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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Can't remember a forward pass from him. He's like a shitter version of Neil Taylor. Bloody awful.
  2. Just dreadful. Telegraphs every pass.... literally, taking an age to send it. It's like watching someone pass in morse code. Looks overweight and has the temperament of a hippo with the speed of a snail. I used to call Trez the headless chicken, but McGinn has stolen the mantle. Thieving a living for real.
  3. I agree. It was a much stiffer test than Brentford in all fairness and there were periods where concentration levels need to be high. For the first time in a long time we can honestly say more than anything, concentration did not drop throughout the game. Even their goal was fortunate. I think apart from individual performances the collective performance from back to front was tip top.
  4. Love to see this prick's reaction at FT.
  5. Numero uno in midfield. And about time he started getting the recognition for just how assured and composed his is. Class player and another great game.
  6. Some serious drama queen comments in here.
  7. I'm not sure but funny how kicking to the Holte End in the first half has given us impetus to start quickly the last 2 home games.
  8. Wow..... Just back after watching us look superb. Great atmosphere and watching us counter Utd like that and clinically dispatch them was a joy to behold. Magnificent.
  9. I think it looks stupid, like the lion is now running away lol. I think it should be facing inward imo.
  10. My thoughts are that I'm not over pleased at either but the round is better than the shield. I'm also confused as to why the lion on the badge has been turned to face the opposite direction. It looks weird and unnecessary.
  11. No.... From my understanding... He started on Monday, waited in a hotel on Tuesday, took his first session on Wednesday, and on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, he prepped for Sunday.
  12. Started today and not taking his first session until Wednesday. And then not addressing the mob until later in the week. He's taking the piss, he's taking the piss..... works when he wants to, he's taking the piss. Emery out.
  13. Seen it yesterday. I think it's obvious those involved are not going to be taking part in any further battles.
  14. I've seen reports the number of troops eliminated was up to 950 in a 4km radius around the airport involving a few hundred tanks too. Apparently, UA artillery absolutely smashed them.
  15. TBH Young's been having a mare. Continuously being caught by the ball over the top or through ball. He needs to step back and hold the line. Almiron is having a field day against him. Other than that, I think we've played reasonably well. Some of our play in tight areas has been really good but the front 3 need to hold the ball better and not be so wasteful.
  16. The amount of posters on here from around the globe and still that stupidness pops up. Maybe someone is just being judged on what comes out their mouth rather than what part of the globe they're from.
  17. I'll be honest. Not that I rate his content, because I don't for many of the reasons others have pointed out. However, if I'm going to fund anyone getting to Villa, unfortunately it wont be some middle aged bloke with a shite load of merch and family who wants to jack his job in for others to fund it for him. I'd rather help someone with nothing than someone who feels entitled. He could sell that subuteo table and get a few quid for that too for a start.
  18. He's not my cup of tea at all. Regardless though, I just don't think his content is anywhere near good enough to charge people. Each to their own though but with less than 9k subs on YT I think he'll struggle to get many to pay him. Most of our local podcasts struggle to get big numbers and his content is not on the same level as those with multiple presenters or guests that have direct contacts and info on the club. Take the Villa View, For the love of Paul McGrath etc. They get genuine media guests, ex players etc. More importantly the shows are more interactive.
  19. Spot on Nick.... I mean what is wrong with people these days. The amount of dough I spunked on the Villa over the years on ST for the family, merch, travel... It rolls into a fortune. Several times a season I'll let friends and family use my ticket if I cant make games and would never ask for a penny. I find the whole expectancy from a dude probably around my own age for people to fund his hobby laughable. The dudes breaking out expensive scotch every episode in a room with a right few quids worth of merch and then breaks out into an intro of, "well I dont have time to do this anymore, but I want to do more, so pay me to jack my job in and you fund my hobby, kids and mortgage". Fair play for the brass neck on him if anything else.
  20. Sorry but Ramsey is not on DL's level. Not imo.
  21. Of course, things take time including developing. Nobody, or at least I'm saying he can't improve, but I am questioning his role currently and in the immediate future on his current performances. As far as long-term future is concerned, yes at 21 he still has loads of time on his side, however his passing is one of his poorer attributes imo. Something that needs plenty of work.
  22. I just don't see Jacob being creative enough to play as a 10 and unless his passing goes up a couple of levels I'm not sure playing as an 8 he'll push DL or BK out the midfield. Hopefully Emery improves him and finds at least the level he was at last year because at the moment I only see him as an impact player.
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