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Everything posted by hogso

  1. I've been going through some back catalogue games recently and polishing off some simple plats - The Bunker, Virginia, Edith Finch and House Flipper amongst them. It was really good to go back to some games I hadn't for a while. That got me thinking back on some FF games I didn't even finish. IX and X are recent examples...but the trophies outstanding for those can get tae feck (for now). It did get me to go back and take a look at FF XV, though. The only things I needed were max level for fishing, cooking, 'survival' (aka walking), and defeating the adamantoise which was the original super boss. Just a couple of hours play to do that, but man I really had a good time with it. I have a long held ambition to play through all the FF games in sequence, and the release of the remasters on PS4/5 is the best time to do that I think, but man just dipping in to XV got me hankering for a proper session with it. I only need a handful of trophies for XIII too, but I know one of those - collect every item - could mean an entire replay, so perhaps not one for now.
  2. Any chance of Jay White on Raw tonight then? I know AEW have some sort of announcement for Dynamite this week, but the money there is on a UK show, rather than it being a debut.
  3. I read that Cena's performance was such that he just doesn't take risks in ring anymore, for fear of getting injured and it affecting his acting commitments. For those who watched it, how true do you think that is?
  4. My friend. Let me introduce you To Croatia 2023 Mommy bought the Tractor ~Armageddon Granny~
  5. Semi final 1 takes place Tuesday 9th May Semi final 2 takes place Thursday 11th May The Grand **** Final takes place Saturday 13th May In the exiting run up to the night we've all been waiting for, I will titillate you with a selection of my favourite songs from this year's event. Firstly, I give you...Germany
  6. You can look at the actual advert here if you want Head of Cyber Security - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK It reads like a pretty run of the mill G7 role tbh.
  7. And on that note, Tchia just came out too - for PS4/5 and Steam. Bit like Breath of the Wild, but no combat in the traditional sense.
  8. Wasn't the undercard for WM15 notoriously bad? My vote would go to 17 too, although 19 is also great (but perhaps less fondly remembered by fans aged 35+ as it's firmly ruthless aggression era). Unrelated, but TNT (the promotion!) are running a death match tournament in Brum, at Lab11 in Digbeth on 14th July. Joey Janela is the only wrestler announced so far, but you'd have to expect Big Joe (really starting to make a name for himself) and Clint Margera, maybe Session Moth? If they announce Drew Parker, I'm there.
  9. Scraper and sponge! Check out Mr. Luxury over here. When I was a kid, I had to get the woodchip off the ceiling, walls, and floor with my fingernails and an old teaspoon, whilst Father lashed me.
  10. I think it was something to do with, Jenny Jones was on Sunday Brunch once and had her phone in front of her but was not using it AND YET posts were being made by @Baselayers on here at the same time. Therefore...it was you.
  11. Well, you have the last laugh cos now Ingum has disappeared
  12. I've Plat'd Theatrhythm Final Bar Line. Great game. Here's my top 5 picks for **** great tracks from some of the spin off games. Hill of Destiny - Mystic Quest Legend - 1992 The Beginning of the End - Final Fantasy Type 0 - 2011 Crazy Chocobo - Final Fantasy X-2 - 2003 Battle on the Bridge - Final Fantasy Tactics - 1997 Almighty Bhunivelze - Lightning Returns: XIII-3 - 2013
  13. He'll always be Broyles to me
  14. Persona 5 sequel / spin off thing announced. The catch - mobile only.
  15. Lawn Dogs Heavenly Creatures Happiness I don't really know if these three movies are underrated, but they are movies I don't often hear people talking about, yet I really fondly remember numerous scenes from each, and would gladly watch any of them at any time.
  16. WWE 2K23 reviewing really well
  17. I'm actually quite pleased with the confirmation, it will work out really well for couples or families planning to have kids in the next 12 months or so - whose kid would therefore be starting nursery around the time the real benefits kick in. I think it's also a bit of a stretch to expect that the current market for nursery spaces could accommodate potentially hundreds of extra days per week if the government just suddenly opened it up, or even if they did it in line with the new school term in Sept '23. I don't know about the towns and cities you guys live in, but to get my daughter in to nursery we were turned down from 3 of them before finding one with vacancy for when we needed it, and this was over a year ago.
