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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. I hadn't noticed he was on until he took that freekick, maybe he's being played on the wing?
  2. You must be joking. He is by far the most productive of our two CM'ers. Has Petrov done anything remotely productive in that first half. Stan off for Delph/Makoun (not sure who's on the bench). I'm with you BB. NRC has been winning balls all over the place, he's also placed a few decent passes. He hasn't been as creative as Makoun but I think he's been far from bad. I haven't seen much of Petrov, maybe that's why we're noticing NRC's misplaced passes more - because he has more of the ball and is getting himself around more?
  3. It looks to me like Ash and Gabby keep switching between wing and 'in the hole'.
  4. Two decent tackles imo. First by Dunne, second by Collins, both got the ball.
  5. This is why I stand firm in my opinion that if he leaves, I won't be too upset. Yes he can produce a bit of magic, but he rarely does anymore. Agree with this. He has a very good game every 5/6 games, so that is 6/7 a season. Not enough! I'd be happy with a replacement like N'Zogbia tbh. Though N'Zogbia at his best isn't as good as Young at his best. When you consider consistant performances throughout the season, Young must be wayyyy down the list of Prem wingers.
  6. We need to stop hoofing it!! Dunne and Friedel are massive culprits of this Today.
  7. This is why I stand firm in my opinion that if he leaves, I won't be too upset. Yes he can produce a bit of magic, but he rarely does anymore.
  8. Good pressure from our lads, not letting West Brom build anything.
  9. Despite how much I hate him, I'm impressed he gave Sharner a yellow for his tackle on Nige. Usually refs will refrain from giving cards so early on, so fair play to him for actually sticking to the rules.
  10. Yup, anyone watching this game that can honestly remember our performances under O'Neill must see what Houllier is tring to do. I watched back our 6-4 win against Blackburn a few weeks ago, we were so wank for the majority of that game. I didn't remember us being wank though, I remembered us winning 6-4.
  11. is wee barry back from leeds already? was that not for the rest of the season? He was called back a few days ago P3te! It was posted in the VT section, but because every little article to do with every individual has to go in their individual threads that already exist... no-one realises unless they check every thread that pops to the top of the page!! (or SSN or AVFC.co.uk) I think we should bring back the days when every article had it's own thread! Anyway... WBA v Villa... ermmmm I'd love a win, I can see it being a tight game though. Hodgson has them ticking. If Bannan is playing.. I'd like to see this: ----------- Friedel ------------- Walker Collins Dunne L Young ------------- NRC -------------- ------ Makoun - Bannan ------ Downing -------------- A Young ------------- Bent --------------- 4-4-2 would mean we can squeeze in Albrighton or Gabby, but I think we could do well as a 4-3-3 Today. (also, like a lot of people.. I'd like to see Cuellar, but it won't happen)
  12. So... say we get Moyes and he can bring Baines & Fellaini here... ------------------ Friedel ------------------ L Young -- Collins --- Dunne ---- Baines ------------------ Fellaini ------------------ --------- Makoun ------- Delph------------ Albrighton ------- Bent --------- Downing Ay, ay? (I think Dunne and Collins will be replaced tbh, but even if they're not... selling Cuellar and a few other players could fund the purchases of Fellaini and Baines).
  13. Rob182

    General Chat

    Nice one mate, I've been renting for the past 2 years, I moved back into my parents house a few weeks ago and I'm looking to buy in the next few months. What are you buying? House/ flat? Still in Four Oaks?
  14. Rob182

    General Chat

    I'm with TheDon, I'd say Rihannas 1002nd. There are much fitter.
  15. Sarcastic criticism is a sure fire way to get on their good side though. Well done I try my best :winkold:
  16. I don't think it's disrespectful at all. I'm relatively pro houllier. And if he recovers and stays on I'll have no problem with it. However, even if (and when, hopefully) he fully recovers I think it's a very likely scenario that Houllier will call it a day for management. It;s not like we're saying "Houllier's definitely going to pop his clogs, who shall we replace him with" The fact is that Houllier having managed his last Aston Villa game is a very likely scenario, even though he will likely make a full recovery. Discussing who we think will take over if this likely scenario occurs is in no way disrespectful, just a little presumptuous at worst. Yes I understand that but this thread was going on for quite a while before he got taken ill... infact quite a few months... that's why I said 'Meant to post this a while ago but was busy'. At which point Houllier was getting the dreaded vote of confidence, and it wasn't looking unlikely that he could be sacked. Is it disrespectful to discuss who we could replace Young with in the Summer when he's likely to leave? Not disrespectful Stevo but any thread of that nature is usually locked... "we don't allow pure speculation threads". Luckily for this thread, a couple of mods are more than happy to discuss Houllier's replacement, despite breaking their own precious rules. IMO, of course
  17. Even the 'sensible' guy, laughing at the players selected, seems to get his prices miles off: Hutton for £5m, maybe.. but you need to add the Spurs factor. Forlan, Baines, Parker, Hulk & Arteta would cost £10m-15m easily Bale is pretty close but, again, Twitchy would want £40m or more. Think how disappointed they'll be in the summer when they buy Steven Warnock and Habib Beye...
  18. Richard Dunne? Apart from Warnock and Beye, no one trains with the reserves. Hardly great players are they? Houllier does watch the reserve games though. Also, I'm sure I read something on here that Warnock was even playing poorly for the reserves. If Warnock or Beye wanted to get back in the squad they would, and should, try to put in perfect performances for the reserves.
  19. They are mad. Hleb and Bentley only went there on loan to put themselves in the shop window. I could see them getting Hutton or N'Zogbia if no-one else wanted them. But Baines, Arteta, Parker, Bale, Forlan and Hulk....
  20. The good thing about our team is that we have players around him who can also score goals. Ash (if he stays), Downing, Bannan, Delph, Gabby.. all have goals in them.
  21. It's a trap, don't do it, give me your details and I'll go instead... I know how to handle these tricksters!! :winkold:
  22. If it was FM, I'd say to Holloway "We want £25m, non-negotiable"..
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