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Everything posted by hogso

  1. It can absolutely work for exactly the reason @GarethRDR is talking about to use trade in at Cex...but it still hurts my soul to think of all of those goodies sitting in one of their glass cabinets with a 20-40% mark up on the price they gave the seller. There's a place that always offers better trade in prices than Cex, and I don't mean Game - but there's only a few of them dotted around the country (or maybe only one?), so depends on where you are. Can't remember what it's called though and a google didn't bring it up. I'll do some digging. There's a guy on youtube who is building a DVD and gaming collection for 'free', which is mostly achieved by bulk buying from ebay and vinted, and purchases from charity shops, watching Cex prices to trade or sell for 'profit', which then goes back into the collection. He saves up stock and sells in bulk to -whateverthatplaceiscalled- every now and again.
  2. It's hard to say, depends on a few factors - how quickly you want to shift them, how much 'commission' you're willing to lose on them, do you want to make the most money (this would depend on the quality of what you have). Ebay will get them shifted, but you'll want to take in to account the 10% (I think it is) cut they'll take. May be worth sticking a search in for what you have and selecting the 'show sold items' option to get an idea of what people are buying them for as either auctions or buy it now. Price charting is a site which tracks the prices of, well, basically every video game and console ever, based on worldwide Ebay prices so that could give you an idea of the prices you'll want to secure for your stuff. You can also sell there, although you'll be selling directly to the hobbyist and collectors ONLY which may or may not be a good thing. If you have something that's common it probably wouldn't sell, but if you've got something that would complete someone's collection you may find you get a better than Ebay purchase price. Bit of a left field suggestion perhaps, but I've had the most recent success with Vinted. My girlfriend sticks them on her account, I've sold SNES and Dreamcast games over the last 6 months or so. I took a look at the proposed value from Price charting, the value of the sold items on Ebay, and put them up for an appropriate price, usually about the same as the ebay selling price. Then most offers are rejected of course (like Ebay) but if you get a buyer for close to your listing price, the beauty is no sale fees - and no P&P fees which can put people off ebay purchases. So, I have a whole load of stuff listed on there, and it just waits for someone to come along and buy it and make an offer. No listing fees or anything of the sort. On the other hand, much smaller body of prospective buyers.
  3. Speaking of Korean TV, pretty obsessed with Physical 100 at the moment. Can't see how it isn't going to be replicated in every country in the world. I'm sure it'll also put the Squid Game reality TV show to shame.
  4. The reviews are in. It's the best Harry Potter game ever, the open world is great, the puzzles work, the RPG elements suit it well, and...there seem to be no bugs. The only down sides seem to be there aren't really any new ideas of it's own (sure most people won't really care about that), and the broomstick flight controls are a bit awkward. Oh, and the undeniable association with She Who Shall Not Be Named. Although this thread started in 2018, I'm sure we've been talking about rumours of a Harry Potter RPG for even longer than that, purely based on the potential it had to make a great game. Seems that potential has been realised.
  5. It's a great inclusion and wrapped up a magnificent episode beautifully, yes. I've often tried to detach myself from the knowledge of these characters from the game, and what happens to them in the future. If I do that looking back at episode 3, I believe enough impetus is given to Joel by Tess' final words to him (plus the undeniable proof that Ellie really is immune to infection, of course) to travel onwards with this annoying kid who he's trying desperately not to be reminded of his daughter by. The requirement to remove Bill's Town from the TV show is absolutely necessary. So the question to the show runners then was, do we include Bill and his interactions with Joel and Ellie in a different way, do we remove Bill (almost) entirely, or do we do something completely different with Bill. I'm really, really pleased they went with option 3. However, with the set up for Bill and Frank in episode 1 being they're smugglers of some kind, allies of Joel and Tess, and have a penchant for pirate radio - would it be totally crazy for Joel and Ellie to turn up at Bill's Town, find him dead, get some gear, and drive off in the car? I don't think so. I think it's indicative of how good the first two episodes were that some people wanted to see more Joel and Ellie, rather than ~50 minutes with a couple who live and die and re-enforce Tess' final message to Joel a bit. Two thoughts whilst typing that out. One is whatever you thought about the episode, it sure got people talking, one way or another, which is great PR. And if people are talking about this episode as much as they have, imagine how much they'll be talking about what's to come. That's really exciting. Second is the subject of filler, side stories, and world building. You could apply it to any adaptation of a source material to the small or big screen, but it's of particular debate in manga adaptations. Considering filler, is the story worth telling? Do our cast of characters grow from the story we see, does their understanding of the world change? Does the viewer come out of that story with a better understanding of the world we're witnessing? Do those things have a detrimental effect on the progression of the main story arc, and is that a particular concern if time is limited? Or worse still...if time is not limited. I'm looking at you, Naruto. Ii think episode 3 succeeds on all those points, but then I could have confidently said that before watching it, hence my prior acknowledgment of 'good' filler after episode 1. It's probably a debate for another time - specifically when Ellie's backstory episode is aired, mainly because that story in itself could be viewed as filler for the game, let alone the TV show, seeing as it was DLC originally. There was a reader written article on Game Central over the weekend that suggests this TV show is the worst thing to happen to the video games industry in years, because there will be a movement to story focused games, to the detriment of gameplay. I don't actually think that'll happen but...probably a debate for the Games & Gaming forum!
