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Everything posted by Juju

  1. Mancini has promised to sign at least one new face at Man City in the Transfer window. Both Lescott and Tevez are said to be interested.......
  2. Well, I'm back on Tarren Mill for the xmas period - just to say hello to old faces. And my hasn't it changed - you can now roll alliance on the same server, so if you see Tikkamasala, l18 human lock, do say hello for a free inscription.... Only for a month, as I got a few holiday days off, and its invariably going to be raining.
  3. And in todays sporting news, tiger Woods has just managed a twenty yard drive straight into the trees......
  4. On Children in Need tonight, I've heard that there are lots of teenagers who "harm themselves" as they've got no one to turn to for help. If they give me a ring, I'll certainly be pleased to help out by "harming them" myself!
  5. Hitting them with level 3 frostshock doesn't actually count?
  6. Imagine the parents though.. calling your little lad "dawn" !
  7. Getting my blue Vereks leash with you guys remains my favourite loot item......
  8. Been asked to attend an interview for credit card fraud, with the suggestion that if I didn't voluntarilly attend, I would be arrested. I didn't do anything. Well, what I did was misguided, but not theft. nothing came of it.
  9. I liked ungoro - but that durid quest involving collecting wings from that hive - I spent a whole night there, and got more green drops than I did the items! But Ungoro is a great place, now even more mental with a flightpath, as it seems to have made the ara more "dangerous" than in the early days, with alliance flying in when you gank their buds, rather than that long long ride from Gadgetzan. And I always hated Felwood and Azshara, but loved the look of Winterspring myself - even the beasts were kind of cute. Its just what grabs your interest I guess. and I'd say for the sake of enjoying the game, dont be in a hurry to get to Hellfire - it will still be there at 60.
  10. Funnilly enough, I;ve tried with fresh mint, and I beg to disagree - preserved chopped mint in vinegar also gives a tiny bit of a sour "kick", to cut through the richness of all that white dressing, although a couple of leaves of fresh mint torn into the completed dish would add a nice finishing touch. OFC its all about personal taste.
  11. Just mayo? Thats pretty fattening? Try half mayo and half creme fraiche, or low fat yoghort, and a big spoon of mint sauce? (preferably concentrated?) And as for left over cous cous? Easiest thing ever - add a little veg ie a fried onion, some peas, sweetcorn, or even pulses like some cooked chickpeas, and pershaps a lillte chopped cooked chilli, and stuff a pepper with it. Perhaps add some cheese and breadcrumbs to the top to make a crust?
  12. I am genetically closer to a baboon than I realised..... click The place, the time taken, and the sleeping afterwards... its just so me...
  13. I've Traveled on Chillitern Trains too. They made every second seem an hour, and it felt like I was travelling in 1977. Does that count?
  14. Time is a dimension in its own right. It is not simply a reference point along the way, and time ins't in fact linear, it just appears that way. Gravity can affect the speed of light, which is why black holes are black, becasue within a certain distance, light cannot escape its gravational hold. Therefore at some point called "the event horizon" light must be in balance with gravity, and therefore not moving. It therefore stands to reason that if the speed/wavelength of light (itself odd becasue it behaves like a waveform and a particle) is subject to change, then our way of measuring time, in relation to the speed of light, can be altered. once you take the idea that in a 4th dimensiion, time itself can be "bent" out of shape, then dependent on that shape, theres no reason why logically, time cannot be bent back on itself firther than the start of the bend. Therefore time travel certainly of an indicitual particle should be pssible. I'll go backto brief history of time tonight, just to check, but there were things in there about the attributes of particles, that suggested they could "not decay, positively", ie the opposite of decaying as they age is to defeat time itself. So if you can assemble one particle and push it "forwards in time" then you could do the same theoretically to a huge bundle of losely linked particles, such as a human. But the very great number makes it unlikely beyond the theoretical. or something.
  15. Yay, the Sarah Records complilations have made it to Spotify.... Just felt any true fans of 80's indie needed to know. Best label ever.
  16. I wonder how closely it ties up to obesity in the USA?
  17. Juju

    Indian Girls

    So she loves you long time five dollar then fixes your plumbing? Sweet!
  18. Standard Telephone Dialing Code? Yes. Mines 01737. Redhill Exchange.
  19. of course, the real fun started when you spat it out into your hand, and then wiped the tears from your eyes........ Theres nothing they've not seen in a&e before now.
  20. Remember, for the second half of the season last year we were about the worst team for form. We're starting this season with that team. We spent 20 games where we were unable to beat a ginger stepson. And we realistically got 1 first teamer in, in Beye. Delph may turn out ok *in the future*, but we're going backwards.
  21. We bought a kid, a crock, a keeper who wont ever play and a defender who's only just met his teammates on the opening day from a team who couldnt defent. We lost an England international, and a Danish International. This is poor Mr O'Neill. The season starts today, not in 3 weeks when the transfer window closes. I expected better. We are worse off. Remember the last 15 games of the season. That continues today.
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