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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. The player himself has been sharing articles linking himself with a move to us, so there may well be something in it.
  2. I approve of Christian Santos on the name alone. Bit of South American swagger never goes amiss.
  3. He looks to be having a good time... Fox not so much!
  4. Has a choice between us and Leverkusen according to quotes from Jonathan Legossip on Twitter, from L'Equipe. Still taking his time to choose, and sees our position as a challenge. Not nailed on yet. edited to add picture of quotes (from my phone)
  5. As my avatar suggests... Probably my favourite player. Performs admirably and our record with him in the side this season is good.
  6. But but... What about the Scottish Cafu? Debuchy will be good solid addition, hopefully the first arrival of a few.
  7. The Debuchy rumour won't go away and being reported in France today that he's going to sign on loan. He was probably waiting for a better offer! I wouldn't have right back as a priority, but there we go.
  8. I've got a feeling Garde is going to change the system to try and nullify Leicester. Not sure why. if it was me I'd stick with what worked Tuesday. Actually looks forward to going tomorrow!
  9. The one positive is he's not Guzan...
  10. I like the fact that he has called out Fox and Lerner. He's got bottle, and fight. Shows he not willing to roll over and go with a whimper. I'm just struggling to see how he can attract players that'll turn the season around. For me I'll happily let him see the season out, hopefully there will be a change in fortunes, let him rebuild in the summer, whatever division that may be, and entrust him a little.
  11. He must de down the same hole where Ilori was stranded!
  12. Being so far adrift has massively damaged any transfer aspirations Remi had. He would have had a couple lined up who now have cold feet I'm sure. Seeing Bournemouth spend 10m on Afobe and loaning Iturbe hits home that we've been royally done over, and let down. If we were still in touch with the pack it would be a different story, but the latest two league defeats have been irreparably damaging.
  13. I noticed when Garde was talking about Remy he mentioned other possibilities that haven't got the experience in the league but have the quality. Definitely will be a striker incoming whether it be Remy or another.
  14. We wouldn't be able to register him I don't think. He would be a good short term solution at left back.
  15. Devastated. I am an eternal optimist but I just can't see how we will get ourselves out of this now. Doesnt get any easier with Southampton away and Arsenal at home. We are just too easy to play against, our defence is shambolic. It's all well and good asking Lerner to back Garde in January, but if you're adrift at the bottom it isn't easy to get the type of player we need.
  16. Yeah the dates do change season on season now, but tend to be around the same time. I found a list on one of the forums with regen dates and bookmarked the larger nations. The german batch has just landed, but nothing of note, and they're all at the big clubs and not wanting to move. I have always swooped in on a pre-contract due to them being bargains and stealing all the best talent. Whether i do that this time round, i don't know. Thanks for the scouting tip, and budgets. Club scouting knowledge is only about 30% so absolutely useless at the minute, and the starting scouting team at Villa is dross!
  17. @tarjei Out of interest how do you go about scouting for regens? I have the dates bookmarked in my calendar and manually look through the clubs within that particular nation, then scout players individually if they take my fancy. Never seem to have much joy just sending a scout to a nation.
  18. Finding an developing regen players is probably my favourite part of the game. In recent years i've managed to get some superb strikers, but the game isn't full of them. Just about to go onto the first batch of regens coming through in my save. That Spilden fella looks immense!
  19. I've given up with it now, got a Premier League face pack in the game, might try the mega pack again. 3rd time lucky hopefully! I've got around 20gb left on my hard drive plus an external hard drive with 1tb so shouldn't be an issue. Thinking the download may have been corrupted with lost connection as i am just doing it through Safari? I survived the consortium takeover and they've injected 20m ready for the January transfer window.
  20. @tarjei which face pack are you using? I've downloaded the cut out mega pack from sortitoutsi at 8gb, and it's been 'preparing' to extract since yesterday evening. Should it take this long? And any other recommendations of decent face packs? Cheers.
  21. 12 games into my first season with Villa and we have been taken over by a consortium... my position is under consideration. Thankfully i'm on a 5 game unbeaten run, and climbed up to 14th recently, so need to continue this form. They said in the process of the takeover they wanted to appoint Hierro, and he was spotted in the stands of my last game, a 3-1 away win at Norwich. Could be trouble ahoy!
  22. Yeah i've seen the lists etc. but find it better having someone like yourself actually further into the game and have seen them first hand. My scouts will certainly be busy
  23. Fantastic, I'll have a look at some of them and see what they're like in my save. Thanks Tarjei.
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