would have liked to do in the game, but were unable to due to the hardware at the time. The Joel/Ellie dynamic is working so far for me, and the museum scene was good, again separating it from a typical zombie show.
  5. Seems all but the biggest American reviewers haven't received a copy of Forspoken to review, ahead of it's release tomorrow. IGN, who did get a review copy, gave it 6/10. Ohhhh boy.
  6. Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden are now available on PS4/PS5 via PSN. Which means I no longer have all the trophies for the Persona games available on PS4. Cry. I'll get round to them, at some point... I should probably mention for anyone who hasn't played either game before, that they do have 're-mastered' graphics, but certainly not up to P5's standard, and they've also added a quick save feature which is nice, as the P3 in particular is more akin to a proper dungeon crawler when compared to P5. There's also English and Japanese VA options. P3P actually changed how the original P3 and P3FES worked already, insofar as you can control the other team members during battle. You couldn't do that before, so even going back to it from P4 was annoying, let alone anyone who were to try it now after P5. There were some other less than great changes P3P put in place...but it's still a great game.
  7. NJPW had their second Wrestle Kingdom show of the month yesterday, a 'versus NOAH' event. It includes a tag match with the top champions of each promotion on other team - Okada for New Japan, and Kiyomiya for NOAH. The ref eventually called it off after about 6 minutes, but it completely broke down after about 2. In one of the best worked shoots I've ever seen, Kiyomiya gave Okada a very stiff Kowada style head kick, bust him open hard way, and they then began to brawl all over the place. They will now face off in a singles match at the same event where Keiji Mutoh will have his last ever match, versus Naito.
  8. Good lord, mad to think I was getting all excited about the sequel to SARPBC almost 10 years ago. I think this and Ni No Kuni recommendations are my greatest VT achievements.
  9. With regards to the length of the first and second game, an interesting point which I've noticed this week. A popular youtuber in the FF realm, named Dansg08, initially made his name by recording and uploading no sphere grid challenge runs of Final Fantasy X, but in more recent years found success with 'movie' edits of games, ie. all the in-game cut scenes and all other story relevant chatter edited together to make one long 'movie'. He's done that for a whole bunch of FF games, but his biggest success - which has reached nearly 10 million views - is a 'movie' version of The Last of Us. It clocks in at 6 hours and 8 minutes (plus Left Behind which is separate, clocking in at 1 hour and 15 minutes). By way of comparison, the total confirmed length of the episodes of the TV show is 524 minutes, or 8 hours and 44 minutes. It's easy to see, then, why there is so much scope for fleshing out some parts of the story. For what it's worth, there are much shorter edited versions of the first game, clocking in at little as 2 hours, but I don't think they really represent the whole story, as of course a lot of work is done amongst those environments, rather than simply the cut scenes. He also did TLoU Part 2, which clocked in at 10 hours 17 minutes. Here it is if anyone is curious, and has a spare 6 hours I should probably mention it was captured from the original PS3 version, so may look a bit rough, from a current gen point of view.
  10. Steady on, he worked the bigger indies of course like Chikara, GCW, CZW, PWG, but also ROH and Impact, and did tours of Japan with BJW, NOAH and NJPW. I think you mean one of the best performers to never work for WWE or AEW! If no one has ever seen it, check out his match against his brother in, I think Jersey Championship Wrestling in 2001. They had many matches against each other, and generally beat the shite out of each other on every occasion. That particular match, though...story goes it was a very small promotion, but very local to them, so they more or less just turned up to put on a show, for no fee. It's on a similar level to Samoa Joe / Necro Butcher, except you then remind yourself these dudes are brothers Anyway, absolutely sucks he's dead. His family life was really important, and he didn't love it on the road, which is part of the reason he never strayed too far, for too long, from NJ - and as such never joined WWE. Was fortunate enough to see him wrestle at the now legendary NOAH 2008 event at the Skydome / Ice Planet in Cov. Check this card out, I promise you this was real and I didn't dream it:
  11. As well as the photo booth (and Carousel) pointed out by @Wainy316, indicating that the DLC seems to be faithfully replicated, the teaser at the end of the first episode seems to confirm your spoiler too. Like my spoiler, a story in the game that could be used as filler, but good filler. I wanna see some skyscraper falling over but not collapsing back story plz. Oh, and on your point about some bits being lifted straight out of the game in the intro, my favourite was 'hardcore drugs'.
