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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. Oh yes (provided it's good BP). And I'll take the Irish option of white pudding, too.
  2. Did anybody see the interview with the local Imam? Full-on Islamic gear and silly beard, but a Geordie accent, and going on about Wor Jackie, etc. I know that shouldn't seem funny in multicultural Britain, but it did.
  3. Sure is. The English/Scottish/Irish (is there a Welsh breakfast?) variants are all fine with me.
  4. I do hope we've put in a sell-on percentage clause, for when he moves to Barcelona.
  5. That's a bit unfair. I agree about the bacon (and what passes for sausage for that matter), but I still enjoyed the US breakfasts when I was there. I did eat the pancakes and maple syrup separately from the fry-up, mind.
  6. BBC & 8-12 year olds when will they learn It's an old survey, conducted by Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall. "Mmmmm. This one feels British..."
  7. Exactly. I voluntarily did two years of that in the 6th form as one of our 'general studies' courses. It was one of the best things I ever did at school.
  8. My daughter's boyfriend's brother recently paid £150 to have his hamster cremated.
  9. Did you fancy that guy? Because you were rubbing your thighs a lot. Body language FTW.
  10. One lesson a week of RE - if it is teaching a specific theology, as if it were "truth", of equivalent value to factual subjects - is one too many as far as schools go. Teaching comparitive religion, as part of a study of ethics/philosophy/psychology/sociology/history OTOH, is a good thing.
  11. Sigh. I thought I could do it this time. Somebody really needs to give your friend some advice in how to design a questionnaire. The cupcakes one was singularly lacking in a "I don't eat..." option. This time, it's there: Ironically, I DO eat muffins, but I still can't answer the question, as I don't eat them at any particular time! So, "Could be any of the above" is required.
  12. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    That is correct, CED. James has done it in quatrains. It's had uniformly rave reviews, so I decided this is the one I'd go for. Also, I like the guy, and this looks like it'll be the last thing he does before he goes the way of Iain Banks.
  13. How was he ? Not heard wrecking ball but few friends reckon its better than "The Rising" which i personally think is his best work I saw him at Earls Court around 1990 .... Seems weird that was 23 years ago !!! Ah well, I didn't think much of The Rising either, TBH. He was as spectacular as expected. They played for over three hours, and I've never seen any performer put out so much energy - never mind a 63 year old - crowdsurfing, the lot. Just a fantastic show. But as I suggested above, there was way too much Wrecking Ball material. I'd have gladly binned most of it and substituted my favourites, all of which are from the 70s - there was no Sandy, Jungleland, Rosalita, The River, Racing in the Streets, She's The One, E Street Shuffle, Backstreets or Independence Day. Although we did get a rare outing for Thundercrack, which was a nice surprise. Decent venue, too. EDIT: Funny how perceptions can be wrong - I just checked the setlist, and there were only four songs from WB. But nonetheless the set was still mostly post-70s. Which is only to be expected given the length of his career, it just doesn't suit my taste: Setlist.fm
  14. It certainly looks that way, doesn't it?
  15. I'm not saying it doesn't worry me in the slightest. Just that the possible bad influence of the uncensored internet on my kids worries me more. I'm sure most politicians don't know much about their policy-making area. How much does the transport minister know about transport, or the health minister about health. You'd hope they are being advised by experts in the field, and that they listen to the experts. They quite clearly don't.
  16. The main reason I'm not particularly worried is not because I trust them. It's because I think - no, I know - that they haven't a hope in hell of doing it.
  17. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    Been some changeovers recently... ^^^^^^^ Published today!
  18. I saw a FB comment yesterday from someone saying: "I've been a Leeds supporter all my life, but I've never actually been to Leeds" (I think he was a Brit, too). My reply was: "Well I've lived in Leeds all my adult life, and I f---ing detest them". He "Like"d it.
  19. Which is quite funny on the radio but an absolute abortion of a TV program. Exactly the same, with added visuals, IMO. The cafe looks exactly as I imagined it. I like it.
  20. Religion thread still available in Off-Topic. Newcomers welcome.
  21. Religion thread still available in Off-Topic. Newcomers welcome.
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