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Everything posted by Juju

  1. It seems very clear to me. If Milner hands in a transfer request, he doesn't trigger loyalty payments. So he says, in roundabout terms that he's not committing to Villa, and would be"interested" in leaving (via his agent), but thats not the same thing as a transfer request, it simply sends a message to the club that he is effectively for sale, and the outcome of not getting a move is an unhappy player who wants to leave, but safeguards his loyalty payment which is only triggered if the club, rather than the player, offer him for sale. I am sure for the million pound + payments, Milner has not said he wants to go, just that he is open on his optnions. The agent clearly wants a move, as he earns commission on this. Milner may not even be 100% aware of what the agent said, or that the agents oral statements, have been skewed slightly by the club, as both are negotiating to get their way. I suspect the position is that on knowing the player wants to go, and to get as much as possible, MON's commments are evvectively an "invitation to treat" after a good world cup. Basically, MON and the club are well aware of Man City's interest, but would be as prepared to sell to Chelsea, manu, Arsenal or whoever, and is effectively saying "come and get him", without transfer listing him, both to save money in loyalty payments, and driving up the price by getting two or three offers. With Barry, remember, Liverpool, the club that unsettled Barry, didn't get him. As for Milner, I broadly echo the article earlier, I view it as a poor move for him, as it was for Barry, but it seems about the money and nothing else. However, given the behaviour of Milner at Newcastle, thats hardly surprising.
  2. Without wishing to get anyone into bother, and without any relation to this thread or this player, footballers in general, are rather like leopards. You have to say that its rare leopards change their spots. In this regard, the NOTW has always been a paper that likes to "scoop" personal issues of players. However unlike the daily heil, they prefer to dish the dirt after the WC, (not before aka Triesman) so that they can't be "blamed" for ruining englands chances. Spotty leopards often know whats coming, being sensitive animals that they are. This sometimes might make them hunt in a distracted way, failing to catch anything before returning to the nest, where Mrs Spotty Leopard may be quite angry. I suspect there is a spotty leopard now back in captivity in a northern zoo which wishes it could be unspotted at this time. So a rumour from a low level journo at the Times who has a friend who works in insurance, who sits opposite me says anyway. Anyway, all friend of a friend of the grannies brothers haridressers sisters second cousin can be disregarded, can't they?
  3. It would. The imminent massive heart attack from your blocked furred arteries would save all that hassle of having to choose the style of execution....
  4. I think they asked their natural supporters, those who might afford several homes. The tory "looking after your friends" begins here.
  5. I say I say I say... whats the difference between an Israeli Commando and a Somali Pirate? About 2000 kilometers!
  6. Juju

    General Chat

    I just clicked on that link, and saw so many plastic clearings in the woods, that I thought I was looking at the Stretford End....
  7. Ok, some of you might recall I got knocked of my motorbike a few weeks ago. So looking for another Suzuki SV650s. They come in red, black, blue and yellow. Now, trawling ebay, some lady bikers pride and joy is up for sale. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330436511282&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Can I live with a pink bike? Does that make me look like a gay biker? I mean, I tend to park on Brighton seafront in summer, and with the leathers on, it can all get a bit "masculine" down there... Seriously thinking of bidding....
  8. I work for a bloody bank, who has annoucned a further 2600 job cuts and am likely to be affected. And in the same breath, they announce htey are going to move jobs offshore to India. So the jobs haven't gone away, they just dont want British banks to pay british people, who then shop in british shops and pay britiish taxes. No, they want to spend less on salaries, taxes have to go up to pay for the benefits we will be claiming! In the short term, all it means is increased profits for the govt, who are the major shareholder, who will er, be paying the unemplyment benefits... its madness! Its the banks that started it, and are still behind the scenes, today, driving nails into the coffin of UK Plc. The bloody barstewards.
  9. Juju

    General Chat

    Be aware women judge you on where flowers come from - they look online to see what you spent. I once send a girl a bunch from Sainsburys. It looked a great bunch, but somehow, Sainsburys doesnt say "Romance" like a real flower shop. for the sake of a tenner, make sure your gift is delivered with the aplomb you desire.
  10. Juju

    General Chat

    But don't you think the calls were as much about her as you? What's wrong in indulging a concerned parent? Not the hardest thing in the world? Perhaps she has insecurities, say that she senses or worriesyou prefer being with your father ? Perhaps when your not there, she's jsut really lonely? Do you actually "talk" to her? As well as your concerns, do you know *really* what hers are? Its easier for Dads to bond with male kids, as they can do the "fixing bikes/watching football" thing, so this might be fuelling her concerns? Tell her she's boring, her conversations boring, and that you feel "bothered" by her, might make her feel your dads turning you against her. She might be well wrong, but women are odd like that.... Return with flowers, and at least tell her you love her, and appreciate her, don't just dismiss her out of hand, as in years to come, when you can no longer talk to her, you'll recollect the conversation, and quite possibly cringe in embarassment. Sometimes its just kinder to keep the status quo, and realise that people behave the way they do for a reason. Of course, I probably have this all wrong, but its stillnot bad advice, even if its not relevant for you.
  11. That's a cure for depression I tell you!
  12. Thats not what I hear....
  13. One of our uk female guildies (Dan/Ed's rl mate Brad's rl girlfriend Hailey's in game friend Claire) gave up her job, has moved to Italy and is engaged to our Guild Leader..... They now play dice based Warhammer together in the evenings, when not trying for children.....
  14. I'd sneak away whilst it was having a shit. Bears *do* shit in the woods, don't they?
  15. The 5 were tied to the tracks by their own scarfs. They were city fans. I would stop the trolly until I had tied at least 5 more. Then I would run 10 of them over. Then stop the trolly, and go back for the remaining 1, just in case they're a blooser too.
  16. How at this stage is replacing Cuellar with Young going to get a goal? Calm down, we've been largely as good as United all the way through, there's only a goal in it, which could come at any time, it's not as if we've been battered by them and still getting lots of posession in and around their box.
  17. Vidic finally cautioned. But he shouldn't be on the pitch....
  18. Telling him to f**k off probably isn't helping then.....
  19. Owen off injured. Surprisingly, with his record of an unblemished injury free career...
  20. Thats because of who we are playing.... No other reason what so ever.
  21. Both deffo penalties we had, but methinks Colin rocket polisher will be going mental in the press. Streve Froggatt is on my radio stream, and both the commentators are pretty clear they were silly pens to give away, but were deffo pens. I hate winning on pens, though...
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