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Everything posted by Juju

  1. I am deffo going to roll a goblin, but will get my levelling lock to 80 first. Be cool if we all rolled one, and say, tried roughly to level together, say setting a couple of nights a week free for that character. Am on 57 and 1/3 this evening - plan on outland before I log.
  2. Because it's fun? The levelling game is certainly much easier than old vanilla wow, hell, Ijust dinged 55 yesterday, having rolled the character less than 6 weeks ago. - Looking for outland before I log off tonight. But despite being a bit "easier", having a guild to join from l1, for all those things that need making for quests, and a social aspect, ie levelling "with" someone, the game is still an absolute pleasure. Only a couple of times has a "grinding" element come into the game play, and I look to do it all againwith a goblin over the new year. After a couple of years off, and finding the game a bit "meh", its great again to play. I just miss having a few more VT'ers around. Helps levelling with a hunter who's doing a lot of damage right now, but still.......
  3. Thats when you know you have been playing a long time, when you can remember forum whines about every single class being overpowered.
  4. Look back just a couple of pages. Excellent phone for the dosh, decent screen, recentish android, rest is a bit of a compromise but for £99 what do you expect? If the processor was any faster and the camera any better, it would be a £400 phone. And the good news is it cost me £5 to get it unlocked, as Oranges tarrifs are terrible, and thsir customer service stinks to high heaven. I dont think they sorted out my billing yet.
  5. The funny thing is all the retired and ex players who I started my guild with are returning. Theres guys logging in with l70 characters, others rerolling new ones, and online on sunday morning, there were at least 4 of the original 10 guild charter signing actually logged on and playing. The easy familiarity of guild chat is just great - its so nice to catch up with a whole bunch of people you spent hours playing with! I am going throughthe levels with someone from work as well, so the questing isn't dull, and doing a lot more questing than grinding as Itended to do originally, my 35 lock now has more/better rep than any of my other toons. Having had such a long break from the game, knowing people, and doing the game with someone, its actually nearly as much fun as when I first rolled, in some ways more. Ok, not got the sence of "wonderment" you get from seeing areas for the first time, but knowing I will be seeing some for the last, before the big "change" makes it oddly emotional...... Spent from 7:00 am to 10:00pm sunday on this, with 4 h off to go to work. A couple of other 10 hour shifts have gone in too. Theres so manyhorde on the sever though, that STV isn't the gankfest I remember of old, AH prices have gone a bit silly, theres not so much levelling stuff buy (although anything reasonable sells!), but all in all, am really enjoying it. Plan on 80 by Christmas.
  6. Update - phone purchased sat eve. As of this am when left for work, those useless clearings in the woods at Orange have neither called me back to confirm whats going on with my various complaints (this is the 3rd c/b promise they have broken, or in other words, every single one). I have spent over £20 trying to get hold of anyone intelligent at their customer services, during which I have had extended periods of up to 20m on hold at 25p ppm, deliberately cut off without warning twice requiring redailing, and generally spent best part of 2 hours on and off being lied to, culminating with being told that the complaints dept are not customer facing and I'd need to write in to complain. WRITE IN? TO A PHONE COMPANY??? Basically, good phone, but Orange are so utterly useless (and its a problem many of this phone purchaserzs are getting on various forums) that I've demanded either they unlock it for a fee which I will pay, but require same immediately and not the 3m they cite on their website - or the phone gets returned and I want a full refund + £50 for my expenses and time. Don't use Orange. More issues in 24h than Virgin have given me in 8 years.
  7. The obitury column in the Law Society Gazette. I mean, one more dead solicitor can only be a bonus, can't it...
  8. The phone has been rooted already, by the looks of it, but that simply asi understand it, grants you the old "unix" system manager privileges to alter the phone setting, what loads up, adding and deleting programs, (apps in new speak?) and access to the hardware via whatever software you then add in. In terms of phone network however, the phone doesn't appear to have been "unlocked" by anyone. No one has any codes avalable. Which as I have now had more issues with Orange in 2 hours about their incompetence and poor customer service than with Virgin in 8 years, reminding me why I ditched Orange all that time ago, grieves me deeply. Orange really are piss poor arn't they. I bought the phone, with a £10 top up. I even got a text on my phone to thank me for it. But I's not been credited, and as I have no credit on the phone, I can't even ring their customer servies to ask them why they haven't credited me with the £10 that they acknowlege by text I should have!!! They seriously are awful. 8 years ago, on contract, I changed my DD date - moved it forwards, when my own pay date changed. Despite the DD, they failed to collect for the period between the old DD date (say the 6th of the month) and the new DD date (18th) and so failed to collect from me, 12 days of line rental. So for that, one day, they just barred all outgoing calls, and carried on taking the Direct Debits, for a phone that was rendered virtually unuseable. Everything to do with Orange is so poor, I am thinking of returning admittedly a good phone, as I can't wait 3 months to get it unlocked if they're going to continue to be such a shambles. And their tariffs are pretty awful anyway. Big warning to anyone buying a payg on Orange - you get on Dolphin, 100mb pm, which for a droid phone is not nearly enough......
