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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. What a great message to send to any prospective manager. Haven't had a grin like that leaving VP for a while. UTV
  2. Looks like Russia are doing a good job of attacking themselves..
  3. Take the f****** shackles off them today. I want to see movement, attacking runs from midfield, WIDTH, and most important of all, some fight in the players to turn the corner.
  4. Poch had gone well off the boil at spuds. The fans forget how quickly they wanted him gone when it all went south. I'd be surprised if Poch went back to spuds because as most clubs find out, part 2 is generally never as good as part one when it comes to manager returns. We've seen it ourselves first hand.
  5. You're not a Villa fan are you? I should've realised from the name but the bollocks above exposed you tbh.
  6. Every foreign manager had no PL managerial experience until they took their first job in the PL. Pep, Klopp, Poch, Mourinho..... etc etc... You can keep going through every foreign manager. It's a silly way of assessing compatibility expecting every applicant to have PL experience. Before you know it your back to square one hiring a Steve Bruce type. Whats the point in that.
  7. The strategy him and his mates failed to implement. I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole considering we were just as shit when he was coaching the side.
  8. I think it's bollocks. I mean, security having to climb through the ceiling to get into the changing room ffs. If it had kicked off to that level they wouldn't have all travelled back on the coach together.
  9. Why? Because I see no reason to pay Rafa Benitez a fortune to come here until the end of the season and then have the same problem or one even worse at the end of it? We are not going to hire an interim manager for a season with 3 quarters still to play. Adopt a completely different set of tactics, system etc to then rip it all up again next year for a new manager.
  10. Personally, I think it's as good a time as you're going to get for any manager to bed in mid season. A few weeks and several games assessment before the WC and then a window to tweak following the break. It's never going to be perfect during the season but a change now allows further changes if necessary. It's a little like the covid break that first season with the WC and should allow us a proper reset.
  11. Erudite lol. You mentioned Rafa Benitez until the end of the season ?! Not sure anyone else is going to own up to nicking that idea.
  12. Unfortunately, this is one contract we are going to be saddled with for the duration.
  13. I heard someone call him Wallie Otkins the other night. I'm going to continue this trend until he sorts himself out. Along with his feet of course.
  14. Wait until our Nas gets on the blower. Nas: Hello.... is that you Mario? Poch: No, it's Mauricio. Who's this? Nas: It's me Mario, the great Nassef. I want to give you job at my club. The best club in the world. Poch: I no interested. Nas: But I pay you so much money. Poch: I still no interested. Nas: Thats great news. I send car in the morning for you. Poch: I no come. Nas: Great decision, I see you tomorrow Mario bye.
  15. Yeah, whichever player or players thought the timing and the manor of the sacking was classless might need to look at themselves. Shit manager or not, the way most played last night and for months has been classless. My guess is Nas took that decision and escalated the process last night after becoming very pissed off. I don't think Purslow would've quite dealt with it that way but I'm glad it was.
  16. Well... at least it's calmed down on here somewhat and the Dyche oldies have all gone to bed. It was hectic this afternoon before they all got worn out lol.
  17. Dean Saunders It's like, no f****** wonder you can't see what he brings if you're listening to him. He'd blind anyone with the amount of shit he spews. If you're going to quote Dean Saunders ffs at least do it on a platform where nobody can challenge you lol. Cor blimey!! Dean f****** Saunders.
  18. We really need additional emoji's for responses. Especially the one throwing up. I could make good use of that.
  19. I thought so. Quite funny when you think about it. Last night only elite managers mentioned, by the end of the day today, it's either obscure or bang average managers apparently in the frame. Even half the fans have downgraded aspirations listening to the media.
  20. Has Poch actually come out and said no or is this pure speculation from Ornstein and Co?
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