  12. Not really sure what purpose splitting up each game in to two seasons would serve, it's not exactly the most epic story in terms of length. I believe Druckmann has actually already confirmed that this season is the whole of the first game. Curiously, they've also confirmed all the episode lengths, the final one is the shortest at 43 minutes, excluding the first episode being the longest at 81 mins, the longest is episode 3 at 76 minutes, and the next shortest is at episode 4 at 46 minutes. There does seem to be some 'filler' included in that, I use the term lightly as it has negative connotations, it won't necessarily be bad. Game spoilers and therefore TV show spoilers to follow: Season two covering the second game would be longer, but not massively so. 12 episodes maybe? Perhaps if it's as big a hit as HBO is hoping for, there could be spin offs, the adventures of Tess and Joel during those 20 years, for example.
  13. It was a great first episode. All of the changes worked*, and it looks fantastic too. What I particularly liked were the lengths early doors it made relatively subtlety to tell the viewer in a (not) post Walking Dead era that this is not your typical zombie show. More Sarah and more Tess helped the story telling in boat loads, the only slight issue I had was some of the 'as you know' dialogue, but that's a personal peev in any medium. Just reeks of lazy writing, but it wasn't indicative of the whole episode, and made sense at least when trying to introduce the motivations of the Fireflies who are equal parts hugely important and not that important to the story, even at this early stage. Massively keen to see the twists and turns to come. *the lack of spores had me thinking a number of times, well, how does one get infected then? You either just are, or are not, I guess - but being bitten definitely makes you infected.
  14. Ah, a new enlistee. Welcome to the club. We call that a five-er. I feel that the confusion the poster may feel when getting a seemingly random reaction to the post is part of the fun though, and never acknowledge it.
  15. Yeah, great wasn't it. For anyone who didn't see it, he dressed similarly to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, and walked out to One Winged Angel (the song from the final boss fight of FFVII against Sephiroth, and the name of Omega's finisher of course). Was a nice moment with him teaming up with Okada at New Year's Dash too - although not as good as Taichi, Taka, Douki and Nobu announcing their new stable name, following the disbanding of Suzuki-gun in December - they're now called 'Just Four Guys'. Amazing.
  16. Used to work in a crap supermarket - Kwik Save. It was frequented by many of the towns shop lifters, as security were only ever on employed on site after a 'serious incident', whether that was a significant theft or an assault. That would only last for a couple of weeks at a time, the place would be relatively trouble free, we'd stop having security, and then have another month of almost grief. I would be asked occasionally to follow suspected (or known) shoplifters around the store, who would shout until they were blue in the face that they had never been in before, and definitely weren't barred. I don't mean like covert store detective stuff. Just literally stand them to them the whole time they were in the store. This would often result in threats being dished out, what time you are finishing today then? That sort of thing. For some crazy reason, I would be honest, and tell them. Every single time. For context, I'm 5'7", slight build, no sort of fighting 'experience' or training. Absolutely no right whatsoever to be cocky with anyone. 99% of the time the person in question wouldn't be outside when I finished. One night, that wasn't the case. The three of us who were locking up step outside, front doors are locked, I jump up to full the shutter down..."I've been waiting for you, you little word removed". I turn around and there is a chap who I'd followed round the store earlier, one of my colleagues' steps forward while I stand there agog. Matey gets KTFO'd, and the guy runs off. Waited for the ambulance, police, etc... I can't recall seeing that particular guy in store again, but man, did I feel guilty. There was also an occasion where I was worked at the front of the store, couple of lads walk in and pick up a couple of crates of beer each and walk straight out, manager who is also nearby shouts at me to chase them...so I did. Completely insane thing to do. I'm small, but quick, and have been fond of short and long distance running for a long time, so had no trouble catching them up. One lad seems surprised to see me, so drops one crate, and throws the other at my head. I attempted to catch it in a nonchalant way, but it didn't really happen, and I dropped it. They then both run off with the two remaining crates, while I return less than triumphant with two crates of broken bottles. I do wonder what would have happened if I'd been stabbed, there's no way my manager should have told me to go after them of course. For anyone familiar with Nuneaton (and the location of the old Kwik Save), I'd chased them up the back by the Rec, through to the Meadow Court blocks of flats...so you can imagine the clientele we were dealing with... That's it. Throughout my childhood and adulthood, I've been fortunate enough to keep my nose clean, somehow.
