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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. He wants to stay in England This definite? If so, we should go all out. Just hope our current position doesn't put him off - he could do so much better than us. (it's true though!) On SSN he's answered "why not?" when asked if he'd take the West Ham job, then he's gone on to say that the stadia are great in the championship.. If he'd consider West Ham then he'd definatly consider us!
  2. I've finally got round to installing dropbox! Referral done! I'm loving my S2. Though I use it for pretty simple stuff right now.. texting/ facebook/ VT/ youtube/ music & radio/ tracking my mileage when out for a run! I'm yet to jump into the technical stuff like Tasker and whatnot, I'll leave that for now. I am finding that this phone drains battery pretty quick. I think anything would be a shock to the system compared to my last phone. I had a Samsung Genio Touch and I could literally charge it once every ten days - and that is with me texting/ phoning every day. The S2 seems to last 2, maybe 3, days max. I have a battery saver app, but I don't know if I'm using it properly!
  3. I love him! I think him and Delph could be an excellent partnership with a defensive midfielder behind them.
  4. So, do we know if anything came from this meeting? Any further tweets etc?
  5. Yeah, that does seem like random press talk. Though I'd love to see him here. IF he came here, which is unrealistic in itself, who do we think he could realistically poach from Chelsea for us? On another note, interesting about Houllier meeting with Randy and Faulkner Today.
  6. Work paying me extra money that they are going to claw back a few days after payday! (Though that should piss me off)
  7. Rob182

    General Chat

    The principles in my brain! I don't see the point of it, so I don't sign up, then everyone signs up to it. So to stick to my principles, I'll not sign up :winkold: The journo updates are probably the only reason I'd considering signing up, but DVIN/ Cracker/ Soody/ TUS/ someone will post them in the VT section if they're important!
  8. Rob182

    General Chat

    I'm still not on twitter. I resisted myspace and facebook long enough, only to give in. I refuse to sign up to twitter, on principle!! (principle? principal? It's 'principle' right? Unless i'm referring to the headteacher..)
  9. Rob182

    General Chat

    Whatcha done? I keep hurting my ankles, I went for an x-ray in November 2009 but never went to get the results :oops:
  10. I see! Well I still don't like it because I'm stubborn! :winkold:
  11. Lol Gromit. Haha I love these vids from Arsenal away (except for the people who shout 'again'... that annoys me! the songs carrying on whether you shout 'again' or not!!)
  12. Rob182

    General Chat

    The offer you wanted? House of 12 men?
  13. I wish Downing had just had a crack with his right foot when that chance fell to him! He could have just put his laces through it and if it went wide then we wouldn't have cared because we'd have known it was on his weaker side. Downing you bellend, just have a go if it falls to you in such a good position!!!! Decision making: 9 Preferred foot: left only !
  14. I really rate Delph, but I think he was only 'okay' Yesterday. Out of our central midfielders, I would say that NRC was the best and Petrov & Delph looked average. (Considering it was against Arsenal, we were defending a lot and we actually won - I don't think that's too bad). With more game time and a permanent partnership in the middle, I think Delph could develop into a great player. It just depends on whether he gets the time on the pitch and who partners him.
  15. I voted 'other' because I have no idea what will happen or who we could go for. I don't think Houllier will be manager, but I also can't see us getting Moyes, though he would be pretty ideal. Ancelotti? :winkold:
  16. Cookie Monster We've got to crack that song out at the Liverpool game!
  17. I live down the road from the Royal Oak, share the wealth with the locals!! :winkold:
  18. It's like a small HD Tele in my pocket
  19. Did you upgrade or buy the phone? Just wondering if they made you change your contract. I upgraded my contract and had to pay to get the phone. I was only on a sim-only contract, so I had to pay a bit more for the phone. I'm not fussed about too many texts or minutes, I mainly use the internet. My contract ius £25.50 per month, I get 100 minutes, 300 texts and unlimited internet. I had to pay £105 for the phone (unless my parents ask, in which case it was £40 ). CV, you seem to know a lot about the S2 and it's uses! What are the must-haves? Downloads etc? I spent yesterday downloading daft apps so that I can listen to talksport, play a guitar, read comics, look on sik&wikipedia etc, but I'm still using the normal internet browser and what-not. If there's anything I should DEFO download to make my S2 better, enlighten me!
  20. I've never heard of them! Furries is a silly band name though! My advice would be to be very honest and try to come across as funny & interesting (hopefully being honest won't stop you coming across as funny & interesting :winkold:). I understand the 'come across as a prick' thing, but I wouldn't do it, personally. I'd like to just be honest and actually try to find a girl that liked the sound of me, as opposed to a girl who is a sucker for bastards!
  21. You could just follow it by saying what type of music you're into. Girls love culture vultures!
  22. Mention that you PLAY the guitar, don't mention learning! Playing guitar on it's own is a nice little nugget of information to make you look interesting, they don't need to know that you're a beginner!
  23. If I saw that, I'd think you were selling your brother! Still, funny bit about oasis
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