  18. It's also a much less linear story isn't it, making it quite a tough one to portray over two seasons. I do wonder if they'll keep the same sequence of events as the game, too. It definitely worked for me in the game, not sure how I'd feel about that on TV, though. A couple of guys who are on my team at work have been discussing this week by week, but out of simple curiosity I've kept quiet and just listened to their thoughts. They're both late 40s and will watch most of big budget TV shows. They don't play video games. The thing they came back to quite often was how violent the show was (for what it's worth, I don't really think it was that violent, Walking Dead was far more gruesome in parts), and on the ending they were both torn about whether Joel did the right thing or not. That's indicative enough for me that the ending works for your average Joe(l) non-video game playing viewer. They also couldn't agree on where they were at the very end, whether that was a new settlement or somewhere they had already been. One of the two thought that maybe it was where Johnny was. That's Joel's brother, by the way. The mere fact that every Tuesday morning one would ask the other if they had seen the latest episode or not was really pleasing to me, the last thing I can recall them talking about as each episode came out was GoT. If they talk about it again, I think I will have to interject and get their thoughts on it a bit more. I might drop a "you've not seen anything yet" in there too.
  19. Broken down, it's: up to two years old will get 15 hours free from April 2024 from nine months up will get 15 hours from September 2024 full 30 hours free childcare per week for children under five and from September 2025 Cited as required due to ensuring there are enough Nursery spaces to meet the demand. I wonder if they will help to get those recently closed Nursery's up and running again to achieve this?
  20. From what my girlfriend tells me, who deals with all the nursery bills, it's a little more nuanced than simply 30 free hours. It goes something like, 30 free hours during term time only, but you can stretch it over 52 weeks: term time is defined as 38 weeks of the year, so if you do use nursery during term time for 52 weeks per year, it's 21 hours 55 minutes per week, although you would also then have to pay their daily food bill (this could be exclusive to our nursery, I have no idea, but at the moment we don't pay for food, with the free hours we would). Slight caveat that the nursery year may actually be 51 weeks due to Xmas closure, in which case you'd get 22 hours 21 minutes (in real terms, I don't know how the rounding works, could be to the nearest whole hour, in which case it's simply 22 hours either way). Regardless, it'll be a bit of a game changer for a lot of families, ours included. It would mean we not only save money, but my girlfriend could go back to work full time too, and subsequently get full time mat leave pay as and when we have a second. She doesn't want to go back to full time really, but the incentive will be there now - this is assuming it starts either straight away, or from this September in line with the school terms, as our daughter is eligible for the 30 hours for 3 year olds from the January 2024 term anyway. Big difference for any second kid though.
  21. For those that have played a lot of this, what games does it play most like?
  22. I'm hearing and seeing a lot of comments about feeling a bit underwhelmed by the ending, or undecided on it - that was exactly what I felt in the immediate aftermath of finishing the game for the first time. After some reflection and then some replays over the years, I still find it a shocking ending, but I'd also say it's a very good one (in isolation without thinking about part 2).
  23. Loved the ladder, loved the real giraffe, and loved the pace of it. Any concerns about the length of the episode were unwarranted, it was as long as it needed to be.
  24. No! Has she ever even done any TV?! If she didn't say anything, I wouldn't have a clue. What a legend. I think around 2008-2011 she voiced a character in every single game I played for about 3 years. I'm not exaggerating!
  25. It was like they had a screenplay for 3 or 4 hourish long episodes but then decided to do the 'movie' in 2 hours instead. Or were told to. As a result the pace of it is absolutely crazy, the editing is all over the place, and nothing at all gets a chance to breath. And yeah, that ending. I was going to give it a google and see if Elba or the producers had said anymore on it. But then I decided I couldn't be bothered. One of the most mental things I've watched in ages. I've said before that if you viewed the Luther TV show as a kind of British super hero show, and definitely not as a police procedural, there's some entertainment in it. You could say the same for the Netflix movie in guess, like he's a cockney batman (even has his own signature car!), it had a momentary brooding shot of him standing watch over London too. Had me absolutely howling.
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