  6. I was very happy with the conclusion for Catherine. And a couple of the other members of the main cast.
  7. I think there's a very legitimate complaint to be made about an episode of any TV show that just barely nudges along the story. This thing is only 9 episodes long after all. I've called filler before, and it is. It's great and I'm loving it, but it's still filler. I can understand why some viewers wouldn't be enamored with episode 3 for that reason, both those who have and have not played the game.
  8. So you're saying it's not unusual?
  9. This is Brewno Bear, former mascot of Nuneaton Borough RIP. During the FA Cup First Round match against Stoke in 2000, Brewno cavorted around the Brittania during the match, and Pottermus - the Stoke mascot who debuted when they moved to that stadium - stole Brewno's head and ran off with it. The game was a drab 0-0, with this event being the highlight. Boro' were in the Conference at the time and Stoke were a playoff side that season in the Second Division (tier 3), so it was a bit of a surprise result. Brewno had the last laugh though, as Boro' won the replay 1-0 at Manor Park in a live game on Sky, a big event for the town at the time. Boro' would arguably outdo that feat a few years later, when they drew against premier league Middlesborough 1-1 in the 3rd round of the FA Cup thanks to a last minute Gez Murphy penalty (conceded by Gareth Southgate). Two for the price of one then - a pair of pretty poor, if iconic, mascots.
  10. Ah man, I'm envious. Some great great moments in the story.
  11. Do you know any story spoilers? If you don't, try your best to avoid them Big Bro!
  12. There's a demo for the new Theatrhythm game, Final Bar Line - on PS4/5 anyway. It's really **** good.
  13. 12PM GMT on 6th February, allegedly, making it the day before the early access granted via the deluxe edition.
  14. Chindie has the measure of it. It can make a huge difference getting the first turn in, so may see you prioritising more agile team mates or Persona on MC
  15. Man, don't ever play Persona 3 or 4 if you think the opening is slow in 5! The best tip for battles is to make sure to make effective use of enemy weaknesses, you can chain together magic attacks exploiting them to enable special attacks. This gets more difficult as you add members to your team, as you might be missing the magic type you need, but that's where your protags ability to use any persona comes in. As such, what ever he uses isn't really judged by what has the best attack power, or spells, but the element/s they use - as well as the resistances they have.
  16. Really good demonstration of what a TV show can do so much better than a video game.
  17. Is he actually making Rendezvous with Rama, or not? Information online I've read is rather non committal, and old.
  18. It's the Console version, same as on Xbox, which is somewhere in between the PC version and the Touch version. It can have up to 10 loaded nations, and up to 50k players. It doesn't have any sort of editor, though.
  19. In their typically well researched style, FF Union have just put out a video on the rumoured FF IX Remake It's a curious one, as an FF VII Remake style game just wouldn't work for IX. It would have to retain its turn-based battles, I think, being so entrenched in the series' origins as the rest of the game is.
  20. A Space for the Unbound is getting great reviews. It's a 16 bit-esque point and clicker adventure, but also features many popular 90s genres like the side scrolling beat em up, in the way of mini games. It's set in a small Indonesian town in the late 90s and has a narrative about a young high school aged couple uncovering mysterious powers. Sounds interesting, is available on practically every system going, and for a modest price. Curiously, it's also developed by a small Indonesian company.
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