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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. Rob182

    General Chat

    EDIT - wrong thread, bloody Betdash putting me off!
  2. Rob182

    General Chat

    Just go back to the bar a couple of times Warnock, then it won't seem stalker-ish... it'll just be secretly-planned ! (but don't go to the bar on your own..)
  3. Rob182

    General Chat

    I can't stand any of the freak/ talent shows on TV, but I did catch that orange hoodie guy yesterday when my sister was watching. I was very impressed
  4. Rob182

    General Chat

    I've realised that quite a few people have deleted me off facebook The majority that I've noticed are exs or girls that I've got with on random nights, still.. that's no reason to delete someone
  5. He could run around 10 players without losing the ball though, I think that counts
  6. Rob182

    General Chat

    Desperado's is great, but I wouldn't drink it if I was planning to go a little 'steadier'..
  7. Rob182

    General Chat

    Fosters is my choice of lager, but I'd prefer a guiness or a brandy and coke personally!
  8. A truly awesome player! I'm still so chuffed that we got him. Also, his crossfield pass to Ash (I think) near the start of the game was quality.
  9. HOULLIER IN! What can you say really? Houllier brings on Gabby and he gets the winner. It should have been 3-1. We had a goal disallowed that shouldn't have been (admittedly, they should have had a free kick on the edge of the box.. but what did they do with that freekick near the end? ) Friedel - 7 L Young - 7 Collins - 6.5 Dunne - 7 Walker - 6.5 (he had some lapses but also some excellent runs forward, just needs to work on his crossing) Petrov - 6.5 NRC - 6.5 Ash - 8 Downing - 7.5 Bent - 8 (an extra 0.5 for the goal) Heskey - 7 Subs: Gabby - 7.5 (an extra 0.5 for the goal) Houllier - 8
  10. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! (You must all have a faster thread than me... I came onto this page and saw all the 'Yes's ... and had to wait a good 30 seconds for a goal that I knew was coming!!!!) Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. It would give you a good few hours worth of ammo though. A few hours of wanking material more like.
  12. Not at all, every one has been to the area that Dunne / Collins are in, not his fault if they cannot do anything with the headers. Some of them have, most of them have been high, long and looping. Not something that I'd like to try and get on the end of anyway
  13. West Ham lok dejected, we can do this!!! Come on Villa!
  14. Ash's corners have been terrible Today (as usual)
  15. Do you know that because you are privvy to information that we aren't, and will never be?
  16. I like that we have Gabby, Makoun and Albrighton to be able to bring on. Some fresh legs could be what we need to push for the win. West Ham have to cope with what they have on.
  17. These commentators are creaming over West Ham. It makes me sick
  18. Should be 2-1 !?!!!!!! **** yes! Houllier you tactial genius. Should be 2-1 and west ham get their **** free kick.
  19. 5 mins ago, NRC had the ball in midfield and passed it to Collins, right next to him. A midfielder should not give it to a defender to pass forward.
  20. Yeah, that'll be the view of you and Brumstopdogs. Of course, the people who are not looking to find more reasons to call for Houllier's head will say that it should be 1-1 and that West Ham should have had a FREE KICK. Not a penalty.
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