  9. Cheers for this thread. I've been mulling over the options of another phone to replace the lg 540 that I had pickpocketed, and saw the mention of the San Francisco. Seemed to have everyting I need, a good screen, (much better than pulse, wildfire, and even the lg) and a better capacitive input, and also carrying a newer os in 2.1 - so thought, what the hell, for £100, why not. It's charging at the moment! I'll let you know as I use it. Initial thoughts are - Ok, it feels a bit plasticcy, and I don't expect the camera to be great, but thats what you get for £100. The screen does look great for such a cheap phone..... I'll keep you updated. Only downer is it's locked to Orange, and I don't think you can unlock for 3m minimum, but I'll just run it alongside my old nokia 3300 for a bit, as I was shocked at Orange call/datacharges, you get a measly 100mb data for £10 topup, where as my virgin gives me 1g for £5 ! Obviously, if it can be unlocked sooner, and I'm sure a solution will be available soon, then thats the way to go.
  10. Level 21 dinged over the weekend. Almost a shame to have flown through the Barrens questlines for the last time before the big shake up.... Wonder if Mankirk finds his wife in cataclysm....
  11. Well, started about 9:45 this am. And my new Lock is about to ding 12. Have had an hour off for lunch... And we're into "Barrens chat".....
  12. OOK, I'm going to roll a new character and return to the game for a few months, me and a rl friend want to run through the game one last time per cataclysm, before lots of the landscape changes (as Horde). Anyone want to join us?
  13. gutted. Totally gutted. Look forward to far duller football than O'Neill ever served, propped up by a bunch of dodgy eastern european signings. This is the man who paid £11m for Heskey! This is up there with the news we signed Harewood, Djemba Djemba and Heskey as abosolute shockers. For us to be a top 6 Prem club, one of the top 3 leagues in the world, and this is the best we can do? Frankly Lerner couldn't sell a bucket of ice cold water to a man on fire if this is the best he could interest. I hope he does well, but frankly, I'd rather a risk was taken on someone English, upcoming, and we developed the theme O'Neill had started. Totally gutted with this.
  14. I'd wager most premiership managers in the UK today could manage to do well i the French league. I don't expect the reverse is true. Theres some severe claret and blue specs on tonight on this board. Honestly, speak to neutrals, most I'm talking to are pissing themselves laughing at this appointment.
  15. Oh shit. Can I post the first anticipatory "I told you so" when we finish about 11th this year? He's not been up for first team football management since his heart issues. This is such a wrong move, I'm actually more upset at this, than finding out we'd signed Heskey, or Djemba Djemba.
  16. I know this thread seems to be largely about "super"phones, but what just might win the iphone vs android debate might be about price, and less than "super" phones, on less than super contracts. As my old phone was over 6 years old, and not quite cutting edge even then, with the battery being on its last legs, I ambled down to the mighty carphone warehouse, and picked up a little LG gt540. Now, for £100, on pay as you go, I don't expect much, and this little phone does only presently have android 1.6 fitted, and reviews (at a higher price) suggest it's a bit slow and limited. But hell, compared to "non smartphones" and despite the possibly low rent spec, compared to the £300+ phones you guys are on about, this thing is stonkingly impressive. I'd never have bought a £300+ phone. I simply don't use them enough,or care about "the latest gadget" enough, but to have still some considerable power, with email, videos, apps to download for free, and reasonable enough browsing on the web for what I need (train times, taxi phone numbers) and google maps for when I'm lost, suddenly, A phone like this brings android, and the commercialisation of a phone os to a whole new class of people. Basically, I'd not have considered a smartphone largely on price and or contract availability, but
  17. So far the DEC Pakistan flood relief program has raised nearly £30 milion. Why didn't we just send them James Milner?
  18. So after today's display, does no one fancy Simon Grayson? Good with kids, good with managing expectation, begining to grow a track record, and possibly ready for a bigger club?
  19. I got a Bianchi c2c alu nirone 7 Xenon from Halfords on the c2w scheme a couple of years ago. The bike was £600, but after the halfords discount, and then the recovery of tax from the deduction, I ended up paying just over £12 a month interest free for 3 years. Not a bad starter road bike, and on my route to work, up the a23, the weak points of the bike, the heavyish overbuilt wheels, are actually a bonus, as there are a few potholes and drains I might hit. Also a venerable Orange p7 mtb, from about 2000, which is again, just a really great bike. But I also have a collection of 3 complete vintage old school Diamond Back BMX's, and recently went to the big Radbmx meeting in Milton Keynes a couple of weeks ago - great fun! Diamond Back Silverstreak. Diamond Back Senior Pro
  20. Yeahy, what the hell could they do for an encore to top that?
  21. The only time consuming stuff there Brian is the spice mix. Perhaps if you make enough for a few portions, and possibly store the excess in an airtight kilner jar, and perhaps keep somewhere cool, you can get a few curries this way. Then its just the basic marinading and cooking to do. And once you bought all the ingredients once, cheaply from an Indian supermarket, you'll have enough spices to last you months and momths. And, you can get creative, perhaps making your own spice mix, adding things you like, like a little star anise, or omitting some of the chili for a cooler curry. And my secret to a decent curry is "planning". If you fancy one, actually, the creation is as much fun as anything - just be in the mood for an unhurried hour or so with the stove, rather than the "i'm hungry, need to cook now!" thing. Oh, and Ikea do pretty servicable pestle and mortars for £7, stone, so won't taint or discolour like wood, and you can give a good bash. Thats as good as a blender, possibly better.
  22. Hasn't this word removed grabbed the cash in his little fat hands for a place on the bench at the club where careers go backwards yet? I'm getting bored of hope now. I am a villa fan, after all.
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