  17. We've just had a Tim Horton's open near us and while good, they don't even have the option to remove the bun from their burgers, let alone a GF bun. My girlfriend takes her own bun now, if we ever happen to eat in at a fast food place, although that is exceptionally rare. You lose the sauce and / or cheese cemented to the original bun that way of course though...
  18. Just won the Gwent tournament in Novigrad (yes I save scummed. Dwarf guy in the first round took I think 6 or 7 attempts to beat, but won the next 3 games at the first try). Now off to save Dandelion. Guess I'm hooked.
  19. Nah, this was shut down before Christmas. Dzeko11.
  20. Halloween 2002, Leeds Met Uni, Fugazi. Although not their final ever show (that honour would go to a quartet of gigs at the start of November at the Forum in London), this was one of their very last. So why this one? Well the idea of them donning Halloween masks for part of the set sounds like fun, but mostly of course, it's the set list. Fans will know that they never played the same set twice (OK, they probably did early on, but certainly never at the end of their time playing together), and it just happens that this one contains many of my personal favourites. Years ago I bought the CD version of the show via the Live Series from Discord, and it's been out of print ever since. I've listened to many, many of their gigs via the Live Series since then, and this one still stands out as my favourite (even if it is devoid of Guy or Ian bemoaning stage divers and / or moshers). I was 16 at the time, had friends who could drive, and had been to a variety of gigs...although I hadn't even heard of Fugazi at the time (it was a couple of years later I would listen to Repeater for the first time), so although it's possible I could have attended, it's quite implausible.
  21. Ospreay / Omega at Wrestle Kingdom 17 was fantastic. Currently ranked #4 all time best singles match on Cagematch
  22. If, like me, you were curious as to what the definition of 'major river' is, may I suggest perusing this map of 'main rivers' Main River Map A 'main river' is defined as one which The Environment Agency carries out maintenance, improvement or construction work on to manage flood risk. Other rivers are called ‘ordinary watercourses’. Unfortunately this map and definition applies only to England. So, if you live outside of England, you will need to derive your own definition of 'major river'.
  23. Appears as though it has some potential. There aren't too many movies that feature proper racing action, where you feel like you're there, in the car. This may achieve that.
  24. Think I'll post this in the Film thread too
  25. PSVR2 launch line up 2MD: VR Football Unleashed All-Star After The Fall Altair Breaker Cities VR: Enhanced Edition Cosmonious High Demeo Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate Fantavision 202X Gran Turismo 7 Hello Neighbor: Search and Rescue Horizon: Call Of The Mountain Kizuna AI: Touch The Beat Moss Moss: Book 2 No Man’s Sky Resident Evil Village Song in the Smoke: Rekindled Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge – Enhanced Edition Swordsman VR The Dark Pictures Anthology: Switchback VR The Light Brigade The Tale of Onogoro Tentacular Nothing close to making me interesting in buying it, but at least there's a few things there that will peak the interest of owners - GT7 for example. Beat Saber is coming too, although not in time for launch.
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